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Apex-Predator Evolution - Total Life Transformation

Apex Predator Definition:

Apex predators (also known as alpha, super, top or top-level predators) are predators with few to no predators of their own, residing at the top of their food chain.

Apex predator species occupy the highest trophic level(s) and have a crucial role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems.

Evolutionary Definition :

1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.

a. The process of developing.
b. Gradual development.

"What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization." Abraham Maslow

[Image: 8ys0wi.jpg]

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be”

Table of Contents;
Section 1. Entroduction – What is that?
The reason I feel so strongly about writing this journal in a public forum where anyone can read my darkest secrets and how you may benefit from my pain.
Section 2. Who am I, why? - know thy self
Information about myself, my background and life, my personality profile and who I expect to become and the processes I will have to go through in order to fulfil my goals. I will benchmark my present state and situation in life and track my improvements throughout this journal.
A - The profile of a Man-child vs The potential of Clark Kent
B - Life Make Over View -Foundation of my Evolution
C - Life Make Over View - Venusian Arts training option
D - Life Make Over View - MindCraft Intelligences Enhancements
E - Life Make Over View -First You Get The Money
F - Main Goals of the Apex-Predator Evolutionary Log - Shoot for the Moon
G - Question and Answer Segment - Questions 1 Answers 1 , Questions 2 Answers 2
Section 3. Alpha Male 5 – be all the man you can be
My experiences with AM5 and any improvements to my personality, side effects I’ve uncovered, new found behaviours and attitudes and all the extra supplemental self-help products and techniques I will be using in conjunction with this 6 month program.
A - Alpha Male 5 Training Set Objectives - Part 1 ~ Part 2
B - Human Animals - A Beta Male's Dilemma
C - AM5 Stage 1 - Garbage Disposal ~ Summery
D - AM5 Stage 2 - Mental Renovation
Section 1. Entroduction

Why brother Journaling? Really why?

There’s are so many reasons I’ve decided to write this Journal, I’ll just mention a few though, one of my major reasons is the unfulfilled dream I have always had of acquiring the ability to freeze frame my thoughts in time as a way of understanding myself better and knowing specifically how different events, emotions, ideas and newly formed beliefs affect me and others around me, in both positive and negative ways;

It seems people tend to forget where they have come from after their have been in a new place, state or position for a certain period of time.

This journal will counter act that human predicament and keep me in a positive, momentous and grateful state, as I have noticed from other people’s journals here that the feeling of quitting should be expected at some points in the programs that push you to change by facing your demons with nothing but an intention to overcome.

I wonder how many have actually quit on their “journeys to destiny”, I am soon to find out how encouraging it is to look back on your progress and know you still have miles to go but you gaining valuable skills and experience you’ll need when you get “there”, where ever “there” is.

A Shocking Truth

I few months ago I attended an Allen Carr’s EasyWay Clinic to stop smoking and drinking, it cost me about £500 but it was worth every penny because within a few hours I was free of a condition I had been struggling with for a long time.

The presenter instructed the people in the group including me to write down our experiences with smoking right after the 6 hour “brainwashing” session had ended so we don’t forget in a few months why we stopped smoking and get hooked into the trap again.

I am about to read it again, the last time was when I wrote it, here it goes, expect an emotional tone to my writing after, I don’t know what to anticipate;

Life as a smoker, Excerpts:

{I hate it to the core of my being, the feelings of depression, self-hate, low energy levels and mild levels of paranoia.....

The first time I smoked I wanted to be like my older brothers, I saw them doing it, didn’t know what the big deal was about after trying it the first time....... didn’t never want to do it again though …………

……..With that every cig made me feel useless, drained my mental energy, clouded my mind and killed my motivation……..

……..contributing to my sleeping problems and negative thoughts replaying in my head all day and night…..

……. that feeling of insecurity, that something is wrong, that deep fear of doing out and been around people and encouraging me to drink to counter act the negative feelings and be social …………………..

I really hated it, I hated myself, hate the way I felt, it felt like I was destined to feel that way for ever, trapped….. the self-conscious thoughts, “I smell”, “my teeth”, “I must hide” ……

The low points of asking (I really wrote begging) people of cigs or having withdraw so bad I could pick up bugs…… the unworthiness ……

I don’t really know if I should be happy I stopped smoking now or p*ssed off at all those people that took my hard earned money in exchange for that poison that did nothing for my but evil.

If there was one thing that I fully understand and appreciate after those sessions is that saying, not sure of the exact wording but it was something like “the World changes the instance the change the way you look upon the World”, you have to experience it to fully appreciate it .

I had felt like I would never change anything for the better in my life because I could not change my smoking habit, the day I changed it I felt like I could change everything in my life for the better; everything, now no stone shall go un-turned.

We all travelers in the seas of time

So this is my Journey, I will be sharing my inner most thoughts and emotions, my darkest secrets, my hopes and dreams, and in exchange your feedback will add to my awareness and perception of life as well as increasing my points of view.

I will share the resources I have found effective in achieving my ultimate goal and give progress reports, be ready to give input on your own philosophies and methods as I would appreciate as many golden nuggets of truth I can mine from this rich resource.

The reason I am posting my journal here is because I plan to use Shannon’s subs as a foundation of what I am creating and everything else as bricks (experiences), plank (information), concrete (change methodologies) and cement (positivity and faith to hold it all together) , if you are wondering who will be the people who are doing to build this house on this foundation of rock?, well that will be “you” reading this and everyone else that is a “part of my life”.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it

“Know Thy Self” or think you do

Another reason for writing this journal is because Tony Buzan a leading expert on learning and geniuses recommends it and suggests all genius of all time have done it in one shape or form. Albert Einstein's unpublished diaries and travel journals, Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks, am sure I could make a list if pressed to do so, anyway.

Tony seems to think that the human brain processes information differently when thoughts and ideas are frequency written down, creating a pattern.

Correct me if am wrong or is my memory is misleading me but in this case it would mean that the more I define my changes the better I will become at noticing when I do change and the main influencer/s of these changes right?

I guess time will tell, and although it would be nice to be a genius I’ll just have to settle with the increased intrapersonal intelligence of Knowing of Thine Self better.

"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." - Sun Tzu

I think this was the product where he spoke about it - Genius Formua by Tony Buzan, it also list many qualities and habits that can increase any ones control of their mind and thus they life, I will be revising it in my journey at some point.

The OMG!!! Moment

At 18 days away from competing Stage 1 of Alpha male and 32 days of Balance your brain hemispheres I had a moment when I realised I was doing what I had never done before.

Long story short I am starting a ecommerce business with a partner of mine and I am actually doing a lot of work that I have been dreading and insecure about my ability to do competently, I have been getting consultants to do some stuff and putting my name on it (watch the movie “Jobs” lol, I know, I know:angelSmile but all of a sudden don’t feel as intimidated about the tasks anymore and I am doing a better job than the consultants, oddly enough.

So I thought to myself OMG!!! And experienced that moment. The OMG!!! Moment

It’s amazing and there more in store.

The introduction at the ending – Entroduction?

Hi guys am Dee, I’ve been using subliminal recordings for a few years, I even used to make my own and my experiments have proved to me that they do work, and also that they seem to be more effective in my voice rather than that of another person, seems like my sub-mind owns the difference and acts on my own commands or suggestions faster than it normally would.

But Shannon’s stuff has lots of letters and numbers at the end of them, that stand for a lot of fancy words, that do things I don’t even understand yet, but they supposed to make the programs do its job more effectively so am game. ;-)

Anyway on with the intro, I received a download link for the Alpha Male 5 Program in my inbox and I tried it for a few days, I then didn’t like the fact I didn’t pay for it so I stopped using it and tried the free ASC for about a week as a better test of Shannon’s stuff and noticed a change in my posture especially when I listened to it on my daily walks

Then I thought to myself why do this for 3 months when I could be on stage 3 of AM5, plus ASC was a 5G type B and could not be used with anything else while AM5 is 4G and could be used with other products that could help me with my business venture.

Then I remembered one post Shannon recommended another program to someone to be used in stage two on AM5.

I bought the AM5 and Balance your brain hemispheres and I’ve been just “Zen’in it” by expected to change a lot by not expecting to change at all, “to go slow and go far” if you will, if that makes any sense?

I will create a personally profile and post it in this tread soon, then I will review it after each 6 Stage program is compete. Am looking to do AM5, WM3, AM6, SM3 (in no particular order) in conjunction with other self-development work.

Looking forward to your warm welcome
Again, Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it

I appreciate you not pirating my work.

Alan Carr's Easy Way is the only other method for quitting that approaches the effectiveness of my Stop Smoking Forever subliminal, and that's because his research and findings largely mirror my own. I was quite pleased when I read his book and realized that. Our programs essentially are doing the same thing, but in two very different ways, and that make them very different in two specific regards:

Alan's program can work in just hours. I am expecting to be able to do the same eventually, but for the time being my focus is not on upgrading that program to use my latest technologies; my program typically requires 1-8 weeks to stop smoking, and the balance of 6 months total to make that change permanent. Alan's program CAN be permanent in just hours - for some people - but for some it is not. I believe my approach has a higher long term rate of success.

My program is also different in that it focuses on doing the same thing (reversing/erasing/rewriting the social hypnosis that makes smoking seem hard to quit, which you call "brainwashing" and I call "brainwashing deprogramming"), but we go about it in different ways and cover different aspects of it. His method uses the conscious mind; mine bypasses it completely. In this area, I win because it is the conscious mind that is the seat of resistance for most smokers, not the subconscious (given how I approach the issue); the converse is that my method is much slower as of right now. I also deal with areas of resistance to quitting that are not mentioned in his books, which were revealed to me in my interviews with smokers, people trying to use my program to quit, and ex-smokers. Those areas of resistance are important for a certain percentage of smokers, and will cause that percentage to be much more likely to fail with Alan's method, and very unlikely to fail with mine.

Eventually, I will refine my method such that it can produce "quitting" in hours and permanent results, but I doubt that as a pure subliminal that it will ever require less than 6 months to use the program and make a permanent change. Involving the conscious mind can produce much faster results, but also creates a whole new host of issues as well. And really, how hard is it to press play?

Anyway, I would like you to review Rule #4 from our rules and please adjust your first posting accordingly, and thank you for doing so. I look forward to seeing more of your journal.
(12-23-2013, 02:11 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Alan Carr's Easy Way is the only other method for quitting that approaches the effectiveness of my Stop Smoking Forever subliminal, and that's because his research and findings largely mirror my own.

Anyway, I would like you to review Rule #4 from our rules and please adjust your first posting accordingly, and thank you for doing so. I look forward to seeing more of your journal.

“Kids drugs are bad”

Alan Carr's Easy Way isn’t the Holy Grail of stop smoking methods as I had to attend a backup session because I failed to quit permanently the first time. I think it was the day after, one drink lead to another, then another, then to a cigarette.

I was really disappointed in myself, so I went to the Stop drinking session about 150 miles from my city, then the smoking backup session (the room was packed) after that to finally get the result that was acceptable to me.

I had tried the method from his books but failed, then I tried it from his DVDs without much success; matter fact it just made it worst. I then knew 10x different reasons why smoking was ruining my life.

Previous to that I had tried hypnosis, will power, patches you name it, wished I had known about your work before, it could have saved me ££££££ as I have come across a few people on this forum that have had success with your program.

Journey from a ManChild to a ___Man

Apologies for transgressing thy law number 4 and to any one I may have offended. I have changed the title, the thought of been Herculean was quite appealing.
Section 2. Who am I, why? - know thy self

The profile of a Man-child vs The potential Clark Kent

Man-child Definition:

• A grown man who is very immature, therefore considered a man child.
• An adult male who still possesses psychological traits of a child. Traits include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- whining
- pettiness
- trying to pass the blame for their own underdeveloped judgement
- not "stepping up to the plate" when it's their role to.
- is able to connect with children, but only as another child, not as an adult.
- not to mention an overall insecurity in who he is as a man, from which similar traits sprout.
• They attempt to augment their lack and/or compete with peers with material possessions
• A man child is a male who is over the age of 25, who still lives as though he is a juvenile. Many man-children are not gainfully employed, and survive off of the financial support of their enabling parents.
• A full grown man, over the age of 20, who still needs to be supported financially or emotionally by his parents. May or may not live at home with parents, but needs consistent reassurance.
• Is unable to have healthy relationships with women because of childish behaviour, but is in desperate need of someone.

Ray from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
Doug from "King of Queens"
Dad from "Malcolm in the Middle"
George Costanza from "Seinfeld"
Al from "Married with Children"

Name: Dee YOB: 1988 Ethnicity: Mixed Location: UK Religion: Born into Christianity/ Pentecostalism
Education: Serial college-dropout (4 times) No of Siblings: 3
Disclosed conditions: Self-diagnosed dyslexic and ADD Parents Marital status: Still together
Long-term relationships: 0 (I’ve basically never had a girlfriend)
Profession: Budding Entrepreneur Living situation: At home with parents still Sad
Marital status: Single Qualifications: 5 GCSEs at C the rest aren’t worth mentioning
Money in the Bank: -£5.44 Assets: -£25,005.44

[Image: 2znvg9w.png]

Political stand: “All political parties have one primary goal, which is to stay in power”
Height: 5.5 Weight: 10 stone Penis Size: L-6 G-5 inchs

[Image: 4t0jtv.jpg]
I went crazy with the effects in that one

[Image: zirszl.png]
Western Star-sign: Gemini Chinese Star-sign: Dragon
Personality Type:INFP
[Image: 15n0rh1.png]
Numerology life Path Number: 22
IQ Score:_______ (can’t afford an ego blow at the moment will take score when I start the Intelligence enhancement subliminals)
[Image: jhplr6.png]
[Image: 119cv39.png]
I am sure “Balance your Brain Hemispheres” has a part to play in this as I don’t remember been this organised before using it.

Sexual Experience:
Sex – 6 times, Blow Jobs – 3 times, Hand Jobs – 2 times = 11 different women/girls in 25 years and countless times I passed on sex for reasons soon to be disclosed.

First BJ, I was about 14, drunk on a busy main road in the middle of the night, wicked! Shy.

1st time - Didn’t cum, faked orgasm, now I know how women feel (16/17)
2nd time - Had an 3some, was at it until she dried up, drunken moment (17/18)
3rd time - I was so in my head and I could not maintain an erection (20s)
5th time – My friends’ child’s mother, MILF that he was/is still with, didn’t enjoy it nor did I cum (new low for me too). (23s)
6th time - Erectile dysfunction, I tried 5 time throughout the night (23s)

All ages are all estimates I never track time that well for anything

Neil Strauss’s “Las Vegas Technique”

It’s based on the premise that everything counts. According to his point system it takes 6 points to have sex with a “low value” women, 10 points for mid and 18 points for a “high value” women, I guess what we would call a perfect 10.

My Points in his System, (1-5 points)

Looks – 1, Adaptability - 0, Strength – 0, Value – 1, Emotional connection – 2, Goals – 5, Authenticity – 1, Self-worth – 1

= Total 11

I can have mid-value women with my current beliefs, self-confidence, appearance and inner strength; not bad, it will be interesting to watch them change over time.

My goal over this length of this journal is to reach the total of 40 points because i can change everything in the above categories.

Find attached a pdf of my entire personality profile
Life Make Over View

[Image: 2whmnar.png]

These 8 Life Pillars will be the framework used for the my Life Make Over transformation plan. I will cover all these areas with subliminal training and any other practices necessary to have a well balanced life of an Alpha male in his natural habitat.

Foundation of my Evolution

Alpha Male 5 and Alpha Male 6
These programs have been designed to give any man who uses it the self-image, self-esteem and self-respect of a dominant male, while simultaneously bringing his attitude, thinking, body language, responses and actions around to match. (From product description)

Recommended resources:

How to Become An Alpha Male: Attract And Become Successful At Seduction, by John Alexander
Double Your Dating, by David DeAngelo

Women Magnet 2 and Sex Magnet 3
These are designed to change your thinking, attitude and beliefs regarding beautiful single women, and manifest a steady stream of them into your life. Not only do these programs work to make you a calm, natural, smooth operator when it comes to finding, approaching and seducing beautiful women, but it goes far beyond that in several directions. It actually turns the tables and gets beautiful women to approach, pursue and try to seduce YOU! (From product descriptions)

Recommended resources:

TBA ______

Question 1: Which is the best listening sequence

AM5 – AM6 – WM2 – SM3 or (Seems logical)
AM5 – WM2 – AM6 – SM3 or (Start socializing with women while working on my inner strength)
AM5 – AM6 – SM3 - WM2 or (Get that strength, loads of sex, then find a long term partner)
AM5 – SM3 – AM6 – WM2 ? (Getting loads of sex in the first year, sweet)
AM5 – WM2 – SM3- AM6 (Cement my results at the end)
AM5 – SM3 – WM2 - AM6 (Combination of the two above comments)

Supplementary Programs:

I have deep rooted religious and cultural beliefs that seem like only Thor’s Hammer can break; amongst others.

Example - Evolutionary Biology + Short/Small Grown Male = Insecurities

[Image: 12499ol.png]

It seems that am a minority even when it comes to personality types, darn it Wink. Anyway my point is I may be the variable that doesn’t have the best success with these training sets because my personality may be one of the most incompatible ones. (?)

Sex and Relationship Hypnotherapist Coach
I will go through a “New Sex Life Programming” coaching program as am sure I have many deep rooted issues to deal with. To ensure my success I will supplement these training sets with other methods, I like to think of it as clearing the gravel to lay the yellow brick road.

So I will tackle my goals from all levels of existence:
Subconscious ~ Unconscious - Subliminal training (most powerful)
Conscious ~ Imagination/Mental – Hypnosis (seeing is believing)
Physical- ~ Experimental – EFT (self-administered), actions in the real world

Addition training and tools to help in my new social life:

Acting classes, elocution training, vocal training, magic/illusions lessons, small talk mastery and conversational classes (definitely help in business and networking situations too) , comedy training, body building, Krav Maga/martial arts training, dancing and sex coaching.

Hopefully AM5 will push me out my shell so I can do all the things I’ve always wanted to do.

or am A just a Dreamer????
Venusian Arts Training Option

“Venusian Arts is the Art of Love” Mystery

A Mysterious Method

Mystery the creator of this method for picking up women defined Mastery in the Seduction Arts as “5 on 5”, meaning that everything 5 sets or strangers you approach you must get the Girl every time.

By “get the girl” he means sleep with the women of your choice no matter the dynamic of the group you approached, it could be made up of two women, two men and a woman, five women etc.

I have not really seen any metrics on this forum as yet regarding the effectiveness of the Sex Magnet or Women Magnet training sets and I really need a goal that is measurable so I have something to reach for and know when I have achieved it.

Plan for Meeting 10,000 Women in 6 months

The motto in this case would be “Confidence comes with success, success come with practice.” And the practice (sarging) is 500 hours of infield training, “they” claim it takes for a novice to become a social butterfly or intermediate in Social dynamics; and picking up women especially in bars and nightclubs.

500 hours can be broken down into 4 hours a night for 125 nights or 5 nights a week for 6 months of going out and meeting new people.
If you opened a new group every 10 minutes that would be 3000 sets in 125 days. After meeting all those people, the exact number must be run over 10,000s, am sure anyone would get close to “Mastery”.

Pick Up Artist or Sex Con Man

The problem with the Pick-Up artist community is the fact that most of the guys fake confidence as you even get taught to demonstrate your higher value in a ways that makes you seem like an Alpha male.
Many gimmicks are taught too to show your dominance and trick women into sleeping with you.

It seems to me that AM, WM and SM unconsciously and effortlessly built all the stuff these good PUA and dating coaches try to teach and instil in their clients.

So I am sure that I will reach mastery long before they best students because of the secret weapons I have. (Insert Dr Evil laugh here) Plus I will be the real deal, that great for all the women I will meet with these training programs

Question 2: Mystery Method or not?

My question is only to the people that have been through AM5, WM2 and SM3, is it worth doing the The Mystery Method and/or going through the 500 hours of infield training and using his definition of Mastery to measure my success with these programs?

Or do the 18+ training sets it bypass the learning curve and bring you everything you want without much effort or need to use systems and methods to enhance the results?

Could the training sets work like the Matrix, when they download skills directly into people’s heads and they instantly know what to do and say?

PS, Oh yeah, I found a wingman/nlp coach to sarge with me, I was thinking of starting when I was going through WM2/3 or SM3, which ever sequence I choose to do.
Question and Answer Segment:

Question 1: Which is the best listening sequence of the male six stage training sets?

Question 2: Will I benefit of going through the Mystery Method 500 hour infield training in conjunction with AM5&6, WM2 and SM3?
MindCraft - Intelligences Enhancements

Ha, and I was walking about “Knowing Thy Self” in previous entries, it seems Intrapersonal intelligence is my strongest, the irony of it all…….Tongue

I don’t think these tests are very accurate but they are still a good indication, and will serve the purpose of giving unbiased feedback on my changes.

[Image: 2ef3ur4.png]

My goal is to increase and balance my intelligences to 12.5% each and increase my overall IQ level to 14% of the population’s on the high end, of course.

[Image: 2jezlnn.gif]

Tony Buzan offers a list of twenty characteristics of Geniuses based on the research carried out for his book "Buzan's book of Genius".

I will replicate all these traits using the IML subliminal recordings currently present, the characteristics are:

1 Vision , 2 Desire, 3 Faith,4 Commitment, 5 Planning, 6 Persistence, 7 Learning from mistakes, 8 Subject Knowledge, 9 Mental Literacy, 10 Imagination, 11 Positive Attitude, 12 Auto-Suggestion, 13 Intuition, 14 Mastermind Group (Real), 15 Mastermind Group (Internal), 15 Truth/Honesty, 16 Facing Fears/Courage, 17 Creativity/Flexibility, 19 Love of the Task, 20 Energy (Physical/Sensual/Sexual).

It seems like not a lot of people aren’t interested in intelligence or creativity enhancement subs, most of the recordings are still in 3rd generation tech.

Foundation of a Mastermind

Balance Your Brain Hemispheres – Everyone has two brain hemispheres: Left and right. Each one controls the side of the body opposite to it” s orientation and each one deals best with either logic or intuition.

Personal Note: I have witnessed great results with this sub, I am way more organised in my thinking, speaking and actions. Even as I use my imagination it’s as if my right brain is automatically filling in the details and it hasn’t even been 21 days yet.

I can’t wait to compete all of the below subs and rig myself of my Dyslexia and A.D.D, I will owe Shannon a debt I can never repay.

Maximum Learning Speed 3 - This program works to quickly focus your mind and brain on learning at maximum speed.

Maximize Your Memory - This program is designed not only to improve your memory, but help keep it from deteriorating.

Laserlike Focus & Concentration - Simply put, you can develop your ability to focus and concentrate just like you can develop any other skill, ability or muscle.

Enhance Your Intuition - Intuition is what allows us to sense and be aware of things we otherwise might not be able to sense or know. This program is designed to focus and develop the intuition such that it becomes easier to notice and take advantage of, and even control.

Life Tune Up 3 - The Life Tune-Up program was originally borne out of a desire to help people with a series of interconnected problems that repeatedly showed up together including but not limited to: Self Discipline, Positive Attitude, Positive Thinking, Happiness & Joy, Peace and Serenity, Overcoming procrastination, Winner’s mindset & attitude, Success programming, Enjoying life, Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear, Wisdom improvement, Maturity improvement and Self validation

Secondary Wave of Training:
Everything Is Possible , Improved Hand Eye Coordination, Lightning Reflexes

Subs that would be nice to do:
End Clutter & Get Organized, Public Speaking Skills, End Self Sabotage, Reading Motivation & Enjoyment and Faster Language Learning

Subs that would be nice to do for creative expression:
Learn Any Musical Instrument Faster & More Easily, Musical Instrument Learning & Practice Motivation, Natural Song & Lyrics Writing, Perfect Perspective & Proportion

Question1: I was wondering if I could mix these programs on Adobe Audition and have batches working together at the same time as it will take for ever to do them all. What would be the results? Any other alternative solutions?

Supplementary activities

Davis Attention Mastery - The Davis Attention Mastery Program provides individuals with effective tools to correct problems with hyperactivity, hyperactivity, inability to focus, difficulty staying on task, and inappropriate social behaviours.

Fast Forword - The Fast ForWord program develops and strengthens memory, attention, processing rate, and sequencing—the cognitive skills essential for reading intervention program success. The strengthening of these skills results in a wide range of improved critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and other skills necessary to learn how to read or to become a better reader.

Cogmed WorkingMemory Training - Cogmed Working Memory Training is a computer-based solution for attention problems caused by poor working memory.

Interactive Metronome - IM is an evidence-based, engaging therapeutic modality that improves cognitive and motor skills. It works with the “internal clock” in the brain that keeps time (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours) and makes it more accurate. IM is used to improve, Attention, Coordination, Language processing, Reading and math fluency, Control of impulsivity/aggression

Math and English GCSE and A-levels – No point have a well-oiled brain but lacking knowledge needed to make it work better on achieving you goals.

Brain Training doesn’t work

I have used Posit science’s Insight and Brain Fitness Programs and others, I just finished the program a few weeks ago for Audio and Visual enhancements and I improved a lot for processing speed and the like but I did not move pass a certain point on my working memory routines.

[Image: 2hi34li.jpg]

I was a bit frustrating and I felt a bit hopeless, but now am optimistic because with IML’s training programs I can be training my brain for over 12 hours a day while am doing other stuff even sleeping I can’t wait to live the results. I know my working memory will have to give in.

I will start taking diet supplements again excising and readjust my sleeping patturns in preparation for this phase, As I will do Balance Your Brain Hemispheres and Maximum Learning Speed 3 along with AM5 and I’ll see after then, but will continue doing online brain training after and during.

Question2: Posit Science impressed me a lot but it stopped making, and marketing its CD ROM programs as it has something called the BrainHQ online now. I was wondering which one would be more effective BrainHQ or Lumosity? As many of you guys here do brain training according to some posts so I was hoping for some input.

Note: I also wanted add that I will take my IQ test as soon as the project am working on is running, I really can’t afford to be demotivated after I have got some success with IML’s Subs to sabotage it. What if I have a less than average IQ score? It’s no measure to success but am still working on improving my fragile, dyslexic self-Image.
Question and Answer Segment:

Question1: I was wondering if I could mix multiply programs on Adobe Audition and have batches of subs working together at the same time as it will take for ever to go through many that deal with the same overall topic. What would be the results? (I assume its best left to the professionals) Any other alternative solutions thought?

Question2: BrainHQ or Lumosity?
i would NOT recommend Mystery Method for a number of reasons:

1. Shannon's stuff will do deeper stuff and will be installed naturally.

2. Mystery Method is dinosaur stuff. i would rather go with the other real teachers who are an example of "life" and not just women. everyone who knows Erik (Mystery) knows that aside from his success with women, he is messed up every which way except women. Just search real stories from past clients and ex-friends. I would not want to model his stuff because i would not want to have his personal life.

3. Try stuff from:
-Authentic Man Program
-Noah hammond
-Greg Greenway
-David Deangelo (THE LAST TWO programs he did)
-other men that teach more balanced work of inner and outer and natural and authentic self.
(12-24-2013, 06:23 PM)AeJe Wrote: [ -> ]i would NOT recommend Mystery Method for a number of reasons:

1. Shannon's stuff will do deeper stuff and will be installed naturally.

2. Mystery Method is dinosaur stuff. i would rather go with the other real teachers who are an example of "life" and not just women. everyone who knows Erik (Mystery) knows that aside from his success with women, he is messed up every which way except women. Just search real stories from past clients and ex-friends. I would not want to model his stuff because i would not want to have his personal life.

3. Try stuff from:
-Authentic Man Program
-Noah hammond
-Greg Greenway
-David Deangelo (THE LAST TWO programs he did)
-other men that teach more balanced work of inner and outer and natural and authentic self.

True. Programs that explain in detail regarding inner self is vitally important (I sound like Bob Proctor).

I recommend:

- Pyscho-Cybernetics
- Real Social Dynamics
- Daygame
- David X
- David Deida
- You were Born Rich
- The Science of Getting Rich
- Cory Skyy
- Brent Smith
- Louise L. Hay
- Abraham Hicks
- Some philosophical stuff from Osho and Rumi
- Anthony Robbins (The way he explain NLP is better than the creator himself - Bandler)
- Napoleon Hill works
- Charles F. Haanel
- John Kehoe
- EndGame - LoGun, and
- Your own experiences

Either way, AM 5.0 is already covered up what you need to do in unconscious part. What you need to do is feed you conscious part.

Good luck, I'm enjoying your Journal Wink

@Dee; if I may interject

You've done a very good job at having some courage to look at your life exactly as it is, and moreso for posting it on this site. You seem to have a mind for math or for accounting, given the fact that it is very researched and meticulous.

But please allow me to tell you; it's also very important to give some importance to the experiencial side of life, also known as the emotional side. You're so analytical about your situation that it probably won't do you any good, given that it's an abstract assessment of your life as it is.

This isn't to say that I'm trying to neg you or anything like that; I could imagine that you're taking all of these tests and posting your scores so that you have a benchmark for where you're starting. One month from now, you could retake all of those tests and see some progress. I get it.

I invite you to consider things like visualising, Natural Grounding, and perhaps Abraham Hicks as a spiritual teacher; she teaches manifesting through reaching for positive emotions.

Also, if I may, the distinction between effort and results must be made as well; the program about meeting 10,000 women is futile if you're not learning from your mistakes in each approach. You could, in theory, meet 200 women and have more results, if you're coming at it properly. A guy could even never approach a woman in his life, and still have better results than a guy that's approached 10,000 times.

I am misinterpreting what you wrote, because you want to become sociable, and using approaches to do that. Fair, but you can start being sociable whenever you choose; it doesn't happen after 10,000.

But I'm belabouring the issue because I know for an absolute fact is that your sticking point will be bogging women down with logical details. You might not "see" it, or think it's true. But you'll eventually realise that. I wish you the best with your journey.
(12-24-2013, 06:23 PM)AeJe Wrote: [ -> ]2. Mystery Method is dinosaur stuff. i would rather go with the other real teachers who are an example of "life" and not just women. everyone who knows Erik (Mystery) knows that aside from his success with women, he is messed up every which way except women. Just search real stories from past clients and ex-friends. I would not want to model his stuff because i would not want to have his personal life.

[Image: 20h3m2g.jpg]

I had always assumed that seduction and the mating ritual hasn’t changed much since man became, well man; then all the way to Jon Juan, Casanova, even to the acne ridden teenagers of the 21st century trying to get laid.

What I mean is, the principles should really work no matter how they are applied and what method you using, and if that’s true, then the guys with less success must have modeled and studied the naturals to deduct the underlining principles right?

Mystery Method Framework

[Image: jta0b4.jpg]

Am not condoning what Eric (Mystery) does in his personal life either would I want to model anyone completely as a person. But doesn’t every seduction system or even the natural mating game follow that process in one form or another? (It’s as if other PUA teachers, just modified his system and that he modified his method from other teachers before him.)

We all just Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants

I ask only because other systems I have been exposed to sort of teach the same things but in different ways, it would be interesting to know if Shannon included any step by step process in his training programs.

AeJe's Recommendations

I have never heard of the Authentic Man Program, Noah Hammond and Greg Greenway. I will check them out and also David Deangelos last two programs. I had a few programs of David Deangelos, i still have his Cocky Humor one on my to do list and the Double You Dating book.

Underlining Principles + Organised Planning + Concentrated Effort =

I still wonder if a Natural in any walk of life can be as successful as a Natural with an effective system.
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