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I've been listening to the Public speaking skills 3G sub every night for a week now and it's made me quite tired during the day. This has been building up during the week and actually got to the stage where I didn't listen to it Thursday night because I just needed a good nights sleep. I've started listening at least 2 hours during the day now, with the rest of the 8 hours during the night (my mp3 battery lasts exactly 8 hours) Smile

So anyway, yesterday I woke up tired again. I could feel it in my eyes and they looked dull and a bit bloodshot. I decided to give the power nap a go so I bought it and tried it out straight away. The results were great! Afterwards I actually felt like I had been asleep (I hadn't, I had awareness during the whole session). The tiredness had all but gone, I felt rejuvenated and my eyes looked bright and white again.

During the session I felt some very nice sensations of rejuvenation wash over me. It was like I could feel a few hours worth of beneficial sleep suddenly appear and take hold - bit hard to explain really. For something that costs only $20 and that I can use over and over again with such beneficial results, this is incredible value. I'd always taken occasional power naps in the past but this takes it to a whole new level.

I have a question though - how often can I listen to the Power nap, are the guidelines the same as the other brainwave entrainment programs? And is there a chance of messing up regular sleep cycles if I listen to it too often?
I recommend that you not use Power Nap more than once a day, or more than five days a week (if you NEED it) or three days a week otherwise. If you use it, use it when you are about half way between waking up and going to bed. That way it'll work well, but not disrupt your night sleep. Otherwise,guidelines are the same.

If you notice yourself becoming "fuzzy" or having trouble concentrating while you're awake, and you've use it more than three days a week, cut back.

If you listen too often, or at the wrong times of day, it can and will affect your sleep cycles.
(08-11-2013, 12:22 AM)Alta Wrote: [ -> ]I've been listening to the Public speaking skills 3G sub every night for a week now and it's made me quite tired during the day. This has been building up during the week and actually got to the stage where I didn't listen to it Thursday night because I just needed a good nights sleep. I've started listening at least 2 hours during the day now, with the rest of the 8 hours during the night (my mp3 battery lasts exactly 8 hours) Smile

So anyway, yesterday I woke up tired again. I could feel it in my eyes and they looked dull and a bit bloodshot. I decided to give the power nap a go so I bought it and tried it out straight away. The results were great! Afterwards I actually felt like I had been asleep (I hadn't, I had awareness during the whole session). The tiredness had all but gone, I felt rejuvenated and my eyes looked bright and white again.

During the session I felt some very nice sensations of rejuvenation wash over me. It was like I could feel a few hours worth of beneficial sleep suddenly appear and take hold - bit hard to explain really. For something that costs only $20 and that I can use over and over again with such beneficial results, this is incredible value. I'd always taken occasional power naps in the past but this takes it to a whole new level.

I cant wait till I use this program too as I am a student and having it could come in hand. Seeing your results has gotten me even more interested. Just wondering in what situations have you needed to use sleep magic?


Right, thanks Shannon, it's useful to have some guidelines. I'd probably only ever use it when I really need to. It strikes me though that this program would be useful if you've not had a good night's sleep and you have a big day ahead. Would using it very rarely just after waking really not be a good idea?

Fonzy, I've only used the program once so far but it's good to know I have it in times of emergency. Things like when I've had a tiring day at work and I'm out again in the evening, or when my night's sleep has been disturbed by noisy neighbours etc.

I'm one of those people who doesn't have trouble getting to sleep...until I know I've got a big day the next day and need to get up early. Then I lie there awake for ages, unable to get to sleep. So having this power nap will be useful then. There's also the Sleep Shuttle part of Sleep Magic to send you to sleep quick. Although I'm not sure sleeping with headphones in would be particular comfortable, or safe even in case of strangulation? I've not tried it yet so I don't know whether it knocks you out while listening, or if you have time to take off the headphones after it has finished and then fall easily asleep, think we'd need Shannon to advise here.
Using it just after waking is rarely effective, at least for me. It seems your brain won't allow you to get too much sleep in one dose, so it usually will refuse to follow the frequency.

Sleep Shuttle is designed to put you to sleep while you have headphones on. I haven't ever had trouble with headphones while I sleep.