Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Getting Other's to Consider Subliminal Use
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For some the free subs here should be enough to want to give it a try. The only downside to subs is the time it takes to work and the time needed to make them permanent

As far as I say we help eachother out there and become the change we want to be and then others may want to know and we can then help them but we cannot always help people until they are ready to be helped
I'm consistently shocked by people's close-minded mentalities and lack of interest in truely changing/evolving.

That being said, I tell ppl b/c I don't care what they think, and if it helps because I said something - cool.
I've gotten mixed responses when telling people I listen to subs, ranging from "I can only hear surf" and "This sounds like unintelligible chirping and tweeting" (both from one of my club's officers when trying out Stress Relief 5G on my suggestion) to "It's clearly not working for you" (my aunt seeing me emotionally break down repeatedly while I listened to EPRHA during my visit to Vermont) to my therapist recommending I dial it back because it might be too powerful.

From now on, I only refer to it as "motivational" audio when mentioning it the first time, and add the "subliminal" part if anyone complains about me wearing headphones while talking to them.
(05-27-2013, 09:44 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday, my girlfriend told me that her mother and father are in pain. I gave her a copy of the pain relief sub prototype 1 last week, and she used it successfully, and told them about it. They won't use it "because it won't work". Have they tried it? No. Will they try it? No. Why? Because they're afraid of what they don't understand, and they cannot conceive of an audio program generating pain relief.

This is repeated ad nauseum. I have friends who want to lose weight, but wn't consider subliminals. Friends who want to stop smoking, but won't consider subliminals. Friends who want to stop drinking, are in pain, need emotional healing, and on and on... but offer them the solution and they run like you're going to kill them.

You can't force someone to accept your help. It stuns me how much people want to suffer instead of be helped, but most people do prefer suffering.

Ignorance and fear abounds on this planet. I and others are making changes in our own little way, but it's going to start slowly.

I know its an old post but Everything you said is true. I have tried to help people but its like they want to suffer. Its like they love to feel worthless.

I cant blame them as I was like them few years ago.

All the suffering looks good when portrayed in movies and stuff but man real life doesnt work like that.
All i can say is that we are all VERY lucky that we have travelled a path that lead us to the MindLab subliminals.

We take for granted what we have learned on the way, the books and articles we have read, seminars, tutorials, youtube on self help.

When I want to help a friend or loved one I always suggest the things that got me started, back to basics!! If someone is feeling down I tell them to read "How to stop worrying and start Living", if they are want more success then "How to win friends and influence people", to stop smoking "The Easy way".

If you can get them to read a book then they are on their way, however if they cant pick up a book to help themselves then you may struggle to get them to listen to a subliminal.

People do want to change, but the fear of changing is greater than effort required to get the rewards. And trust me I know that fear, when i smoked I was completely afraid of quitting smoking, it sounds funny to say that now but it literally used to scare me - so its easier not to think about and carry on smoking.

I then discovered a book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking", I made the effort to read cover to cover and I haven't smoked since. When I discovered how powerful a book could be, it made me realise the potential of other self help sources and here I am at a pinnacle.

I am so grateful that I have been guided here, and you should thank yourselves for being open and intelligent enough to be here too.
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