You guys are too morbid.
I first thought the guy in this song said, "if you wanna get with me you gotta get a job-a $$$"
This song made my 3-year-old an Overkill fan. He now will once in awhile say, "Come heavy, daddy!?" I can't help but chuckle every time, lol.
Favorite lyric: "You took the higher road, I took the Psycho Path."
r.i.p. Chester Bennington
Also, I want to put on the most raw, dirtiest, sexual over the top pure a-social dubstep

Cool Marilyn Manson cover Dr. Strangelove, haven't heard that one before.
Now i'm sitting here listening to Manson. This song is another classic.
Not bad.. haven't heard anything like it before. Not sure what the genre would be called.
Looks like one of those natural grounding videos...Don't cry, boys. Hahaha