I attribute it primarily to the results of the projection and decision guidance programming. It is not simply accepting that everything is possible; the program is designed to get you to find and lock onto that "you" in the future who has achieved the goals you seek to achieve at their highest positive expression, and then start projecting energy into that future and self, so that it becomes not just connected in a way that other possible futures are not, but you are literally "sending yourself there". It's like teleporting in slow motion, but instead of moving through space without shifting in time, this is shifting through time without necessarily moving through space.
Also, the decision guidance programming. Imagine an ant who knows there is a golden apple at the top of a tree, and the ant is on the ground. The ant wants to get to the golden apple and taste it. So the ant must begin making a series of choices, followed by actions.
Step #1: Will I achieve my goal by remaining on the ground, or by climbing this tree trunk? Obviously I need to climb the tree trunk, so let's do that.
Step #2: The tree trunk now divides into five options: four branches, and the main trunk. Which of these five must I choose in order to achieve my goal? Hmmm, looks like the main trunk. Let's do that.
And the ant simply keeps making his choices at every juncture based on whether or not the choice made will bring him closer to his goal or not, and always doing what will bring him closer. Eventually the inevitable end result, if every choice is made towards the end goal, is the desired end result.
These two things working in concert, I believe, account for about 96% of why I sense the things I do coming to me. I'm basically connecting myself to the future I desire and flowing energy to it, which makes it "heavier" (more energized/more real) and that flow of energy is not just making it my natural destination, it's also making me able to sense that reality because I am in effect existing in both this one and that one at the same time.
EIP just allows you to accept that a thing is possible. This goes far beyond.
What stage does this kick in?
Since both of these are in BAMM, I guess it doesn't matter too much. But which concept is more important: deservedness or EIP. I have heard it said that you have to believe you deserve your goal or else you won't take action. You say that you have to believe everything is possible deeply or else you won't take action.
BAMM is resulting in powerful dreams. I had one last night I can't remember too well, but it death fear destruction on some level. Very powerful so far.
These two concepts are introduced in Stage 1, because they are fundamental for the rest of the program to build upon.
Projection begins in Stage 1, and is in all 12 stages. Decision guidance is broken up into a few different specific forms, and they begin in stages 1 and 2.
(03-31-2013, 03:25 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I attribute it primarily to the results of the projection and decision guidance programming. It is not simply accepting that everything is possible; the program is designed to get you to find and lock onto that "you" in the future who has achieved the goals you seek to achieve at their highest positive expression, and then start projecting energy into that future and self, so that it becomes not just connected in a way that other possible futures are not, but you are literally "sending yourself there". It's like teleporting in slow motion, but instead of moving through space without shifting in time, this is shifting through time without necessarily moving through space.
Also, the decision guidance programming. Imagine an ant who knows there is a golden apple at the top of a tree, and the ant is on the ground. The ant wants to get to the golden apple and taste it. So the ant must begin making a series of choices, followed by actions.
Step #1: Will I achieve my goal by remaining on the ground, or by climbing this tree trunk? Obviously I need to climb the tree trunk, so let's do that.
Step #2: The tree trunk now divides into five options: four branches, and the main trunk. Which of these five must I choose in order to achieve my goal? Hmmm, looks like the main trunk. Let's do that.
And the ant simply keeps making his choices at every juncture based on whether or not the choice made will bring him closer to his goal or not, and always doing what will bring him closer. Eventually the inevitable end result, if every choice is made towards the end goal, is the desired end result.
These two things working in concert, I believe, account for about 96% of why I sense the things I do coming to me. I'm basically connecting myself to the future I desire and flowing energy to it, which makes it "heavier" (more energized/more real) and that flow of energy is not just making it my natural destination, it's also making me able to sense that reality because I am in effect existing in both this one and that one at the same time.
EIP just allows you to accept that a thing is possible. This goes far beyond.
I Knew what Shannon was talking about years ago around this subject and recently,I Knew in MY Heart and consciusness about the abouve rendered,however with Shannon's gift of explaining things so clearly ,precisely and concisely.... He's abel to put into words what I silently understood again in my own consciousness but was not able to 'get it out' in such a way.
Tholt YOU are soooooo blessed that SHannon laid this all out for you and us man in this manner....its so friggin clear... I was LMAO by the end of this rendering becuz,its soooo logical and linear,yet meta and quantum physcial all at the same time... and of course ,so clear.
Bless you BOTH and thank you #)1 Thank you Tholt for Asking such an intelligent question and # 2) Thank you Shannon for answering the question. Awesome!! Daddy Bear Keith.
do you think the success people experience in life is proportionate to the level they subconsciousy believe is possible? I know I keep on harping on this, but I have realized that I used to think everything was possible but it wasn't a deep conviction like BAMM is programming.
absolutely. what do you think?
I tend to think so. I thought I believed everything was possible but the realty was I wasn't achieving my goals so at some level I believed that everything wasn't possible.
Does one routinely attempt to walk through walls? If not, why? Is it because you believe that walking through walls is not possible? Hmmm.
How does guilt, shame, and fear specifically affect income? Is it related to fear of success, deserving issues?
The man who wins the lottery and is in debt a year later because he felt (or was made to feel) guilty for having money when his friends and family did not. The man who is told to be ashamed of his wealth because wealthy people are "bad". The man who fears wealth because maybe if he has money, he won't be accepted by his creator. These are but a few of the possible destroyers of wealth.
There is also guilt in obtaining wealth at the expense of others, but BAMM does not allow that you lose your morals and ethics and take the easy way to wealth. Some feel shame in having while others have not, never realizing that one cannot save the world by himself, especially since the world he would save is in the bed it made for itself: simply giving a poor man money only enables him to be a poor man who destroys wealth because he still believes and acts on what made him poor and held him there in the first place. Some feel fear that if they have wealth, they will be separated from those they love who do not, or rejected, or shunned, or used for their wealth, or never loved for who and what they are, instead of their wealth. Some fear the journey to wealth; others fear what they will do if they have it.
These three have a big impact on wealth creation and destruction. BAMM's job is to help you create it as well as prevent it from being destroyed by faulty thinking. To accomplish this goal, it must seek the destruction of guilt, shame and fear.
This is a random question but I came across some affirmational techniques that some Buddhist or Hindu monks called siddhi's where they chant a mantra hundreds of thousands or millions of times. Who has time to sit there and chant that many repeititons. Would affirmations at that level of repetitons even be effective? I was just awed by that fact
BAMM is making me more self reliant and assertive but in very subtle ways. Fear is being dealt with as well. I am becoming more productive also. Is this the typical stage 2 response?
I am willing to bet it is Tholt. As in stage 2's effects on self reliance and assertiveness. Thats happened for me in stage 1 one already over the last 4 weeks. I start stage 2 tommarow and no doubt it'll all be in there but even more amped up,least for me it will be,but yeah I bet cha dimes to doughnuts all of that and more,of course,Man,is in, Stage 2. Peace be wiff. Keith.