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I started the AOS sub on 5-12-2010. I think the visualization I did yesterday is paying off. My head has been very clear today, and my energy level was also quite high. I went into the gas station today to pick up a soda and a girl that was at the counter literally stared me down. I walked past her and she turned her head to keep me in her view.

I did do visualizations throughout the day (also thanks Clamshell for recommending that book Wink) and they have been helping. Hardly any ANTs today.
Sounds like all you need is enough time. Visualizations also help, but the main thing with subliminals is enough time.
@K-Train - Clear-minded, energy high, and long stares by women - that's when I know the subliminal is working Wink
Can't wait to hear more stories!
Thanks for the support guys. I still feel clear minded, even this early in the morning. I'll resist the urge to listen to BIABW and continue working on AOS. Lol, sometimes I wish I had a sub that gave the person "unyeilding patience"Tongue
The good news K-Train, once you begin to feel the effects they only tend to get stronger everyday Smile
I have created one for patience, too, but the demand was zilch, so I haven't translated it to 3rd Generation. Smile
I've noticed something about the AOS sub. For the past few days I've been having a strong urge to be active. I'm normally very busy during the week with work and school but now today, I have the chance to have a rest day yet my mind still wants to keep going so I'll probably hit up the gym today.

Today I'll try to play the sub for at least 4-5 hours during the daytime to keep the effects up. I'll also see if I can just hang around town a bit and see if I can notice any effects from people. Still got lots of energy.
I remember when Aura took me over I was always wanting to be out and about, by myself or with friends whatever, it's a great feeling to always want to do things because you love the attention and what not Smile
Yeah, I've been really itching to get out of the house. Today though, I continue to take note of how clear and empty my mind is. At first, I thought it was bad because I almost felt heartless but what I've come to realize that my mind is at a state of peace because there aren't any negative thoughts intruding.

This "peace of mind" was obvious while I was working out (I was still listening to the sub). I noticed my workout was on point, I did what I wanted to do and got it done. While in there though, I did catch a women looking at me but she turned her head as I looked. Later on, I went into Publix for some food and did notice some looks from women but none were what I would call "attractive". Hopefully, this improves. Tongue

Also Ryan, did you ever recall repeatedly telling yourself you were sexy? I notice for the past few days I keep repeating that in my head, although I'm not exactly complaining! Cool
K-Train, I tend to get a lot more looks at the bar, a restaurant, the mall, or a small coffee shop like Starbuck's. I don't get a lot when I go out to the store except Target Smile It's not like every woman looks at me though. Some of them are too busy to even pay attention in these places or some of them are just intimidated. But if you are getting great responses from women, that's always a good sign Big Grin

When you have positive thoughts you keep repeating them in your head! I do it all the time and it sends a nice, warm sensation down my back! It's great being clear-minded, you'll begin to notice how much more effective it makes you in other tasks/situations. Today I'm starting to want to get out more, I'm getting that energy back that I need to be out, the world is my playground, I'm ready to go!
Thanks for tips Ryan, I'll be out and about a lot tomorrow so hopefully I'll witness more effects. I might go ahead and put BIABW into the rotation tonight since I've almost hit my 4 hour benchmark for AOS. With these two combined I should definitely get a lot of responses Smile

Its interesting that you're also getting effects similar to mine with Woman Magnet. Shannon was definitely right about them having similar effects. At least the 1st stage is. Stage 1 appears to be a mix of the self confidence sub and AOS in that their removing your negative views and replacing them with confidence, and a feeling of sexiness. Is today the first time you noticed the increase in energy from Woman Magnet?
It comes and goes, like I said, I have 1 good day, 1 bad day, 1 good day, 1 bad day, or atleast that's how it is so far. I feel I'm making significant progress with it though. Actually, today I felt sexy, then it died down and now I feel less sexy than I did earlier. Actually I don't feel very attractive right now but I think that's because Shannon also has scripts in place to make me feel more attractive. I think this is the subconscious's final attempt to hold on to old beliefs. I know when the negativity comes up it's because the subconscious is fighting back before accepting new beliefs. So I could only hope that is what is going on right now Smile
Well everyone the good news is that I still have been feeling the clear headed effects all day so hopefully this is a sign that things are progressin Big Grin. I listened to this sub for about 4 hours today so I completed my benchmark. I wanted to get as much exposure as possible because I'll be starting BIABW tonight as well. Next Saturday will also mark the end of my 32 day journey (technically, it would be the 31st day but whatever Tongue).

I'll still continue to try to keep listening to AOS for 3-5 hours during the day which should keep me from losing progress. Today I also felt that surge of energy down my spine, it was a good feeling. Several times today I said aloud "I feel good!"
Good to hear. Smile I loo forward to seeing the results you get further down the line, too. Smile
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