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Ok, I'm being a little silly on this one...but only a littleWink

Might be of use for special forces operatives.

Of course I'm making this as a suggestion. But could a subliminal like this be successful?
I'd buy it.
Undecided Hmm..
Are you talking about the spiritual abilities or physical abilities of the ninja. The ninja came about by samurai who did not want to kill themselves when their leader or whatever were killed, and they were expected to kill themselves.

So I believe they went to the mountains, where they also trained with monks. From what I remember hearing or reading they did have spiritual abilities such as leaving their body, extended sensory perception, stuff like that.

There are some good books on ninjitsu, especially look at Stephen Hayes.

There are a set of books called Destroyer, the adventures of Remo Williams. If you have never heard of those you should check them out, also a movie the Adventures of Remo Williams. If you want to talk fantastic, he learns to run without leaving foot prints, run as fast as a car, scale skyscrapers, dodge bullets, pretty much superhuman stuff, who knows what humans are really capable of doing, that is why I had a unlimited potential sub under ideas, but no one commented Sad, also in every book women are just naturally drawn to him, ironically enough Shannon has kind of said the same thing about what attracts women, there is like a synergistic effect that he has from all of his training. They are good books and if you want some interesting ideas of possible/impossible you should check them out.
Somehow I misread the title as "become a ninja sandwich".

Anyway, I've been in, what's considered the most authentic widespread master art behind it, and I wouldn't recommend it. Very cult-ish. They threatened to kill me if I ever "went rogue". At this point, if someone ever calls me a "ninja" I take it as an insult. Further than that I won't really talk about it, I'm not going to slander it further than "it's bad and don't get involved". Just fair warning that I wish I had been given. Their martial art also hinges entirely on dirty tricks-don't expect the martial art to teach you how to be better in a weaponless or "clean" fight. It is about winning at all costs, honor in a fight is non-existant because it would interfere with self preservation.

If you want to learn the practical skills, go to mercenary camps, tactics training and the like. If you want to learn martial arts, there's plenty of better options.
I agree with Andrew,very well put and placed man. The 'romantic' version is all swift and cool, and in reality it is anything but,in many ways. Aikido is more my speed. I learned how to use some of my own "Jedi Mind tricks' when I was in NYC 30 years ago, no one taught me these things,I Just knew it and when the time came,when I came of age and needed it I used it,one of them was the' you dont see me worth a damn' routines Im joking a little bit,but I could bend time a wee bit ,addtionally I would 'go invisible' to the person I definitely did NOT want to consciously 'see' me and guess what? they didnt. I Used this energy projection,many times but ONLY when I really needed to. There were other 'methods' energectically I would use but again only if need be.
IN other word there ARE many more options that to go the way of the Ninga neccessarily ,the minds sooooo friggin powerful,and energy follows intention,there are many ways to keep out what chew dont want,ye ole "a good defense is a good offense"- " dont even think it" or 'dont f*** with me-dont even think about it' projection sometime is just as effective and in some cases even more so than a head on frontal assult phsycially,ect. there are many possiblities on the approach to subliminal technologies that can be/are just as effective without having to go completely physical,or a balance of the two'er three or more method's. peace and true empowerment which ever way this goes. Keith.