This sale has been amazing with the introduction of the Subliminal Drug and I was definitely able to save some big bucks! I got 11 subs for $260. List the items you got here and what you intend on using first.
I purchased
-Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Ver. 8.0 (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
-Alpha/Dominant Male Subliminal Training Set Version 5.0 (4G – Type B/C/D Hybrid)
-Sex Magnet 2.0 Six Stage Set For Men (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
-Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment (4G – Type B)
-Extreme Bodybuilding
-Ultra Success! (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
-Luck Magnifier (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
-Attract Your Perfect Financially Wealthy Romantic Lover (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
-Ultra Motivation (4G – Type B)
-Positive Thinking & Positive Attitude (4G – Type B)
-Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear (4G/Type B)
Got some subs lined up for this year already so gotta finish them before starting any of these next.
I got every sub I planned on purchasing, also didn’t load up my paypal with more than €30 and it worked out perfectly (still got €1,51 left)
My purchased subs are:
- Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend (4G – Type B/D Hybrid) - $5.05
- Develop A Zen Attitude (4G/Type B) - $11.93
- Overcome Approach Anxiety For Men (4G – Type B) - $3.90
- Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear (4G/Type B) - $5.73
- Ultra Motivation (4G – Type B) - $9.87
After doing a second run of AM 5.0, I’ll probably focus on OAAFM or DAZA in combination with Ultra Success or Ultra Motivation. But a lot can change in the meantime.
I grabbed the subs listed below..
Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment (4G – Type B)
Improve Your Grades & Study Habits (4G)
Waiting for some more subs to purchase, but not sure, as my financial position limits me from doing so..
Positive Thinking & Positive Attitude (4G – Type B)
Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear (4G/Type B)
Maximum Learning Speed 3.0 (4G – Type B)
Lower Your Blood Pressure Aid
Laserlike Focus & Concentration (3G – Type B)
Luck Magnifier (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
Become A Successful Entrepreneur
Extreme Self Esteem (3G – Type B)
Thanks Shannon and IndigoMind Labs for giving us the opportunity to purchase subs at discounted price. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDIGOMIND LABS !!!
Though i'm using BAMM for several years I used the opportunity to get a few programs I may use in the future.
Ultra Success 4g.
Seek The Challenge 4g. (This program was actually due to a suggestion from me a few years ago, but I never got to use it)
Overcome Approach Anxiety for men 4g.
I grabbed 'em ALL! O wait... lol
At these prices you should have brought 3 copies of each Shannon!
My boyfriend and I didn't have any spare cash available at the moment, because we have bought a lot of programs during the last year and have some big purchases to make soon, so we decided to buy 7 low-priced items that we think will be interesting to use in 2014.
$2.99 Attract your perfect friend with benefits
$1.35 Get out of debt
$0.99 Orgasm enhancer for men
$4.32 Improve eyesight
$5.31 Healthy knees
$5.04 Create vibrant characters (when writing stories)
$5.97 Improve sex drive
Total = $25.97
Our sex drive is good, but we don't mind if it gets even better. A latte and muffin costs more.
Thanks to Shannon and every staff that contribute, and Happy 8'th Birthday to subliminal shop. The sale went crazy!! I bought so manyyyy stuffff. This is the stuff I bought:
- Remove Negativity Within
- Positive Attitude and Positive Thinking
- Reduce, Prevent, and Remove Scars & Stretch Marks
- Maximum Healing Speed
- Lower Your Blood Pressure Aid
- Carpe Diem! (Seize The Day!)
- Extreme Bodybuilding
- Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Release Enhancer
- Perfect Perspective & Proportion (3G – Type B)
- Learn Any Musical Instrument Faster & More Easily (3G – Type B)
- Attract Your Perfect Financially Wealthy Romantic Lover (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
- Overcome Anxiety (3G – Type B)
- Overcome Social Anxiety (3G – Type B)
- Maximize Your Memory (3G – Type B)
- Balance Your Brain Hemispheres
- Socializing Is Just A Fun Game
- Overcome The Need For Control
- Improve Your Flirting Skills
- Maximum Sales Success 4G
I'll admit to having bought a pile of stuff. I got AM and SM both, and a lot of the smaller ones that I might run before AM.
It was a lot of fun trying to get in and see what looked good at a given time!
I'm pleased that you all had a good time with our sale. We try to make it more than just saving money - we want it to be fun.
I got
Reading Motivation & Enjoyment (3G – Type B)
Overcome Pornography Addiction (4G/Type B)
Core States of Awareness Exploration Kit
Think Like a Millionaire (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
Maximum Sales Success 4G (Type B/D Hybrid)
Become A Successful Entrepreneur
Remove Negativity Within (4G/Type B)
Overcoming Fear Ver. 1.1 (4G/Type B)
Happiness And Joy (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
Improve Your Grades & Study Habits (4G – Type B)
Enhance Your Intuition
Attract Your Perfect Wife – 4G (Type B/D Hybrid)
Increase Penis Size (4G – Type B/C Hybrid)
Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Ver. 8.0 (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
Maximum Healing Speed (3G – Type B/C Hybrid)
Lower Your Blood Pressure Aid
Improve Your Health
Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment (4G – Type B)
Winner’s Mindset (4G – Type B)
Ultra Motivation (4G – Type B)
Positive Thinking & Positive Attitude (4G – Type B)
Maximum Learning Speed 3.0 (4G – Type B)
Maximize Your Memory (3G – Type B)
Luck Magnifier (4G – Type B/D Hybrid)
Everything Is Possible (4G/Type B)
I guess my brain will be very busy for the next 2 to 3 years
I bought few : One for improving mathematics, Swedish Language Learning, DAOS and BIATBW 8.0 in short.
Is there going to be another sale for 2014 at some stage?