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I was looking forward to 6G so here are my first impressions. 

What happened when i was listening the audio? nothing, didn't feel anything at all.

After that i went on a walk as usual, this is where it gets interesting, if i didn't know how i behave and didn't fear to be seen by others i wouldn't have noticed but thing is i just didn't care at all, to the point it felt natural as if i was used to it, normally i would be hypervigilant and that would reflect on my way of walking but today i just don't care and my steps were natural.

The only feeling i'm getting from this is "refreshed" aside from that nothing else.
Just my luck, got sick the day i started with OSC, maybe it's just a coincidence or maybe a cleanup of my baggage who knows. Now i come to realise why programs like OGSF can't be replaced, being sick reminded me of my own fragility, i like to mock death since i have a very pessimistic perception of life but the pain before death just give me chills (i'm just pessimistic, i'm not actually dying), i feel the danger and the hopelessness then fear invades me and yet for some reason i just didn't care that much, i might think life is shit but i still believe somehow is still worth yet if my time comes then so be it. The fear might remain there but probably OSC is boosting something inside me to just trying to accept and forget about it. Well let's see how this goes with OGSF 6G. Can't say more since i've been resting for the last week.
If i have to describe my time with OSC it will be "don't care", compulsive thoughts? plenty, but don't trigger fear, instead trigger war mode, just battle inside my thoughts. Not overthinking my words just saying what comes to mind, hell i even forget to lock the screen sometimes (since i want no one to peek my stuff eventhough probably is not gonna happen). I'm even starting to think to be more active in my life (depression handle that) and for some reason i don't believe it will be that bad, let's see if i don't give a fuck in the future as usual.
After getting over with my ailment my sex drive increased a LOT, then my monk mind comes over to try to remind me that i need no women in my life, it's hard to endure when i'm horny as hell, no depression stopping me for the moment, this time i'm the one who is stopping me, god give me strength. Maybe my pent up desires are getting out since depression is no longer there but i don't recall sex drive being like this since my teenager days.
Interesting, that does make sense as depression basically drains your 'energy'.

Are you saying that since using OSC your depression has improved this much?
I wouldn't say that, i'm not even diagnosed with depression, just saying i don't give much of a fuck about life since i have a very pessimistic attitude towards everything, fear based or not i still believe life consist only to be born and then die, everything else is a bonus. If this is fear based then i shall see what happens with OGSF 6G but do not take me seriously when talking about depression. Though the increase of sex drive might indicates something about it but since pondering about that won't do me any good i'm not trying to find an explanation.
Well well well, depressive shit tries to kick in again, at first it was getting to me but now i understand, what i call depression is nothing more than my own lacks and the response is carried by displaying intense sadness over not getting what i want but even if i get it doesn't change anything, i'm being miserable as always but thats because i was searching what i lack from the outside, in truth i don't need anything from the outside, i was just brainwashed and behaving like a spoiled brat, time to grow up.