Sorry if this is already posted on the forum, I didn't see anything. What's the difference between Absolute Self Confidence and Extreme Self Esteem?
Excellent question. I KNow the answer as I have both,but I wanna see what Shannon has to add to this question,Brad. Keith.
I haven't used ESE but ASC was the first subliminal I EVER used and I loved it so much that I got a custom 4G version of it made back in November of last year. I used ASC for almost 120 days and I can tell you that the main thing it helped with was confronting fears. You will be more comfortable doing things that previously either frightened you or made you unsure because you now have the CONFIDENCE to go do it anyway.
Hmm i'm interested in the answer to this also. I know there is a difference between self esteem and confidence in general but it would only be a guess if I tried to answer this one.
Self-confidence is assurance that one can produce a desired outcome.
Whereas self-esteem is how you value yourself; shame vs. pride.
Read the scripts of each sub and you will see that ESE goes into much more detail whereas it seems like ASC is reliant on your own concept of what self-confidence is.