Hi Shannon,
I am about 2 weeks away from finishing level 1 of the alpha male program. I am noticing good changes.
But there is one thing that is a big challenge and though i've been doing some exercise it hasn't shifted my weight. So I was thinking that I would try achieve and maintain your ideal weight. To both motivate me to exercise more as I know i'm not doing it enough and also to eat better. And to actually slim down.
I know alpha male is a major program and it's best to use by itself, but would adding ideal weight effect it much? I listen to alpha male 8 hours a night and usually a few hours a day while at my PC, so how would I combine these?
I feel that weight loss is also a big subject so would this mean I am taking too much on?
(12-06-2010, 09:37 PM)benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Shannon,
I am about 2 weeks away from finishing level 1 of the alpha male program. I am noticing good changes.
But there is one thing that is a big challenge and though i've been doing some exercise it hasn't shifted my weight. So I was thinking that I would try achieve and maintain your ideal weight. To both motivate me to exercise more as I know i'm not doing it enough and also to eat better. And to actually slim down.
I know alpha male is a major program and it's best to use by itself, but would adding ideal weight effect it much? I listen to alpha male 8 hours a night and usually a few hours a day while at my PC, so how would I combine these?
I feel that weight loss is also a big subject so would this mean I am taking too much on?
That's really too much to be doing at once. The weight script is as thorough and complex as an Alpha stage, it's not a light weight sub (although that may be changing). I do train people though if you want to show me your workout routines/diet and eating times I may be able to offer some advice.
Thanks Andrew. That's kind of what I thought.
I will continue with Alpha Male and keep training. I am doing martial arts 2x a week and have just started to incorporate some fitness into it. (I teach in my shed). But it's not really enough. I do feel fitter, but could do more.
I think the main thing is the actual motivation to exercise and eat better more than my routine and diet. I am doing other things, holosync and EFT so hopefully I can sort that out with these.
I am waiting for a program from RMAX called Tacfit Warrior, which incorporates both physical fitness, mental fitness and goals that is coming out in a week or two and then I plan to do a bit more as that will help me with the mental side.
If you're using programs of other types, or similar types from other makers, I cannot offer you good advice on what is appropriate, as I do not create those programs. However, I can say that Andrew is correct, the AM and weight loss programs are each rather titanic programs, and only one of these should be used at a time.
One thing I have been looking at, which Andrew has also made mention of, is attempting a new less "titanic" script methodology for the weight loss program. That is on my "to do" list, but must wait for some time before I can get to it. The problem with weight loss is that I have identified about 37 different reasons why people become and/or remain overweight, and coping with all of them at once in a single script is very difficult at the best. I'm trying to come up with a better approach that is more universal and less titanic. There are a few options under consideration currently, but they must be tested for reasonableness and effectiveness yet.
That Scott Sonnon guy goes to my gym. At least, in his demo videos. Even recognized people I know there walking around in the background. Have yet to see him do his routine though.
I'll let you know if I spot him some day.
EDIT: I can't say I agree with any of his reasoning on physiology, nor his workouts as they disagree with specificity principles and don't seem to muster anything but metabolic intensity- better served from sprints. But I'll keep it at disagreement, don't want to upset a fellow gym member.
(12-08-2010, 11:16 PM)benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Andrew. That's kind of what I thought.
I will continue with Alpha Male and keep training. I am doing martial arts 2x a week and have just started to incorporate some fitness into it. (I teach in my shed). But it's not really enough. I do feel fitter, but could do more.
I think the main thing is the actual motivation to exercise and eat better more than my routine and diet. I am doing other things, holosync and EFT so hopefully I can sort that out with these.
I am waiting for a program from RMAX called Tacfit Warrior, which incorporates both physical fitness, mental fitness and goals that is coming out in a week or two and then I plan to do a bit more as that will help me with the mental side.
I will probably use ideal weight for a while after alpha. Or maybe woman magnet, won't make that decision until the end.
I think if it's made more simple the effects might not be the same? Addressing the reasons of being overweight sounds like a good way to approach it. These are more important initially than anything else.
How effective has the ideal weight subliminal been? I haven't found much about it on the forum.
I've done a program from two of his instructors and found it very good. Bodyweight exercise and martial arts training is what i've found is ideal for me. And I like in this new program how he is promoting the mind body connection. I only did that program a month but felt alot of difference.
I did weights for a few years and did get great results. But also caused problems for me.
I will let you know how I go with the tacfit warrior program when I have been doing it for a while.
Hi guys,
I've been thinking about it. The main thing I want to do is exercise. So i'm thinking about Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment subliminal.
Would that be too much to add to alpha male?
I have been wanting to start exercising for months and keep saying I will, but I don't. I do train martial arts 2x a week, but it's not enough to lose weight as I don't do enough strength/fitness training.
So it would be ideal to get some motivation for that.
(12-11-2010, 10:01 PM)benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]How effective has the ideal weight subliminal been? I haven't found much about it on the forum.
We haven't gotten a lot of feedback about it. Most of the interest from our current customer base appears to be focused on things like the alpha male set.
I know it works, and works well for people, but the target audience I am specifically having a hard time with appears to be those who are obese. People seem to become obese based on one of three major keys, and those keys also have the side effect of causing resistance to the program that I haven't figured out how to overcome yet. The result is usually no major impact, or yo-yo weight loss/gain, although a few people who started off obese have reported good results.
I am looking at ways to make it effective for everyone, but that's really hard to do because so far there are 35 (!) reasons for weight gain included in the program that it works against, and I've found 2 more since it was last built. I am considering offering three different programs for different types of weight gain, and also looking at different approaches.
If you're not obese, though, it will probably work well for you; and even if you are, it's worth a shot, since we just refund you if it doesn't work for you.
(01-05-2011, 09:20 PM)benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys,
I've been thinking about it. The main thing I want to do is exercise. So i'm thinking about Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment subliminal.
Would that be too much to add to alpha male?
I have been wanting to start exercising for months and keep saying I will, but I don't. I do train martial arts 2x a week, but it's not enough to lose weight as I don't do enough strength/fitness training.
So it would be ideal to get some motivation for that.
You'd be fine adding that program to alpha male.