I now know in my heart that the magnetic mindset is no longer for me - It is a huge time commitment and I have a much greater purpose in life than simply attracting women (although I do plan on mastering this as well - I think i need more patience, and I was doing the MM with a "quick fix" mentality).
I'll still visualize because I enjoy it and it seems to raise my vibration immensely, but perhaps things unrelated to women (or perhaps not ;-) ) I'll just visualize whatever gives me the deepest emotional response on a given day. The MM began to feel like a chore -- I have kept doing it through the resistance, and I have seen my beliefs change. But even after watching some of those beliefs change, there is no real lasting happiness in it for me. I need to focus more on my music/career/self. Without the deep connection to our affirmations/visualizations, they will never work, so i need to affirm/visualize what I FEEL the most. Meanwhile alpha will continue help sculpting me into that indifferent, self-sufficient male.
I think the thing to do now is really get ME together, and not worry about the women too much. They are on their way ;-)
Is it recommended to mix anything with alpha? I have cut out the MM but would maybe like to replace it with something.. The early stage of Alpha seems to be powerful but slow going (I am quite introverted without doing the MM exercises which kind of get me in a more extroverted energy). Maybe Aura of Sexiness? I keep hearing about Overcoming Fear also... Or Ultra Success may be a different angle.. Everything is Possible?
You guys have any experience mixing with Alpha? Or should I just leave it be - I'm okay with that too if that's the best answer. Patience... ;-)
(12-19-2012, 04:36 PM)alphatrial4 Wrote: [ -> ]Is it recommended to mix anything with alpha? I have cut out the MM but would maybe like to replace it with something.. The early stage of Alpha seems to be powerful but slow going (I am quite introverted without doing the MM exercises which kind of get me in a more extroverted energy). Maybe Aura of Sexiness? I keep hearing about Overcoming Fear also... Or Ultra Success may be a different angle.. Everything is Possible?
You guys have any experience mixing with Alpha? Or should I just leave it be - I'm okay with that too if that's the best answer. Patience... ;-)
If it's your first time running AM, then use it by itself, so that you fully understand how it affects you.
Maybe your second or third run, you can mix it with something else (but usually only in later stages, stage 4-6).
Tiesto is right. The first time through, you need to know how AM affects you by itself. Otherwise you won't know what did what.
Your second time through, AM 6.0 may be available.
Personally I am loving OF with AM, but then I have been through AM 6 times. I also have to determine which stage(s) are compatible with OF. So just run solo for the first time.
Many things to note... I am still doing a little bit of affirmations (just when I feel like it now) and a lot of meditation (this helps with resistance a LOT) and qigong.
1. I am a musician, and I was at a club sitting in. A guy told me about a show that he is playing there in a bit, and a great bass player that I want to play with is playing with him. Without hesitating, I asked him "since xyz is playing do you mind if I sit in?" This is very out of character and bold for me. He said yes of course, because I owned it. This kind of boldness is key for my career path. This made me feel good.
2. Earlier the same guy was on the phone asking me for a favor.. I love to help people out, but it didn't make sense, so I was very comfortable telling him no.
3. Feeling in this club (bare in mind, it is a VERY comfortable environment to begin with) that I own this place, this is my territory, etc. Very "i don't give a fuck" attitude
4. Much more of a "big brother" feeling with sisters, don't know how to describe it
5. Started taking exercise very seriously
6. Feeling more and more like I am a very unique/special guy that women would be very lucky to be with
7. Feeling sexier
8. My aura seems to have expanded to 60+ Feet. THe other day in the bus station I was making eye contact with a girl from a very very far distance. This is probably a combination of the qigong/meditation with the new beliefs.
NOw whether these things are from the affirmations, sub, meditation... Who knows, but it seems like alpha is probably having an effect at this point! :-) These effects certainly aren't from meditation, as I've done that for a long time.. and the affirmations, I haven't even really done the last few days. But once again, who knows. I am not completely sold on these subs yet. I'm sure that if it's for real, there's going to be a moment during the 6 months where the lightbulb goes on it is all clear.
I am at home without much to do but I'm going to try and keep getting out to see what happens. These effects certainly show up more out on the town. Weren't many women out tonight.. The two that I saw were staring at me from across the whole club though.
If you're not sold on it, look at it scientifically. How many things that you are doing are new since you started noticing the 8 points, above? Isolate the variables, and see what appears to be the most likely candidate for catalyzing the change. If meditation and qigong aren't new, you've got an emotional reason for doubting the subs. Chase that down in meditation.
Haha.. Yes. It's definitely a little bit of the affirmations, but the change seems much more natural so it must be the subs.
I didn't have to chase anything down in meditation.. when you said that, i was struck instantaneously
1. I'm afraid of enjoying the sub, and therefore spending more money on subs, especially with the prices rising and tempting titles such as WM and BAMM
which means
I'm afraid of relying on something that costs money for my happiness/success
which means
I'm afraid of being poor
which means
Im not sure if what I do has enough value to the world to bring me a good income (I am an artist).
2. I don't like relying on something that I "didn't do" for my self growth.
Which is kind of silly I guess, as the resistance that is coming up I still have to deal with. IT's not like subs are necessarily an easy way out. In fact we have to face more faster
Another thing that popped up is, the subs take a lot of energy -- what if they're taking my energy in the wrong direction. I.E. What if being an alpha male is not really the best path for me?
That is merely an example, because I'm pretty sure I want to be an alpha male, and that is in my destiny. I don't think this program really takes our energy in any other direction other than where we want it to go... (it makes us a better man and whatever endeavor we're already doing). And I have inherent leadership qualities anyway, they've just been obscured by self-doubt and conflicting desires..
But what if I did BAMM for instance, without having a TRUE desire to become a multi-millionaire. Wouldn't that just waste energy I could have for other pursuits? I suppose it would only be recommended to do something like BAMM if we really wanted it, but what if someone did it for a very egoic fear based reason, instead of their hearts desire? Would it still even work? Personally I don't think I want to be a multi-millionaire, it seems like a lot of effort to maintain, and as an artist I have other things to do. I do want to solve the "money puzzle" in my own way however, I just don't know if being a multi-millionaire is precisely the way to do it. If I did BAMM without truly wanting to be a multi-millionaire (but with the intent of fixing my money problems), couldn't it potentially fuck up my life, or I could encounter MASSIVE resistance - Since it doesn't seem like being a millionaire is part of my "life path?"
I guess i've just been pondering on how our own true desire/life purpose relate to how the subs manifest/are effective
Anyway, since this is an honest journal I'll put my doubts here, but I don't mean to downplay the positive expression of what the subs have done (seen above) :-).
EDIT: since writing this, I had a glimpse of a moment completely free from all of these emotions - in which I really experienced my ALPHA self Fully. It seems that I am dealing with severe anxiety and deservingness. Seems like rapid growth is happening.. Its very painful. I've been awake all night - So much energy (from anxiety) burning up
That was great self reflection!
If you're not aware, there is a semi-annual crazy sale where Shannon selects products and prices randomly. The next one occurs on January 1, if I recall correctly. There are usually screamin' deals on the products during this time. The catch is that you have to hunt them down, because the products and prices are changed randomly!
Quote:1. I'm afraid of enjoying the sub, and therefore spending more money on subs, especially with the prices rising and tempting titles such as WM and BAMM
which means
I'm afraid of relying on something that costs money for my happiness/success
which means
I'm afraid of being poor
which means
Im not sure if what I do has enough value to the world to bring me a good income (I am an artist).
Every year, I re-assess our price structure for all the subs. Sometimes they go up... sometimes go down; sometimes a big change, and sometimes a small one. I try to aim for what will best balance the needs of the many with the needs of the producer. Remember that what's good for you is good for me. I just have to consider a lot more factors than any one person does.
I expect the majority of my products will be ~$20 for a while to come. 5G titles, of course, will range $89.95 and up, because they require so much more time, effort, and energy to build properly.
BAMM, btw, destroys fear, guilt, shame, feelings of lack of deservedness, and much more.
Quote:2. I don't like relying on something that I "didn't do" for my self growth.
Which is kind of silly I guess, as the resistance that is coming up I still have to deal with. IT's not like subs are necessarily an easy way out. In fact we have to face more faster
You misunderstand subliminals. All the subliminal is doing is making suggestions to you. You do whatever the results you get are. Not the sub. Some people choose not to out of fear or what have you; most people cooperate and get the benefits. And you're right, it's not necessarily the easy way out.
Quote:Another thing that popped up is, the subs take a lot of energy -- what if they're taking my energy in the wrong direction. I.E. What if being an alpha male is not really the best path for me?
The design of my programs is to always produce positive impact. The program adjusts to the person so that what the AM program does for you will always be positive, even if you don't want to end up being a Platoon Sergeant. It's designed to bring you to your fullest potential within your own parameters; it cannot be negative or "take you in the wrong direction". It's just bringing you to fuller expression of and experience of your own natural potential within that focus. Same with all my subs.
Quote:But what if I did BAMM for instance, without having a TRUE desire to become a multi-millionaire. Wouldn't that just waste energy I could have for other pursuits? I suppose it would only be recommended to do something like BAMM if we really wanted it, but what if someone did it for a very egoic fear based reason, instead of their hearts desire? Would it still even work? Personally I don't think I want to be a multi-millionaire, it seems like a lot of effort to maintain, and as an artist I have other things to do. I do want to solve the "money puzzle" in my own way however, I just don't know if being a multi-millionaire is precisely the way to do it. If I did BAMM without truly wanting to be a multi-millionaire (but with the intent of fixing my money problems), couldn't it potentially **** up my life, or I could encounter MASSIVE resistance - Since it doesn't seem like being a millionaire is part of my "life path?"
Excellent questions, and an opportunity for me to explain more about this monster of a program.
If you run BAMM according to the directions, you will develop the true desire to become a multi-millionaire, because that is integral to succeeding. The program is designed to shift you into becoming, expressing and responding in the ways that will achieve the goal. It assesses your current place, and then calculates the difference between where you are and what it's goal is, and fills in that difference.
So: No, it won't waste your energy.
Part of the reason I have decided on the price I have is to raise the bar and keep out those who are not serious enough. If you want it, that bar can be achieved, even though some of you will have to practice the lost arts of patience and saving up to get it. But if you can't get to the first run of the ladder with a challenge that small, forget it. You don't want it enough, and you're wasting your time.
If you do get it, and you use it properly, it will shift you and your life towards safely achieving the goal, but without compromising your morals and ethics to achieve it. If that would "f--- up your life", then don't do it.
If becoming a multi-millionaire isn't part of your life path, and you are literally destined to avoid that life path, then it wouldn't be resistance from within you that killed your success. It would be a series of limiting factors outside yourself that took shape to create those limits. But, for the vast majority of people, becoming a multi-millionaire is a genuine possibility, the issue is just that they cannot believe it could really happen to them. Which of course this program will naturally take care of. You have to internally become the change you want to see outside yourself before it can manifest externally. So destroying limiting beliefs and fears and guilt and shame and the lot has to happen before people who can be millionaires will achieve that goal. The program does that.
Don't think you are qualified to assess whether or not you can become a multi-millionaire. That information is not something most people can discover for themselves. 99%+ can become MMs if they do the right things and do them for long enough. On the other hand... it's not for everyone.
Quote:I guess i've just been pondering on how our own true desire/life purpose relate to how the subs manifest/are effective
If the sub directly conflicts, it will not work. But it is extremely unlikely that it will directly conflict.
Hope that helps.
Yes that helps. I am definitely interested in BAMM, but there is this huge feeling of undeservedness, and fear that it'll mess up my purpose.. (there is this deep notion that true artists are supposed to be poor and unsuccessful... The idea of uprooting that is appealing). However I do understand what your'e saying, and it makes me more inclined to try it out.
I listened to some of Brian Tracy's "THe Psychology of Achievement" last night. Alpha has made me much more realistic/goal oriented. This tape is one of the best on the law of attraction for success IMO, because it both understands the magic of the law, but it's also very practical. It says to write out goals (our highest vision) every morning as if we have them, then also write out daily, weekly, monthly goals (steps we can take and enjoy), and DO them. This builds self-esteem day by day. Before I was just trying to visualize the final outcome, but no smaller steps were manifesting in my life. Perhaps alpha got it in my head that I actually need to do something day by day. Seems pretty in line with the philosophy of BAMM as well. With this 30 minutes every morning of goal setting, plus the subs, and meditation/qigong/working out. I should be unstoppable!
Also decided I want to go to a high level qigong workshop in march. Should cost like $600 or more with the plane... Luckily I have a lot of funds right now. I want to purchase that, and maybe BAMM. Also my computer seems to be dying.. ;-) I graduate school soon so I'm going to have to be a lot more careful with funds, I'm trying to stock up on the "supplies" i might need first. :-)
Also interesting, the other night I did not sleep because the anxiety from the sub/within myself was so intense. Just slept 13 hours ----- No resistance anymore. I think I've seen the worst of stage 1. IT was pretty intense at times.
Also realized that my priorities have shifted from women to career... Like, a lot. I imagine that must be the sub. I just tried doing my affirmations about women, and it seemed so pointless. I think getting my career together first is more important, and a lot of confidence will stem from that
Quote:Yes that helps. I am definitely interested in BAMM, but there is this huge feeling of undeservedness, and fear that it'll mess up my purpose.. (there is this deep notion that true artists are supposed to be poor and unsuccessful... The idea of uprooting that is appealing). However I do understand what your'e saying, and it makes me more inclined to try it out.
As someone who has produced artwork in the past, and will continue to do so in the future, I'll just say this. The "starving artist" paradigm is only "cool" because a group of people decided that they had to justify pursuing "art" and/or "cool" above pursuing income. For some, this is a legitimate soul-level need; for most, it's just trying to be cool and laziness, or being stuck believing that "being poor in the only way I can be a REAL artist".
It's not. The wealthier you are, the more avenues you have to create with. An artist's validity as an artist is always internal, and nobody can validate an artist but themselves, regardless of their level of wealth.
But BAMM will happily destroy that kind of limiting thinking.
Quote:I listened to some of Brian Tracy's "THe Psychology of Achievement" last night. Alpha has made me much more realistic/goal oriented. This tape is one of the best on the law of attraction for success IMO, because it both understands the magic of the law, but it's also very practical. It says to write out goals (our highest vision) every morning as if we have them, then also write out daily, weekly, monthly goals (steps we can take and enjoy), and DO them. This builds self-esteem day by day. Before I was just trying to visualize the final outcome, but no smaller steps were manifesting in my life. Perhaps alpha got it in my head that I actually need to do something day by day. Seems pretty in line with the philosophy of BAMM as well. With this 30 minutes every morning of goal setting, plus the subs, and meditation/qigong/working out. I should be unstoppable!
Amusingly, I keep coming up with what I think are new ideas, and then Maggie will say, "Oh, Brian Tracy said that too." Dammit, Brian, can't I have an original idea for once without you thinking of it first?

But I seem to be very much in tune with what he teaches, and I haven't read any of his stuff.
BAMM works on all that and more. Short, medium and long term goals, knowing exactly what you want, organizing your goals as steps to achievement that you then absolutely conquer one at a time to achieve them, LOA stuff (and some things concerning LOA that are really unusual), etc. etc.
Quote:Also decided I want to go to a high level qigong workshop in march. Should cost like $600 or more with the plane... Luckily I have a lot of funds right now. I want to purchase that, and maybe BAMM. Also my computer seems to be dying.. ;-) I graduate school soon so I'm going to have to be a lot more careful with funds, I'm trying to stock up on the "supplies" i might need first. :-)
Save enough for BAMM.

We have the Ridiculous Sale coming before the release of BAMM at this point, so make sure you don't blow out your funds for BAMM, if you are going to get it.
Quote:Also realized that my priorities have shifted from women to career... Like, a lot. I imagine that must be the sub. I just tried doing my affirmations about women, and it seemed so pointless. I think getting my career together first is more important, and a lot of confidence will stem from that.
When you have success, the women will flow to you naturally.
Yes but of course you'll tell me to get BAMM ;-) --- It's your masterpiece!
Don't get me wrong, I'm considering it heavily. Everything you say makes sense. Women Magnet is still tempting though. :-\ Sex has always drawn me more than money. But money has caused me more fear overall. Anyway I'll just trust my gut on all this when the time comes.
On a sidenote - I am an alpha male (or at least more of one) in basically all my dreams. Girls fighting over me, standing up for myself , etc. In one a girl paid me to have sex multiple times. lol (that's pretty strange, not sure what that means).
Went out to socialize last night, at a party that was all adults (my dad couldn't go so my mom took me instead). Still felt very confident, though barely talked because neither my mom or I knew anyone. Then this lady came up and part her arm around mine and held it there for a LONNNG time, and acted reallllly strange asking how I was doing and stuff. Also talked to an old high school teacher of mine, and we got along great, as if we were old pals, even though i've never really talked to him and haven't seen him in 4 years. Then I saw his daughter, who is super hot, and it was kind of awkward, because we went to high school together but I never knew her. Kept exchanging glances, but I was kind of nervous about the situations (whenever things remind me of high school it brings up anxiety - I was the most beta of the beta in high school). Finally ended up saying hi to her, got a bit of an impression she would've liked to talk more but my mom and I were on our way out. What was cool about this though, was that even though I felt awkward while it was happening, my mind later automatically reframed the situation, to make me the alpha and her into me. My conscious mind is not even sure if that is true, but it's how my subconscious now remembers it (to some extent). Lol
I say what I do because I don't want people to get worked up about the ridiculous sale and then whine and complain about BAMM later on. If it's not for you, then by all means, carry on without it. I don't expect too many to get it, and mostly I am building it for myself based on that expectation. I just know how exciting it can be to hunt bargains during the Ridiculous Sale, and people are prone to forget that they wanted something before hand. There have been lamentations in the past. Masterpiece or not, I price it as I do specifically to make the statement that it represents the amount of time, effort and value that it does, and that only those who are serious should partake. There will be those who think me mad for making the price so high, and those who think me mad for making it so low. In the end, those who truly want its goal will have it regardless.
Yea man, It's just I haven't seen enough from the alpha male to throw down $1200 on a subliminal. I'm certain it's working (i'm seeing it daily now) but I don't have that full conviction in this subliminal thing as a whole yet. Most of the others buying it have been around here longer and have at least been through a full program. Do you have any idea of when the price might go up? I will be done with alpha in the summer, if you project it to still be $1200 then, I still have time to sort it all out. The only other one on my mind is woman magnet, I don't see myself going too crazy at the sale.