Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Headphones vs speakers
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Are headphones or speakers more effective in terms of using subliminals and getting results
That depends on your usage and circumstances.

Generally, the louder the subliminal audio is relative to other sounds, the more effective it is. Also, I make heavy use of stereo-spatial audio to force your brain hemispheres to work in concert, which produces a much better result than each one by itself would produce, or even having the effect of each by itself added together. In other words, by comparison, using the specific stereo-spatial effects I use creates a situation where if the left hemisphere by itself gives 50% and the right hemisphere by itself gives 50%, using them both at once desn't give 100%, it gives 120%, because of their synergy in working together in a balanced manner.

If you can manage headphones... always favor headphones, because they maximize both of these factors (relative volume and stereo-spatial clarity). Of course you need to be using stereo headphones.

If you want to affect a room full of people, however, or sleeping with headphones on isn't feasible... speakers, properly positioned and set up, will also do a fine job. But headphones are going to give the best overall impact and results.