Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Getting Other's to Consider Subliminal Use
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Hi everyone

This has just been a question I have had in mind for sometime.

The scenario is that many people I am surrounded by and I encounter on a daily basis do not have to much awarness or knowledge on the benefits of what the mind can produce/ create. When I would ask them the question if they are aware of the Law of Attraction, energy, positivity and vibrations they would explain that they know of it but that's all. These people do have good habits such as practicing gratitude and are hard workers but I would like to know how some of the people in the forum have gotten others to consider using subliminals Generally people have their own way of doing things but in my mind I find it tough to believe that a person open to ways to better their lives would not jump to the chance of doing so through something as simple as using a subliminal.

I have got my family and a couple friends into subliminals but in this generation it comes to me as a surprise that not more people are using them.


Great subject to bring up, Fonzy. This is something that's been on my mind for a bit.

From my own experience I've found that there's just no convincing some people to try method x y or z, such as subliminals, NLP, hypnosis, EFT etc etc. I used to tell people about this type of stuff and explain how it could help them, but most never really went for it, not even the high-awareness people (I don't typically mention this type of stuff to my low-awarenesss friends cause they'd probably just think I'm nuts) Smile

I've now stopped wasting my energy trying to convince others, at most I just point to the door and leave it up to them to walk through it. It just seems to me that people need to discover this stuff on their own, and they will do when the time is right for them, if it ever is.
I found that the more I talk about subs, the more crazy people think I am, and so in order to preserve a good impression I have to shut up. They look at me like I'm trying to introduce them to my imaginary friend.
One person I told about increasing my wife's breast size and sex drive using subs considered me a total creep from then on for 'sexually brain-washing' my wife. I basically lost a friend and he wouldn't say hi or look at me if we walked past each other on the street. I'm not a creep, I'm taking care of my marriage. But after that I stopped telling people anyway.
I think anything outside a person's typical mind frame is going to throw them for a loop. Telling people about these things is akin to occult or witchcraft. If something isnt a mainstay in another person's reality they either think your trying to bait them or that your the biggest sucker in the world.

I actually tried to tell someone I play sports with once upon a time. Older guy in his 40's looked at me like I was on something. Basically all these pseudo/ actual intellectuals will can only conceive of something that can proven by the scientific method.

As hard as it is to do sometimes keeping these things to ourselves is the best thing to do.
I also tried introducing it to some people and sadly their reaction was just like Brad's friends. Maybe before introducing people to subs, one has to measure the ability of one's friend to understand what your saying or he/she has previous exposure to things regarding the subconscious mind, but that doesn't guarantee you a 100% convert. I think those that immediately rejected my offer to use subs didn't have in their reality that something(subs) are even possible. That's why they think your some kind of fruitcake. Well we have seen such reactions from the great people in history too. The only thing that is hard to convey to these people is the existence of the subconscious mind. Being intangible and immeasurable only worsens such petty disbelief.
Someone once said "I can only show you the door. You alone must walk through it"

It annoys me that, if I show someone something awesome and unlocking and opening the door. I still can't kick them through it.
Yesterday, my girlfriend told me that her mother and father are in pain. I gave her a copy of the pain relief sub prototype 1 last week, and she used it successfully, and told them about it. They won't use it "because it won't work". Have they tried it? No. Will they try it? No. Why? Because they're afraid of what they don't understand, and they cannot conceive of an audio program generating pain relief.

This is repeated ad nauseum. I have friends who want to lose weight, but wn't consider subliminals. Friends who want to stop smoking, but won't consider subliminals. Friends who want to stop drinking, are in pain, need emotional healing, and on and on... but offer them the solution and they run like you're going to kill them.

You can't force someone to accept your help. It stuns me how much people want to suffer instead of be helped, but most people do prefer suffering.

Ignorance and fear abounds on this planet. I and others are making changes in our own little way, but it's going to start slowly.
subs work like some kind of magic and people don't believe in magic!!!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke

Every revolutionary idea seems to evoke three stages of reaction. They may be summed up by the phrases: 1- It's completely impossible. 2- It's possible, but it's not worth doing. 3- I said it was a good idea all along.
Arthur C. Clarke
I appreciate everyones input. And I have to say that I agree, until a person starts to understand that their mind is connected with their physical reality you can only show them the door.

When I started this thread it was because subliminal s themselves are the most effortless way to obtain amazing life transformations, just to get a person to press play would be great. Because I am quite invested in these programs whenever i feel is the right moment while having a serious conversation I would give it a lot of publicity when telling a person about it. If a person goes out and wants to have (for example) a higher metabolism from going to the gym the delivery of information will pop into their minds. I'm sure regardless much of the worlds population people will start listening to subliminals.


I also have problems trying to explain what these subliminials are to people.
(05-29-2013, 10:22 AM)Larry Wrote: [ -> ]I have a friend who doesn't want to listen them because he thinks you can manipulated him.

Of course I trust you Shannon if not I weren't listen them, but it would be possible for you to control us trough subliminals?

May be in the future are going to be more providers and some of them could introduce manipulative stuff, I could be extremely dangerous.

I can make subliminals that do almost anything. Can, but don't. There is a limit to what I will do, because of two things. First, I do not do unto others what I do not want them to do unto me. And second, if I were to create subversive and manipulative subliminals and sell them dishonestly, someone would eventually figure out what was going on, and say something. And there goes my reputation, and without that, there would be no trust. And without trust, no sales, and without sales no money and without money no bills getting paid.

It takes a lot of smarts to make these programs work this well. It takes a lot of stupid to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. This guy isn't stupid. Neither is Andrew, or anyone else who works with us.

There is at least one subliminals producer already who produces manipulative subs. Fortunately, his stuff is not well known or mainstream, but it sure is shady. I can't believe people would buy from such a guy... but... some do.

I consider it my job to be a leader in ethical subliminal creation, which is why, for instance, there is no "stealth seduction subliminal" version of The Ultimate Weapon. It is audible and clearly states that you are listening to it every ten minutes.
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