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Big Grin Once it clicks, it only gets stronger everyday, unless you stop listening Wink Congrats!
Thanks Ryan. Today, I'm not sure whether or not BIABW was working because when I went into the mall I saw TONS of nice girls, most were about 8's and there were some 9's there too.

Today was also a bit of a sad day because a close relative passed away but thankfully I wasn't that upset about it. The rest of the day I didn't notice too many signs of attraction from girls, although there were a few looks here and there. My peace of mind thankfully wasn't affected and even now I still feel at peace.

Perhaps I need to refocus my definition of "sexy" so that I can attract a larger group of women? Either way, I plan on ordering some Brainwave Entertainment to help me on my visualizations. All in all, I'd give this day a rating of 9 because even though I didn't see too much outward signs, I did feel great and I had a fun day chillin with my friends and family so I can't complain. Smile
K-Train, I'm not sure how you are feeling about this eye contact but I notice if you have slight need towards wanting it, you won't get it much. Just try to let it go and go out to go out, not to get noticed by women. Walk around like you own the place, project that presence, and know that women will look at you so it's no big deal. The times when I have gotten the most looks was when I was just doing my own thing and didn't give a shit. Sometimes I don't even understand why but it happens and I lock eyes with a beautiful girl without even realizing it.
(06-05-2010, 09:40 PM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]K-Train, I'm not sure how you are feeling about this eye contact but I notice if you have slight need towards wanting it, you won't get it much. Just try to let it go and go out to go out, not to get noticed by women. Walk around like you own the place, project that presence, and know that women will look at you so it's no big deal. The times when I have gotten the most looks was when I was just doing my own thing and didn't give a *****. Sometimes I don't even understand why but it happens and I lock eyes with a beautiful girl without even realizing it.

Yeah, you're right. Today I just went out to grab a few things and I didn't force anything yet I still found that I was getting a few looks here and there so I can't complain Smile Plus, I notice that I've become much more laid back and relaxed in so many situations. I hardly feel as much anxiety as I used to so that's another plus from this program. I think write now I just need to trust my "auto-pilot" lol.

Hey Ryan, since you're a PUA, can you talk to me about MM? Like how long did it take you to get good with it? My goal isn't really to be a PUA, but I have looked at a few PUA techniques (mostly inner game stuff) because I found some of their material enlighting. My main focus is building natural game.
I'm definitely not a pick-up artist. I wouldn't say that I get women left and right either. The past 6 months I have been focusing on making myself a better man. That's all MM is about, making yourself a better person and being a desirable guy that doesn't need women to make him happy. When I go out I only focus on 1 thing besides having a good time, and that is eye contact. If a girl locks eyes with me I will hold it until she looks away. I have a few stories about how I've gotten girls this way but not a whole bunch yet, I know in a few weeks though that is all going to change. If you want to be natural, do not focus on PUA shit. In fact, I would recommend to never go for PUA shit, especially if you want to do Woman Magnet soon.

The key is to be yourself 100%. Treat her like she's a friend or a person you want to get to know. You don't have to play game or have an outcome in mind other than being interested in who she is. Take it from there. Too many guys go into a conversation or an approach with sex on their mind. That's why they learn magic tricks and special openers. That is complete bullshit and you'll see guys doing it left and right going from girl to girl only to be rejected. The way I think of it, I try to talk to her like she could be a future girlfriend or someone I would like to date. I ask her about herself and get her talking about herself only, this becomes easy when you're a sexy guy, she will usually talk about herself as much as she can to make you interested in her and to avoid boring you by being quiet. All you have to do is respond accordingly and look her in the eyes as much as you can, hold it longer than normal, she'll love it. If she asks me about myself than I will respond positively, try to be enthusiastic about yourself but I won't go much into detail. I like to find out about her, I don't like to talk about myself, I like to remain mysterious and not let her know everything about me right away Wink I find that most women now a days do not ask me questions about myself like they used to, instead I ask them questions they answer and will continue talking about themselves, which works for me Smile

When you have a strong mindset and you value yourself highly, you don't have to worry about what to say or how to act. All you have to do is be yourself, just walk up to her look into her eyes and say Hi. That's your opener right there Wink Now that you're getting the results, try that tactic. If a girl looks at you while you are out, lock eyes and hold it like she is the only thing in the room, it should put you in some sort of hypnotic trance as you gaze into her eyes, only look away once she has and see how she reacts.
Ahh man, that's great to hear! I've actually begun getting into that exact mindset of just doing it for nothing but fun. Right now I'm just trying to relax and not force anything like you said. The eyes is something I'll continue working on to as well. With AOS once I get into that "zone" the whole eyes thing just naturally comes. In time, I hope to try Woman Magnet too, but for now I'll just stick with the subs I have and continue working with them for another month or two. I'm sure everything else will just fall into place in due time.
great and that after 1 month! :-) ... keep the work up!
Thanks smash Cool

I wanted to let everyone know that more and more I seem to be just catching women's eyes. I haven't even been looking for it but like Ryan said it seems I just keep locking eyes with women. While in Publix a cute cashier was standing in front of the register, talking to her friend and as I passed her to get in line she locked eyes and smiled at me. It kinda reminded me of one of those club scenes in videos. Tongue

Anyway, I just purchased the Special Meditations kit and I'll be testing it out to help me improve the effects of the sub. I'll probably use it first with BIABW just to see what I notice. According to the instructions, level 1 thru 7 allows for "increased suggestibility" which means that my mind will more readily accept what it hears. I'll continue noting my progress.
@K-Train - Can't wait to hear about your meditation experiences! It'll only help bring out that sexuality even more when you stop listening to your conscious mind.
Quote:Anyway, I just purchased the Special Meditations kit and I'll be testing it out to help me improve the effects of the sub. I'll probably use it first with Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women just to see what I notice. According to the instructions, level 1 thru 7 allows for "increased suggestibility" which means that my mind will more readily accept what it hears. I'll continue noting my progress.

You have a great attitude Ktrain, and it's great to see someone push and expand themselves by continually delving themselves into various things to improve themselves (not in a magic bullet way off course). I see you're starting to see external results from Aura of Sexiness too now. More power to you!
(06-08-2010, 10:57 AM)WildFlower Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Anyway, I just purchased the Special Meditations kit and I'll be testing it out to help me improve the effects of the sub. I'll probably use it first with Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women just to see what I notice. According to the instructions, level 1 thru 7 allows for "increased suggestibility" which means that my mind will more readily accept what it hears. I'll continue noting my progress.

You have a great attitude Ktrain, and it's great to see someone push and expand themselves by continually delving themselves into various things to improve themselves (not in a magic bullet way off course). I see you're starting to see external results from Aura of Sexiness too now. More power to you!

Thank you guys so much!Big Grin

I actually tested out the Meditation kit at level 4 (high Theta) and it was a very wonderful experience. I was able to literally dive into my subconsious and mentally destroy whatever resistance was there. I was also listening to AOS on ultrasonic with headphones and when I got up I definitely started noticing the effects.

I also continued to repeat the AOS script while meditating and throughout today I notice that I feel more...complete. Like a state of peace. Basically I feel more at peace with myself. Even though I have no GF I thought to myself "I'm happy with who I am, and I love my life."

I wasn't able to meditate today due to time constraints but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get another session in. Ryan and Wildflower, since both of you two are doing "complex subliminals" I think you'll both benefit wonderfully from the kit.

For Wildflower, I think it will further cement the impact of the Alpha Set. It will increase your sense of inner peace. For Ryan, it will help you weed out whatever resistance you have within yourself and speed up the impace of Woman Magnet.

Shannon I've only used this thing once, but I like it already. Thank you.
You know you guys are among the very first to figure out how awesome the Special Meditations set is. I made that for myself back in 2007. Smile It has amazed me that it just sat there untouched for so long.
Earlier today I got a chance to try out level 7 on the Meditation Kit. I also listened to AOS on my headphones and it was a wonderous experience. The sound of the ocean surf from AOS really was soothing, and I almost lost consiousness.

Mentally, I still feel that sense of inner peace. And I seem to be more accepting of things that normally I would question. I'll try out level 1 while studying later.
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