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Almost at stage 3, congrats! Hope these journal entries have helped you as much as they have to us. Sounds like you have an interesting family, functional and funny. Looking forward to see how your choice 3g subliminal turns things up a notch. One thing i've learned through gratitude is give, and you receive, in any area of your life. You gotta pay attention to the positive things.

Toronto has been interesting this past week, as i'm sure you've heard. Keep at it and have a good second half of your holidays


Stage 2, Day 29,

Christmas day, another day spend with the family. Things were a lot lighter today; I saw some more extended family.

I also bought "Deep, Restful Sleep (3G)" and am now posting new entrees into this journal

Psychologically, I became mildly resentful of women and their role in the equation on sex. Women basically just have to show up, and most can get what they want, on one condition; they make the effort to look good, and be pleasant to the ones that they're attracted to. And some won't even go through that effort, and still expect the best of others.

Guys, on the other hand, who don't have this "natural" knowledge, have been told a billion things to become attractive; wear this, pay for this, go here (Women too, in their Cosmo magazines), have been misled by a PUA industry, are undermined in several areas of life, including the courts, public opinion, and their role. Who are the ones that need empowering, if this is the case?

This idea stopped making me angry, but it made me reflect. I think very conceptually, and I have (previously) condemned actions of others when I view it conceptually. When I see the actual action taking place, they seem to make more sense, and they are justifiable.

Happy Christmas! I finished off Assassin's Creed Revelations, I am visualising to a greater degree (in quality of detail), and I'm visualising on what most 21 year old straight men will visualise; attractive, naked women (who've put in that aforementioned effort heheh), not just in the physicality, but the energy that's taking place.

Before someone gets upset; attractive, intelligent and feminine women are amazing when bundled together. A woman like Kerry Washington or Kelly Rowland have the vibe of intelligence behind their words, Kerry moreso, in my opinion. Very sexy to me; it helps that they're both uber gorgeous.

Anyways, I won't say much more; this journal also doubles as a place for me to vent, so it's not all that bad; I let it go rather quickly (all thanks to FasterEFT)
Stage 2, Day 30

A day with few events, but they still have great weight on my psyche, though I never thought they would.

The first element is that one member of the dysfunctional part of my family did something more dysfunctional, so I heard all about it. I spent time in the evening with another part of the family (my aunt and cousins), and saw their "dysfunction" (by which I mean, what makes them unhappy); they basically stress each other out when they don't have to. It really makes sense to me why people don't get what they want.

I held my tongue on saying things that would start the cycle of frustration in my aunt and mine (a sure-fire way of doing that is of mentioning the dysfunctional side of our family). This will keep me "downstream" according to Esther-Abraham Hicks, primo for manifestating.

My aunt and cousins invited me to watch the second Hunger Games with about 5 hours notice. So what did I do? I watched the first Hunger Games.

It gave me such an emotional response to the concept of if I had to get into the Hunger Games, and it would force into a role so opposite to 'who I really am'. So I had two and a half hours of FasterEFT tapping material. I did some more FasterEFT in the theaters for the second film.

I eventually stopped and simply enjoyed the rest of the film.

So, a couple of breathroughs and ah-has today. A good day. Happy Boxing day!
Stage 2, Day 31

Mostly horny; not quite in a physical way, but in a sort of psychological sense. I want to relax with a sexy woman and dedicate an entire day having passionate sex with her. Have her spend the day naked around my apartment. Why not? hehe

My sex drive has been increasing. A blessing and a curse.

Had some family visit; some family that I truly only see once a year, unlike the three times a year that I do with the rest of my family.

Beside that, relaxed and watched some movies, played some video games.

If there is possibly no ridiculous sale, I'm becoming impatient and wanting to buy Stage 3 and Hypersleep sooner. But I should really wait.
Stage 2, Day 32

I'm technically done Stage 2, but I will continue to use it until the 1st of January 2014.

Today, the biggest thing is that I spent a bunch of time with my dad; we were able to hold conversation for a very long time, basically for all of our carrides, some of which lasted 25+ minutes.

We went to his co-worker's house to watch UFC (Silva's leg, geez), and had a good time. But, the fights made me feel weak (not insecure). Glad that my New Year's resolution will take care of that. Tomorrow, I'll post a summary of my New Year's Resolution. Some of which will include my morning ritual.

Here's a summary of Stage 2:
- More "alpha" body language
- A disconnection from needing other people, women in particular
- More desire to improve my life, without attachment to the process or the results (per say)
- Greater sex drive

I can't put my finger on some of the intangible benefits, but you'd doubtlessly seen some of them from reading this journal.
Stage 2, Day 33.

Damn, so many subliminals that I want to use.. I may break my rule of using only a 3G supplement; I might do Maximum Learning Speed in 4G. Besides that, Become a Successful Entrepreneur would be awesome as well.

I spent some time with my friend tonight; he's been in a 5+ year relationship that had ended abruptly. All he knows is the monogamous relationship (it started at 16 years old). We saw our mutual friend and the mutual friend's friend. They are all about the hookup, and they seem to do very well. The conversation was then interesting.

The number of women that I've entertained has been pretty small; I really didn't care that the people across from me were getting so much more action. If anything, it made me more motivated to find some for myself, with the sentiment "well, if THEY can do it...". I know a couple of the women that they've been with, and to me, they're alright looking. I want some dime women, and that might be a different challenge.
If you break the rules, expect to pay the consequences. You cannot mix AM with another Type C or Type D. BASE is Type B/D.
@Shannon; the idea of BASE slipped away rather quickly when I saw that it's a minimum 6 month commitment. I might couple it with Ultra Success or Maximum Sales Success after Alpha Male is done.

My line-up of 1 stage subliminals for the duration of Alpha Male will most likely be:
- Deep, Restful Sleep (3G) [in progress]
- Maximum Learning Speed (4G) for either one or two months
- Deep Gratitude and Appreciation (3G)
Damn it, I might also do Woman Magnet instead of Sex Magnet; I was into SM until I see that you develop a sexy aura in both programs. That and I'm working on them without this program. We'll see once I'm done Alpha Male.
Stage 2, Day 34.

This stage will last up to 35 days.

I'm looking at several videos of alpha males; Hank Moody from Californication has been a personal favourite. He's what a natural would look like:

Here's a play by play of how I'm different to alpha males like Hank Moody; the gap is closing:
- I feel bad when I dominate people, men or women.
- I don't like to talk over or interrupt people
- I put the "connection" part with women too soon in my mind, so shit tests do throw me off

The two characters in the scene (linked above) are arguing for 90% of the interaction. That's likely because Hank had to get back on course, given that he rejected her beforehand.

Female nature is making more sense, especially in seeing the contrast in male behaviour. Women will mostly reflect and react to a man's internal state anyway. Be a representation of sexiness and joy, and you become chicknip.
Stage 2, Day 35

New Year's Eve; I have chinese food for dinner and go with some family members to the NYE event at Niagara Falls. Wore 4 layers in -10C weather. I felt disconnected and that I was blocking emotions for most of the night. It had me thinking; what I add something in my resolution: Being completely congruent with where I am emotionally.

Do I feel angry? Cool; don't block it. EFT tap it later
Do I feel sad enough to cry? Cool; cry if I have to. EFT tap it later
Approach women with the exact same emotional state that I feel inside; no hidding.

I've spent too much time thinking that I need to be the exact same archetype no matter what I'm doing; the bomb-ass alpha male, dominating everyone and passing shit tests like crazy.

Ironically enough, that's approval seeking, especially if I'm doing it to create an effect or to get a result. Why don't I just reveal who I am at all times, and let the subliminal do the work to make "myself" more charismatic, less fearful, and more emboldened.

What do you guys think?

I'm writing this on New Year's, so Happy New Years!
For more elaboration, watch this video until the end:

This puts it well into words.
I mean, with a woman, if something genuinely upsets me, I'll emote it without giving a fuck how she'll react, or how she'll see me. I'm NOT doing it to win her over, but to stay true to myself.

That's power, in my opinion.

But, at all times, I do chronic work to make sure that my baseline level of energy and emotion becomes more and more positive.

I want your opinions.
Hank Moody is great ahah. I wouldn't say he is an Alpha Male but he is a naturalist. He could choose to be proactive and give all of his loved ones what they deserve. He is obviously the main character of the show so it depicts his personal desires, but what he should do is take responsiblility for the man he can be.

What is quite seductive in life is strategy and the one thing he knows how to do is exploit and reduce fears but the character is debatable.

I had chinese on new years eve as well and heard that niagara event was good! Lot's of performances. Happy new years Dan. When it comes to tests, passing them will help your reputation, but all you can do is the best that's possible. At the end of the day it's for yourself not anyone else.


[Transition to Stage 3]

I've purchased, downloaded, and am loading it onto my iPod.
Tomorrow will thus be Day 1.

Today, I decided to stick with my emotional open-ness. I was fighting back tears out of tiredness for most of the day.

I'm about 7 days in Deep Restful Sleep, and my sleep has been getting worse; probably a form of resistance. Last night, I fell asleep around 6am, slept roughly 6 hours. I'm planning on waking up at 5:30am for school, I better figure this out pretty soon.

Stage 3 is supposed to be intense and very worthwhile.
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