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From my experience with stage 3, it compares nothing to stages 1 and 2. Like K-Train mentioned to me, your mind hasn't quite accepted the fact that you are a sexy man. Once it does (which it began to for me in stage 3), your entire reality is going to shift as well. Simple things like eye contact, women approaching, and socializing with them won't be such a huge deal, you won't need that confirmation anymore. For me, it really ramped up around the 2nd and 3rd week of stage 3 and onward. Stick with it, man!
Well I feel quite calm and collected today.. but tired also. The new stage is hitting me hard. This happened during the first week or two of each stage anyways. The neediness is about gone and I can feel the sub working on my inner confidence in myself and with women and all that. It's cool.

I think I need to start running soon... but maybe not. I've started doing some exercises for the core strength of my body.. maybe that will help me lose my gut.
I have a strong desire to socialize.. but also and incredible amount of aloofness and indifference.
Feels kind of like this, huh?
(09-21-2010, 07:38 PM)Cortez Wrote: [ -> ]Feels kind of like this, huh?

Well today was nice. I felt very indifferent and I felt also very alpha. I am also beginning to really see myself as a leader and a role model. It's a nice feeling because I am good at it... I just couldnt allow my full potential in the previous state I was in not long ago. Either way I can feel improvements and the social anxiety is starting to slowly clear up and I'm beginning to look at it in a fun way.. like "this could be fun (talking to you)". Thing is... I still feel inside of me my stomach has a tingling sensation and goes numb for a couple of seconds if I think about it and this can happen with more than one girl. I seem to not be as comfortable with a group of girls as I am with one girl probably because I may worry a little about what they say about me and also I'll have to make a choice between one at least if I want to give out a number or make out in the bathroom of whatever restaurant/bar.. you get my drift.

Today I went to taco bell for dinner and there were two girls that followed me in and I would rate one of them as an 8.5/10. She was pretty but there was something I was just not that attracted to about her. Either way, they walk in and get in line right behind me and I turn my head away from looking at the menu and I gaze into the sexy girl's eyes and smirked which turned into a friendly smile just for a couple of seconds then she looks away without a smile... and I dont think she looked down either. So my bitchdar went up and I said fuck that girl It's ok anyways. I won't lie though... I did kind of think about it and worry for about 5 seconds about what she was thinking about but that's retarted so I caught myself. I didn't look at her again until 5 minutes later.. I gave her one last look for 5 seconds and she didn't look at me once. So It was fine.. I finished my meal and left with a smile on my face.

Also I have no desire to masterbate anymore... I wouldn't say 0 desire but it's pretty close. This has happened to me before if I just stop doing it but in this case the last time I did it was over the weekend but now I dont have a desire to. Correction... I did about 10 minutes ago but you wouldn't believe how fast the urge went away.

This is a damn good sign. My indifference is rising yet I still somehow know I can get any girl I want... this will all come once the confidence solidifies and I start making quick decisions on how I decide to take interactions further with certain girls.
Had a little bit of negativity come up today and yesterday but it wasn't so bad.. maybe this stuff is in the final stages of being released. I still think about some girls that I screwed up with in the past but i let my self think about it. If I get any negative vibes I just switch my train of thought.. but If I'm not what usually happens is me feeling very grateful and happy for those experiences because it has allowed me be where I am here today and in life. Through all those frustrations great things have happened.

Also last night I decided to write out a whole page of gratitude affirmations instead of just half a page. And I had a beautiful song on:
To continue... when I got about half way down the page a wave of something hit me... I'd maybe call it compassion and gratitude for all liveing things. I began to smile so brightly and I started crying. for about 5 seconds it started to really build up but something inside me held me back from completely letting it all out... I don't exactly know why this happened but I cried for a few minutes but I either conciously or subconciously didn't let my self go all the way. Either way it was beautiful.. and I really just want to cry like a fucking baby again.. but for all the good reasons in the world.
Well, tonight I finally decided to feed my urge to socialize because I had a dream about this a few days ago. I went out and I had a great time. I was at one bar for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. I met the bartendress and she was beautiful. She was quite interested and asked me some questions but I did my best to keep the mystery. I asked her about what she was doing and how things were and what she wanted to do after college. We didn't get each others names but after some ninja like observations her boyfriend was present in the vacinity. Around the time I left I went back to say good bye to her and it was a pleasure talking with her and her boyfriend's friend was sitting at the bar this time around so she had to behave herself. I could tell she had to force herself to act much more lady like and polite so that was fine. I didn't give her my number.

Other than that I had 1 group of girls approach me and asked me to take a couple of pictures of them so I did. I chose not to socialize with them because I didn't care much for them I was just being gentlemanly.
Then a couple of other girls approached me. They were sorority sisters and my connection with the brunette was incredible and she matched my list of what I'm looking for in women. they were saying this and that it's our time to celebrate and we're getting a shot blah blah. It was loud in there so I assumed they were getting me a shot too so I stood up and opened my body language more but they were not expecting it because after I got their names the brunette said "It was nice to meet you" then winked with her left eye but she was not smiling. I definitly could have gotten her hot with some alpha attitude but I guess I'm not there yet nor driven enough to care. I must have not given off the right vibe for her.

Either way I finished up the night sitting out on the outdoor porch just checkin out everyone making their way into the bar as I finished my beer. I headed home with a bigger smile on my face than I had while in the bar lol. I def. enjoyed myself and the music. I even played an arcade game of bowling. I'll have to do that again in a couple of months to see what happens then.
"I'll have to do that again in a couple of months to see what happens then. "

Sounds awesome why wait so long
before u go again?

Quote:Question for Shannon or Andrew...

I have a loud ass A/C that comes on average every 30 minutes for about 25-30 minutes... do you think that would affect my hearing of the ultrasonic? Or does that not matter? Because the ultrasonics are transmitted through a frequency level instead of volume right?? I just want to know that the A/C wouldn't conflict with the sub in any way. Just in case I have it balanced with the masked then I turn the volume up slighty for the ultrasonic.

It doesn't make a darned bit of difference for the ultrasonics. The point of using speakers is to fill the whole room. Played at normal volume, they work just fine through even stuff like an air conditioner. It's truly amazing how sensitive the human body is, and just how little the conscious mind actually takes notice of.

Quote:EDIT: I feel good about myself today.. also The only dream I have recollection of from last night was me sitting in a car with someone driving and I took a bit out of white onion slice and then offered them some. They said no thank you and the dream was over lol. This is what the onion means though Smile

Seeing an onion in your dream indicates that you will be the focus of envy, malice, and resentment as a result of your accomplishment. It also suggests a series of coatings you have to get through and ascertain regarding current concerns.
Dreaming of eating an onion indicates conquering all adversaries, while seeing cooked onions implies slight expansion in business.
A dream that you are slicing onions suggests being won over by your enemies.

I believe this Onion was a raw onion so only the first 3 would most likely apply to me Smile

Be sure to take dream interpretation stuff with a large grain of salt.
Spiral, it's nice to see you enjoying the program. Smile

I had an incredibly inspiring dream last night. I know you say take them with a grain of salt, Shannon, but after reading a dream interpretation page and analyzing my dream I'm even more excited. I'm going to be patient and enjoy everything as it is now and hope things work out after Women Magnet. Smile
I feel shitty right now with my sudden change in mind. Even though I had that awesome dream and things are going relatively well with this program It's hard to stay committed when I know I could be doing something better for myself. This is why I purchased the Alpha Set. I'm going to do this because I know this is probably the program that will help me the most in the area of women and improving myself. I know we never stop improving ourselves and I know I am on the path of the Alpha but I was honest with myself and I've though about all of my years in life. From elementary school to high school to now. I changed so much during the second third and fourth years of college because I found some friends that helped me start becoming who I was really meant to be. I learned some things from them that really put me down alot but they were always there for me and I could learn from them. Well after saying that only a few.. but they all wanted me to succeed because they knew that something wasn't right with me. I love them to this day but also I still know that something is not right with me. I am still too nice. Also following through on my desires... mainly with women have been a problem. Manning up in certain situations has been a problem...and believe it or not these types of problems have been the hardest to finding a solution to. I've done my best up until this point and I plan on continuing my improvement but I feel that I need the huge jump start to this complete transformation of a truly superior man I was meant to be. Therefore I am doing alpha. I decided to truly embrace the change I've desired my whole life.

I apologize to everyone for not following through on my commitment but most importantly I apologize to myself for not staying true to my deepest wants.

I've been thinking about it on and off for a week or so but I feel like this is the right thing to do. I kind of felt this from the start but I had my priorities mixed up. My first priority never was myself.. even though I'd like to think it was. It was always the women. A part of me wants people to feel envious of me... and a part of me still feels envy for others. This is absolutely unacceptable. However I am proud of myself for the amount of change I have made in this area. This used to be very bad for me. I need to rid myself of whatever little bitch left in me. It's time to man up for real.
I'm sad to see this, I wanted to see if you could push through it, but I respect your decision. The way I originally saw Woman Magnet as a program that would be similar to Alpha Male. It would make me stronger, more confident, and happier with myself. Yes it did cover those to an extent, but it's made to be a sort of 'finishing touch' to Alpha Male for those who seek further advancement. I believed coming out of Woman Magnet I would have some sort of alpha/leadership belief in my system because I do like to take charge and with the positive beliefs that Woman Magnet instills in you, I believed I was going to be somewhat unstoppable. Man, was I wrong. It's hard going back, but since that is what you really want to do, look at this way. You have about 60+ years left in your life and both of these subliminals are going to drastically change the future from here on out. Spending a small portion of that time to set up that sort of lifestyle is nothing. In 3 months time, you will have that Alpha image, you will be so much stronger. You will only continue to strengthen even more. Woman Magnet will be a blast the second time around and I'm sure some of the work you already made may continue strengthening by the time you get to Woman Magnet again. Imagine yourself a year from today Wink
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