I am going to presume this is the post you wanted me to reply to, and if I am wrong, let me know.
Quote:Does subliminal affect everyone who listens to them? Are there any exceptions? if yes, in what cases and why?
Subliminals affect everyone who listens to them. Everyone. The reason is simple. You are always affected by any stimulus you perceive. The question you want me to answer is, does everyone notice the intended effects of the subliminal? And the answer is, "It depends.". It depends on your current set of beliefs, your personality, which type of subliminal you use, how you use it, how many hours of exposure you get, whether you have hearing problems and which type you have, and on and on.
Most people I have encountered from the Middle Eastern area, where I am guessing you either are from or are descended from by your name, seem to make very astute specialists in the United States. From what I have observed, whether they are a business owner running convenience store or a doctor running a hospital, they seem to do whatever they do with a great degree of dedication, passion and skill. I believe this very trait that makes them such good doctors has a lot to do with the correlation between their left-brain dominance and the precision and skill in logic required to be a competent physician in Western modern medical terms.
This hyper-focus in the logical side of the brain causes an imbalance that results in difficulty communicating with, and allowing their subconscious (which is primarily associated with the right brain) to express itself or act. Basically, the right brain either
inhibits the action of, or so completely overpowers the response of the left brain that there seems to be no response or result.
This is usually based in fear, because whenever you get a person too focused through one brain hemisphere, the other is incomprehensible to them. The logical mind does not understand the emotional mind because logic is rational and emotion is not. The same is true in reverse. You cannot have a logical irrationality or an emotional logic.
Therefore, one side of the brain's responses are either "unacceptable" according to family and/or society, and are ignored, shut off, hidden, even from the self. When this happens, they become "the unknown" to the conscious awareness, which then fears them and works even harder to stop or inhibit them.
Too much logical focus is not useful. All things are best in balance.
Quote:Dear Shannon, I tried ASC (Absolute Self confidence - 4th generation) from the free download link available on your website and as per instructions used this ASC (especially at night - All night long each night. I tried the ultrasonic ASC. Apart form the placebo effect nothing noteworthy or tangible has happened.
First, how do you know it was a placebo effect?
Second, if you actually did get a placebo effect, then the subliminal can and will work for you, as long as you do not resist or inhibit it. The placebo effect comes from a "conscious self programming" that interferes with the intended results, whereas the intended results come from a subconscious programming response. You cannot get a placebo effect without being capable of getting the real effect from a properly made and used subliminal. This suggests conscious self inhibition.
Third, you assume that just because you do not consciously notice any effect or change, that none happened. If you used the program according to the instructions, a change happened. You may be consciously inhibiting it, or even subconsciously inhibiting it out of a subconscious fear. If your subconscious believes that something bad will be the result if it cooperates, guess what? It won't cooperate. That something bad could be anything from public ridicule to death. The subconscious is very literal and lacks the sort of logical thinking skills the conscious mind has. So if somehow it got the idea that you will be ridiculed for its cooperation in this direction, it won't cooperate - no matter how preposterous that belief may actually be.
Quote: I think it didn't work as i expected at least. I trying to find out the reasons for this it may from my side or any other whatever the reasons may be but i feel a little disappointed as i was expecting at least something which could prove that subs really work.
I'd like you to ask yourself some questions.
First, how arrogant is it to assume that because you didn't get the result you wanted, that you should conclude that it doesn't work, when there are millions of people every day being affected by subliminals they don't even know they're being exposed to, and made much less well than my own?
"Scientific" / logical types are prone to this logical fallacy that if it doesn't work for me, it cannot possibly work at all, without ever taking into account that they can (and often do) actually prevent (consciously or subconsciously) whatever it is from working, out of fear, desire for their preferred result, profit, desire to keep a job, desire to maintain pride or status, and the list goes on. If you want to do a valid scientific test, you first must approach from a point of view of "I don't know." Neutral. Then use the program, and see what happens. If you don't get an obvious result, then the only logical conclusion is, "For some reason, I did not get a result." That's it. There is nothing beyond that which can logically be deduced pertaining to the result. You don't know if it works or not, you know that it did not produce a noticeable result that time, for you. That's why real scientific tests are done double blind, over and over with as many different people as possible.
Second, you state yourself that you were expecting a specific result, and that you got a "placebo effect". If you actually did get a placebo effect or not, we don't really know. What we do know is this:
1. Expecting a result means you interfered with your own experiment by not approaching from neutral.
2. If you actually did get a placebo effect, you were using the same exact mechanism that produces the real effect when it comes to subliminals, in order to achieve it: cooperation of, and action from, your subconscious mind. The placebo effect is nothing more than a form of self hypnosis. Hypnosis is just the brother of subliminals. The only difference between them is that hypnosis involves the conscious mind in the process, and subliminals do not. The results of both, however, are responses from the subconscious mind. So if you did get a placebo effect, you were demonstrating that the subliminal CAN work on you. I think it's probably as likely that you got the result and then your conscious critic started whispering in your ear, "This can't be right... it must be the placebo effect, and since we know the placebo effect ends after a while, we'll turn it off now."
In other words, for you, getting a result from the program will actually conflict with your existing conscious programming, which may also be working to prevent that from happening without you realizing it, because you're not familiar with being aware of your conscious responses because they are so familiar to you.
Third, how is it that you conclude that they do not really work from this? Look around you. This forum is full of people who get results, every day.
I'll give you a similar example. When I was young, I was introduced to hypnosis by my grandmother, who was a hypnotherapist. I had crossed eyes and dyslexia at the time, and at the age of 5 I was still trying to learn to tie my shoes. I just could not get it, because I couldn't
see it right! Then my grandmother gave me a hypnotic suggestion, and within five minutes I had learned to tie my shoes.
Her husband, my grandfather, was a chemist, and a very black and white logical thinker. He developed a neurological disorder that made him shake uncontrollably, which he wouldn't even allow her to try to help him with. Why? If he was right and hypnosis didn't actually work, why not let her try and fail? He instead refused not because he really believed it didn't work, but because he knew it did work, and was afraid that he would be vulnerable to control from her. In effect, he was refusing to cooperate in order to defend himself from being controlled by her.
She talked him into trying, for some reason, as it is useless to try to hypnotize an unwilling subject in the manner she was schooled in. As anyone with a lick of common sense could have told her, he resisted and her efforts failed completely. Then she "got it" and took him to meet "a friend of hers", who was her instructor, who was skilled in conversational hypnosis, which is useful for dealing with resistant types. Within three minutes, my grandfather was no longer shaking. Had my grandmother not then done something extremely stupid (in an effort to "be right") and told him what she had just done, he would probably have had relief for at least a month, and possibly forever. The very second she told him what she'd done, guess what? He started shaking, and he's been shaking ever since, regardless of who did what surgery or prescribed what pill. My assessment, as a certified hypnotist myself, is that
Quote:his subconscious mind now is programmed to shake as a defense against what he sees as manipulation and control from others.
It is now his way of "being in control of himself".
Had my grandmother not been so foolish as to try to "be right" sheerly out of pride, and just let him never realize that he'd been hypnotized, his subconscious mind might have been developed into his ally.
My mother was another one she couldn't hypnotize, and for the same reason: mom was afraid of being at the mercy of her mother's control. My grandmother tried several times to use hypnosis to help my mother quit smoking, but it never worked. My mother also went to two other hypnotists, and tried the hypnosis recordings of the man I learned the basics of making subliminals from. None of it worked.
Yet after 53 years of smoking, I got her to quit in just 8 weeks, without even trying, by doing two things. First, I spent time understanding her and WHY she had failed every time in the past. And second, I created a subliminal for her that addressed those issues. Now, you're going to tell me my mother quit smoking because of the placebo effect, after three different hypnotists, nicotine gum, patches, pills, herbs, accupuncture, accupressure, group counseling, therapy, and everything else failed? I'd have to call that ridiculous if you did. If it was the placebo effect, she would probably have started smoking again, but she did not. She didn't even remember I had it playing after a few days! The key was that I simply started playing the program, and then left it alone. I didn't get on her case, I didn't discuss smoking, I just left it alone and let her do things her way and in her own time, and because she was therefore in control of the process and the subliminal was guiding her to do something she already wanted to do, she succeeded.
She's not the first, or the last, to have succeeded quitting smoking using my subliminal program. To my knowledge, only one person has ever successfully resisted using Version 3.0 or higher of that program, and of course resistance means she doesn't really want to quit yet at the subconscious level. Everyone else just stopped smoking gradually until one day they just weren't smokers anymore. And this is concerning a drug addiction - not a simple thing to change for a subliminal, especially if it didn't actually work!
Quote: I request you to kindly elaborate this. I admit here that I have followed every instruction of yours as far as possible still i haven't figured out what was the reason that i didn't notice any effect of subs? Could you please help me in this regard. i know this sound uneasy as i didn't get the desired result. If you remember in this thread in the beginning i have mentioned that there should be some technique a kind of test by which the receptiveness or (suggestibility test - as what is popularly known as in Hypnosis) should be there to confirm if subs are working on a particular person. Was my doubt real, was i really not ready or if the subs were not working on me from the beginning? what may be the reasons?
I believe your response to the subliminal is your test of not susceptibility, but cooperativeness. I believe that you are simply among those who subconsciously fear a loss of self control through the use of the program, and I can't blame you, with as many people are out there who don't know their head from a hole in the ground, who are publishing what amounts to a joke and calling it a subliminal. If you don't feel safe, you won't cooperate. Simple as that.
Part of why I have this forum is so that people like you can see the results that others have gotten. If there were subversive stuff in these, believe me, it would have been detected by someone, because not everyone has a difficult time with having communication between their conscious and subconscious minds.
Quote:Shannon, I really cannot emphasis my need and the urgency that i have for the change to come to me. If my belief regarding subs or ways of entering sub-conscious get shattered I will have to say unfortunately that I will be left with no other option but to end this journey of life or take SANYAS (renunciate everything) . It's a DO or DIE situation for me, I'm serious Shannon. So please request you to help me out in every possible way. After a long search I had come to your website and with lot of hope & was using ASC but my bad luck may be... Apart form this is there any way out to reach my sub-conscious for sure...?
That's a pretty big request. The only things I can suggest are that you seek out a skilled hypnotist in person, or that you try to overcome whatever is holding you back. It relies on your cooperation. Unless you want to try using the 5th Generation stop Smoking program, or the 5th Generation weight loss program, which are the only things I could send you a sample of to see if it affects you that is more powerful than the 4th Generation subliminals.
But in the end, nobody can force you. You have to choose to allow it to happen. That's why I suggest a skilled hypnotist, who can educate and guide you in person. Someone you can get to know and learn to trust.
You could also try self hypnosis, which might be more effective for you since it is SELF hypnosis.
But really, I believe your resistance is most likely based in fear, and for that I cannot help unless you allow the program to affect you.