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(06-24-2010, 02:54 AM)smash Wrote: [ -> ]@ Ryan: what does it mean to have an "edge"? Could you explain on that?
I posted my view of 'edge' on the CS forums in response to a thread last week, check it out!
My dad looking at me and saying "thank you"... I don´t even know for what.
My brother responding different to me, having the feeling that he is searching my presence.
Having been with one of my best friends at gas station last night, appr. 20 people were sitting there (I knew most of them), felt like the hero of this party ;-).
Yeah and I can hear some voices in a weired way by listening to silent version and pressing headset INTO my ear ;-).
so long... my way to becoming an awesome ladiesman.
@ Ryan: I got it! Having read your thread concerning "having an edge" and all I can say: I´ve got my edge already. Thanks for sharing !
recognized different reactions from men and women that interact with me. Have been in a bar, held small talk with the woman behind the bar, her eyes went ON. I could literally feel it, that she was attracted to me.
Was sitting outside with some friends, a shy girl (yeah, she is really cute) couldn´t hold eye contact with me, I just had too much self confidence to her.
I keep going listening, but have to learn tomorrow. I am really excited. I think I am close to having "IT"... I can feel it. I do really look forward to do Woman Magnet, I think it´ll skyrock ;-).
Best to all of you,
so ...
having been in a bar with a good friend of mine, also done some exercises of "Code of the Natural". There is this hot bartender. She comes and brings us our beers, I am sitting in my chair in a very relaxed way.. Looking into her eyes, my brain was off, just asking her "am I allowed to ask you something?". Her eyes went ON in this moment. I just asked how "long they will have opened".
I will ask her same question next time and on the third attempt I will pick up her phone number.
Another girl I´ve met today (really beautiful), let´s see, if she has potential to catch up with me, I´ve met at sea today... A buddy of mine and I threw her into water with clothes on.
Overall state:
had some (I didn´t know where it came from) feeling of fear inside of me. Today it was blown away whole day, just enjoyed being in the moment. I am looking forward to have true connection with women. Before I went out I looked into mirror and told myself "I am a sexy motherfucker!" several times... and yes, I am

Let´s see what time brings, I will take some pictures of me and post it into forum.
Another girl I didn´t see a long time writing in a guestbook, that we should go dancing again.
Yeah, I am really excited and looking forward to Women Magnet, when all garbage will be blown away. Slow but steady I feel what it means to be a ladiesman... just relax, be in the moment, enjoy your life.
I will catch number of hot sea girl and dance with her very close next weekend ;-).
.. switched from written affirmations @ Laptop to hand-written affirmations ...
very hot! ;-) ...
an ex girlfriend, I have been with for 1 week and didn´t have contact for a while, started to message me again (I really wouldn´t have expected that !!). I´ve got the feeling that some more ex gfs will come back soon :-).
lol ... had a wild dream of a female buddy of mine picking on me, telling me, she want ... I get these dreams when I listen to AoS-silent during sleep - I don´t get these dreams usually, when I am not listening.
I am more relaxed.
Some more stuff... visited a gf of mine, she was extremely (!) hot on me (nfc *smile). Picked up number of another really cute girl, I will see if she can catch up with my skills. Another girl (who is ex gf of a friend of mine) starts conversations with me (we never really talked in past).
Getting better and better every day.
I was out w/ a good gf of mine and some friends, we were watching soccer last night. I was sitting next to a good gf, lying my arm around her. An older woman behind us always wanted to talk to me (us) ... "you both look so sweet" etc.
Later we went (again) to gas station, meeting with some more friends. One guy, I only know from seeing walked to me, looking at me like I am a celebrity - his mouth was opened and gave me his hand. Later two other girls came into place. I was sitting at a table w/ my friends and one girl was checking me out. I was sitting at the table and gave her little attention. When I went over to them, both girls were shy. Did some cocky and funny and enjoyed the situation. Nevertheless I decided to go home alone, just feeling great ;-).
Earlier this day one of my ex gf was messaging me, if I will come to a party. I asked her "why?", she answered she is just curious.
My brother perceives me different (I can feel and see it in his reactions).
Awesome reactions! I remember when I first did Aura of Sexiness, one day it all clicked on, I invited a bunch of friends over to hang out at my place and smoke some hookah. We were all sitting on the back patio at a circular table and during the conversation (even when I wasn't talking) they kept glancing over at me like wtf happened to Ryan? It's funny how people see you differently just from accepting a new belief. Guys and women alike, you're now being seen as a highly valued guy.
(07-08-2010, 01:19 AM)smash Wrote: [ -> ]Did some cocky and funny and enjoyed the situation. Nevertheless I decided to go home alone, just feeling great ;-).
Shy girls are always the hardest to deal with. When you are a sexy guy and you come across a shy girl, they are going to be even more shy. You have to listen to your intuition though and know that she likes you regardless of how she is acting. Probably appears uninterested but really she doesn't know how to act in your presence. As for leaving, I would always prefer to go home alone feeling great than leave with a girl feeling like shit

Have the feeling that my brain is overtrained. There are phases, I am really tired and have to sleep.
I have an online profil, nearly whole day women are browsing over my profile. Chatted w/ a good buddy of mine, telling me "You are hot". He is alway telling me this, but I didn´t hear from him since some time and the timing was great.
PS: Women want to f*ck me, everywhere I go!
My ex gf telling me that she wanted to see me again. I will meet her as soon as my tests are finished.
Another affair of mine wants to go to sea with me on thursday (just we both) and messaging me hot stuff.
A good female buddy of mine invited a very good looking brunette girl to sea, where I´ve also been. I approached her with absolute confidence, I could see in her body language that she didn´t expect that amount of confidence. I am writing w/ her (picked up her number) and will date her very soon.
Further: I haven´t listened whole night to AoS because I couldn´t sleep w/ headphones in my ear - but I will listen whole night to AoS tonight again.
To my inner state:
I am feeling more calm. Had some feelings of fear last week coming up that I thought wanted to tell me "stop listening to subliminal" - but certainly I didn´t. I think it was rebelling of my subconsinous. Finally these feelings have gone (nearly) completely till now.
thats good to hear your progress! I havn't made too many huge strides yet since I've started WM. It's been 3 days and I'm already getting some negativity coming up. Actually it started a few hours ago and I was thinking things like "you won't be good with women" and things of that nature.. but they aren't too strong which is good. I keep hearing keep the faith and that's what we all gotta do. It'll be alright in the long run

hello partypeople,
some more stories to tell:
I am at one of my best friend´s house. Before we go out, I styled myself. Suddenly he started telling me how "sexy" I look, at least 3 times. I was amazed because he normally NEVER uses these words. As Shannon mentioned "90% of people think of you, what you belive in yourself". I think in the script is a part telling me how sexy I am in original terms.
Another friend of mine, which whom I played soccer telling me how "great" I am - out of nowhere...
Another association of me telling me that she wants to have intimate time w/ me.
I am thinking about listening to ASC and AoS. @ Shannon: is it ok to combine both?

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