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Stage 2, Day 15,

I had a good day at work again. Got a lot of stuff done. Lots of stuff got done today, which is important, since I have to wrap up my placement nicely.

On a different note, a whole bunch of emotions are bubbling up; angst, anxiety, grief; those have come up in the last two days or so. Might be due to missing sleep as well. I'm excited, because, as Esther Hicks says "any action to remove resistance and negative emotions gets you closer to your goals"

Started week 3 of FLR up again. I even chatted with him on Skype today; since I purchased the course, I have a whole bunch of complementary lessons with him (it's strange that he would give so much of his time like that, perhaps practice)

Two more days of placement, then an epic sushi feast. Feeling a whole lot of gratitude that I get to allow myself some repose after a long stretch. Some people don't even get to rest.
Stage 2, Day 16,

I started getting a bunch of eye contact from women. Probably a half dozen women gave me some solid eye contact today while I was on a missing to fix my guitar case. Was feeling like it was a bad looks day today.

Debating if I should go to an open mic tonight; it's cold out (-12 Celcius) and I<m not really feeling it. Plus, I could finish a bunch of placement stuff
Stage 2, Day 18,

I'd say that my urgency for anything to happen has mostly disolved. I turn over most of my feelings of urgency to Universe or whatever you want to call it. Most of my actions are instinctive, and I'd say that they're well timed.

Yesterday, I had a negative incident that answered a powerful question I had about the Law of Attraction. Funny enough, LOA answered it in the best way possible. So here's the story:

Last week, I went to an event where a friend of mine was there; he's always cheery and happy. Abraham Hicks' material says that being in a positive state of mind is the catalyst to receiving everything you want. So why is he not getting what he wants?

His finances, his professional situation are at a stalemate. Funny enough, his relatively reflects mine.

So yesterday, I through a dinner event at an all-you-can-eat restaurant thatI like, to celebrate the end of my internship; only he came. In a one-on-one setting, he not only proved that he doesn't understand social boundaries (he ordered way more than he could eat, forcing me to eat the rest of his food), he dumped his anger and frustration at life situations into our conversations though I repeatedly changed topics, and he was downright offensive to the waitresses (did 'asian voice').

I even tried to explain to him that a reaction to any information that comes in doesn't have to create any emotional response, and that you're able to change your relationship to negative experiences. He replies "But I have to feel these emotions, because I face these every day" (?)

Anyways, I completely 'got it' after that night; some people who have positive shells are negative at their core, and completely lost.

That lesson was more valuable than the 29$ i put down for sushi that evening (I tipped well because a half-bottle of soja sauce was tipped, unbeknownst to us, and soaked up the table cloth).

My associations are important, but my relationship to myself is the single most important thing to master. Always picking a better-feeling thought over a worse-feeling thought every single time I have the choice (and I follow through).

Now, my frustrations are completely gone. This last day, I've felt a bit strange, possibly because I started drinking again with doing schoolwork (helps out a lot) after a few month hiatus. But I'm doing what I can to feel great.

I had two opportunities to "Level Up", which is a term coined by language teacher Moses McCormick to mean 'talking with a native speaker in a language that you're learning'. I did it with Italian and Korean; chatted someone up in line at Tim Hortons after hearing them speak in Italian, and a (highly attractive) female co-worker that I know speaks Korean. She keeps touching me on the arm and saying how quick I'm learning and how good I am Wink

Spending a lot of time filling out my placement report, to hand in before I leave town in 4 days. I should record another video before I take off.

By the way, I had no problem telling the guy at the event how offensive he was being. Might be due to AM.
Stage 2, Day 19.

FUCK! I'm pumped full of emotions today. Felt a ton of anger at work, then I felt this constricting feeling (closest feeling that I can think of is anxiety), but that deeply affected my concentration and focus in trying to finish up my intern report.

Then I felt grief; I feel like a women on her PMS. Who knows if I'm coming close to it, or experiencing a worse version of it. But I'm reminded of the promise of a better tomorrow, so I'll stick with it.

I'm dealing with all varieties of negative emotions on the emotional scale. It gets better, as Geodude says.
Stage 2, Day 21.

After another night of 4-5 hours of sleep, I handed in my internship report; I'm officially finished with my semester. Went straight to work afterwards, but was 10 minutes late. My bosses didn't really care.

I had a busy day and accomplished a lot (yeah yeah I say that all of the time)

I'm going to start visualizing from now on; I'm also going to develop a kick-ass morning routine that's going to use the "Deep, Restful Sleep" subliminal to help me get up pretty early in the morning, and then mid-day, I use 'Sleep Magic' as a nap suppliment. All my classes are in the morning, so say hello to the most perfect opportunity to practice productivity. I'll post the whole thing here.

The beautiful thing about sleep is that it is a consolidator, which means that it takes several incoherent jumbles of facts and systemizes it into a coherent stream of information. Try learning a couple of things before bed, and you'll notice that you'll remember most of it in the morning.

If I introduce a deep nap in the middle of my day, this signifies an enormous potential for learning speed. I'll study languages before I sleep.

That, and I also now have a Korean language partner. The cool thing is that he's a "professional" (not university educated, but paid) language teacher who wants to learn French. He already knows Korean, so it's a barter. Perhaps this sub has given me the ability to be on par with people of higher status; though, he's a bit bookish, so not into the whole "alpha" thing.

I was thinking about how nice it would be to have a sexy Korean girlfriend, but I also want to have casual sex with many different women. Korean women (born and raised in Korea) tend to be extremely jealous, so to find a women who wants an open relationship narrows the selection, but she's out there.

I chat with the sexy Korean woman at my work (who's taken) and I remember every new word that she teaches me, so being around a beautiful woman with whom I converse would create rapid fluency. Once I hit fluency in Korean, I find a Chinese-speaking girlfriend lol.

I wish that I could post a video before I leave for my hometown tomorrow; but I don't have the time. Once I'm back, I'll have started Stage 3, so that's a different ballpark. I'll keep posting updates like this.

By the way, I'm really into Abraham-Hicks' material, and they talk about manifestation, and clearing up your emotional life to be in a high resonancy to attract whatever you want. I might make a teaching video on that subject.

I'm excited to be home and to sleep full nights heheh
Stage 2, Day 22.

I woke up very early (5:30am) to take a train (7:30), another train, and then a bus, to get back to my parent's home around (3:30pm). A long day; the lack of sleep created a strange feeling in my kidneys (too much cortisol kicking on) and I had the equivalent of serious hunger pains until I ate at around 3:45.

My piano is at my parent's, so I had the chance to play in a long time. I had dinner and met with an old time friend; we went out and got greasy pizza and wings; it was fantastic.

On the train, I devised what will be an epic morning ritual that will combine visualisation, positive energy, aura generation and language learning. I'll post it once I'm finished.

I'm also coming up with ways to get around the "No more than 2 4G programs at once" rule by coming up with alternatives that non-subliminal; If someone asks politely enough on this thread (or by PM), I'll gladly hook you up. These alternatives require some effort and time investment, so this isn't really the same level of convience. Sorry Shannon, but I might wind up not even having to get WM or SM if I can do this correctly. But I'll gladly run a 6 part "Ultimate Musician" or "Ultimate Vocalist" 5G program Smile

One big thing: Learn something, run Sleep Magic (45 minutes of sleep = 2-4 perceived hours of sleep), learn it again. Sleep is a powerful consolidator of information, so having 2 blocks of time dedicated to sleep runs the potential of driving up your learning speed.

I'm tired, and tonight I get a FULL NIGHT OF SLEEP (waa-waa-wee-wow). Gonna do that now. G'night!
Stage 2, Day 23

AHH! Finally, a full night of sleep. But I had a dream where I was in the back of a pickup with a pretty girl. My friend (who's a total ladies' man) is driving the pickup, but he's somehow picking her up right in front of me. But I want her! The feeling was of powerlessness. It gave me the contrast to know what I do want; to be admired and desired by the beautiful women that I talk to.

I had the chance to practice my languages, the piano for Christmas songs, and watch a couple of movies. I'll take it easy for a bit. I've been playing subs straight for roughly 30 straight hours, and I'm feeling a solid anxiety in my chest and shoulders as a result. Especially when I compare myself with what I want to be (Ryan Gosling level of charisma and body language).

I developped a kickass morning ritual, and I'll post it after this post. I'm getting up pretty early, and I even created a custom timer to get this all worked out on time, as well as a custom folder to access each step without any distractions.

I'm really getting into this book called "Engineering the Alpha", which is a diet and exercise plan on how to maximize your Man hormones. One month, you're mastering your insulin, the next, Growth Hormone, the following, Testosterone. It's said you can multiply your GH by 2000% by using intermittent fasting in a strategic way and get enough sleep.

Up next is my upcoming morning ritual.
My morning ritual (still in progress):

5:25am - Alarm; set snooze for 10 minutes
5:35am - Get out of bed, drink water, go brush teeth, do a couple of squats and stretches, jump up and down if I need to
5:40am - Make breakfast while answering 'Inspiring Questions' out loud
5:50am - Sit down at the Goal table; read 'Definite Chief Aim' while eating part of breakfast
6:00am - Natural Grounding while finishing breakfast; Develop 4 auras (5 minutes each)
- Sexiness/Rock Star Charisma
- Profound Love and Universal Consciousness;
- Beingness as Divine Masculine, Connection to Divine Feminine
- Opulence

6:20am - KSO Multiples or PSTEC Peak Performance
[On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
6:20am - Key Sound (10 minutes)
On Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:20am - PSTEC Performance (1 track)]
6:30am - Extreme Visualisations (in the shoes of an actualized 'Me')
- My wealth: my house, the car I drive,
- Live performance: rocking out at stadiums, recording albums, winning awards
- My language abilities: speaking fluently with natives
- My love/sex life: I pick up sexy women and take them home, and do the sexy
Faster EFT every issue that comes up
6:40am - A New Lesson in 'A Course of Miracles'
6:45am - Italian read newspaper and listen to radio
7:00am - Korean FLR (4-6 sentences written) and Korean radio
7:15am - Spanish radio while studying for the upcoming class/lab
7:30am - If I have extra time, read a French newspaper, or continue studying

If class is at 8:00; start getting ready to leave at 7:30
If class is at 8:30; start getting ready to leave at 8:00

KSO is a technique to help create multiple orgasms, which I didn't manage to cultivate because of a lack of persistence, because I didn't schedule. It is now part of the schedule.

Tell me what you think!
Dan, you got a lot of techniques going on there during your morning routine. That is great. I recognize that as a very positive way to bring changes to your life. Just make sure your are feeling positive and happy while doing them rather than it just being a routine. You might want to throw some gratitude practices in there.

Congrats on your full night of sleep. I've noticed changes as well as your results and it is only stage 2! Awesome man, keep the updates coming.


Stage 2, Day 24,

I'm running through some of the individual parts of the ritual, so that it's not a shot in the dark the first few days that I start. I considered purchasing a light alarm to help me get up more amicably. But mostly, I played piano and practiced languages on

I have to line up with the aura's thing, or else there may possibly be some frustration. Spending 5 minutes on each aura will take some mental effort, but it will happen with enough time.

I find that I'm making an improvement in my Korean language skills, basically since I spend so much time chatting with REAL people, and not in what I THINK the language should sound like when I do it independently.

Italian is similar, now that I have to actually think about how to spell each word.

Spent a large chunk of my day on the couch, and ate junk (it's my vacation), but January I will start up a whole new diet and exercise plan (not a fad diet, but from the Engineering the Alpha book I was mentioning).
@Fonzy: I have to decide if I want to go to the gym this early in the morning as well. Perhaps I have to cut out a couple of things in the morning to make it, and push it back until later.

Stage 2, Day 25.

I'm pretty excited with where I am going; I'm realizing more and more that my mind isn't focused, where I thought it was. This means if I can handle my thoughts more clearly, I rule my kingdom. Ironically, I already rule my kingdom, but with my neurosis' and my complexes, I ordered to keep myself under a metaphorical solitary confinement.

The biggest thing is with visualising; the hardest part isn't in creating the content. The difficult part is to set apart 3-5 minutes away from what you're doing to actually start visualising. As Geodude, says, it's best to do this in the morning or evening.

When I get into it, I'm pretty good at it; I imagined myself in a swanky hotel, naked and on top of a sexy naked woman, fucking her until I verb right inside of her adjective noun, with her whispering dirty things into my ear. mmm. Always wear protection, kids!

So I have to get used to starting the visualisation process; and I do things like meeting the woman, developping a connection, the process have her come over (cab, car), and then the kissing, playing, etc. I check my phone and I see that I've made a sale, and so on. I'm wearing new clothes, yadda yadda yadda. Don't ever limit yourself, thinking things like "I couldn't wear that, cause it's expensive".

Once the sleep sub has gone on for a month, I'll probably do "Deep Gratitude and Appreciation" to help create more in my experience. It'll doubtlessly help me visualise.

Today, I went to the doctor's for a physical (getting your balls grabbed out of a sexual context is simply uncomfortable) and got my hair cut. That's about it; besides that, I practiced Korean and piano, and watched a film with my parents. Not much else hehe. I'm pretty good at letting time slide these days on a few things; I don't have that many things to do; like I could spend a couple hours in Korean language chat rooms, so it's probably happening somehow. It doesn't help that my town isn't the best place to socialize. I'll have to visualize it.

I'll start a new diet and exercise plan in January (coincidently so). It's a 4 month plan, so I'll be done at around the same time that I finish my school year AND the Alpha Male subliminal. What a coincidence! My hormones and my mindset will be in check, likely my ability to visualize as well.
Stage 2, Day 26

Practiced languages today, no big deal. I also went out and bought a gift card and book for my mom. I'll wrap it tomorrow. The woman who served me at the Coles was very helpful, and perhaps there a bit longer than most people would; might just be how she is.

Doing nothing all day is getting pretty old, pretty quickly. I'll keep on appreciating it while it's here.
I tapped on this chest block that I've been experiencing for the last little while, playing this track in the background (The Emotional Healing track) Basically, it's a paid version of this free track (

I can play this to resonate with my conscious mind, while the sublminal hits my subconscious mind. I don't see much reason for there to be conflict, however, the powerliminals are audible.

One thing that I'm noticing is that my dad has been offering me drinks (alcoholic); the last times that I visited, my mom would look at me funny about that; now, my mom didn't blink an eye when I reached for the top shelf and poured something for myself (Amaretto Disorono, not terrible).

People in the chat rooms are very impressed with my Korean abilities, and I'm only 3 weeks into my 32 week journey with FLR! It's a lot of fun, and I'll call it my last day of the week tomorrow. On to week 4

I've feeling the feeling of dullness from being sedentary for a few days; I would either walk partway to my co-op, or walk to work and stand around all day. These last 4 days, I've been sitting most of the time. No wonder I'm not in the greatest shape. I'm being made more aware of this. I want to feel fantastic about my physical appearance and vitality, and I'm feeling the contrast even more nowadays, which is bringing on more motivation for this new "diet" and exercice plan from 'Engineering the Alpha'
Stage 2, Day 27

Felt like a step back today; especially since I went out today, I felt a pressure behind my forehead, a general awkwardness, an impulsiveness in my voice tone and whatnot. I suspect it's a mix of playing the subs for too long (since the pressure behind my head was responsible for most of this anxiety) and jerking it too many days in a row (2 or 3). I mentally tapped a couple of times, and looked for positive emotions, and then I was relatively fine.

I'm going to have a bunch of time off tomorrow, given that it's Christmas Eve, and we have company. Same goes for Christmas Day.

Day 32 will arrive much sooner than the 1st of January (when I suspect the ridiculous sale will be), so I might extend Stage 2 in that case.

I'm visualising a lot more than before; especially in the entire seduction process (start to finish); I should visualise being very social, if visualizing is all it's cracked up to be.

Now, I'll go check to see if my korean sentences are correct
Stage 2, Day 28

Christmas eve,

I skipped the previous evening's subs and pretty much the entire day, due to company (family). I'm going to play it this evening so that I can catch up a little bit.

Family was over and I had a blast. We have one sibling in the family (my dad's brother) who's attracted for himself, over a period of years, an undesireable life situation; the kids are completely in instant gratification (fat, addicted to video games), and my uncle and his wife (my aunt) have no organisation (spend all kinds of money on things they don't need, can't set new habits into place, can't discipline their kids). After they left, the rest of my family vented for about 30 minutes about that; I didn't really feel riled up by it.

On a seperate note, I'm trying to get my emotional life in check; where I feel joyful and grateful most (90%+) of my time; that's important to the manifestation process. So my choice of subliminals (played on the side, likely 3G) will be affected by this desire for positivity.

I'm posting a lot on other people's journals; perhaps I'm giving genuine value, or perhaps I'm attached to being a teacher. Something to ponder over.

For now, I'm going to keep at it.
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