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EHPRA v5 5.75.7G 
Start date: 03 Sep 2024

Ultrasonic 2 loops on 11-16 volume on an iPhone.

I ran EHPRA v3 for 2 months just previously and when I noticed E5 is available for free, I switched to it. 

I saw positive effects in those 2 months of running E3:

- it has helped me better process and heal from my last relationship 
- it has helped me in staying more calm and resilient in difficult recent financial situations
Have a good run!
@Have at ye Thanks!


Should have been the first day of the OFF cycle. Totally forgot and played 2 loops.

I am becoming very clear headed. I am able to accept reality as it is, whether harsh or good. I’m aware of where I stand in life. But I don’t complain about it. I just sit still and draw conclusions.

Money is running out, I am looking for a new job/ contract at the moment. It’s a difficult phase, but I remain calm.

Today I felt pensive and nostalgic. Thought about the people that are gone from my life: my father, my grandparents, my ex.

I also feel guided to take some decisions regarding some of my health problems. I am able to see everything clearly, identify the problems, the solutions. It’s a different feeling. This feels like the effect of E5.
2nd cycle: 3 days ON, 3 days OFF

3 loops Ultrasonic at 11/15 volume.
3rd cycle: Switched to 4 loops US.
Last night I dreamed a lot. One dream after another Did not remember most of it, but it was eventful.
Today I woke up feeling emotional. Thinking of my father, who is no longer in this life. And other people dear to me.

This might be related to increasing the loops, because up until now I’ve felt like my mind was refusing to deal with the pain.
Last couple of nights I've had dreams surrounding the fear of being cheated on, being no longer loved. This is definitely triggered by the sub, because consciously, I currently do not hold such fears, nor I have such worries.
1 month of E5 complete. Currently doing 4 loops Ultrasonic, 3 days ON 3/ days OFF.
Dream of overcoming danger, staying calm in face of adversity.
Increased ON days per cycle by 1. Currently doing 4 days ON & 2 days OFF.
One benefit that I can pinpoint from running the sub is increased emotional resilience. I am currently going through tough times financially and holding myself quite well. I'd probably be a mess and in depression otherwise if not for E5.
Feeling emotional tonight. Memories of my father resurface.
It feels to me like in order to fully mature as a man, I have to fully process the loss of him.
I have a major issue that I need to work on in order to fully mature as a man. I am very indecisive, both in my romantic life, but also in other areas of life.
I've been dating a woman for 3 months, she has many attractive qualities, we get along really well, sex is good, she is a beautiful woman. Physically, I find her attractive, she is probably not my ideal body type in a woman, but you can't always have it all, am I right? If you find a woman you get along really well, and see yourself having a future with her, then you can overlook that she doesn't have a perfect 10 body.
The problem is that I'm undecided whether to commit to her. The indecisiveness is killing me. Would I be happy to make her my wife? Maybe, maybe not. What if I get bored of her? What if I start desiring even hotter women? What if I make the wrong decision?
I've also been undecided in my previous relationship, so it's definitely a pattern and not an isolated case.

I am also terrified of hurting her, or women/ people in general. I'm afraid of breaking up with a woman, if I come to the conclusions that she is not the one.
I don't want to hurt her, but at the same time, being indecisive and not fully committed with my relationship with her, is hurting her. I've already hurt her once, I did the same with my ex.
I don't want to string her alone, and make her fall in love with me, when I am not sure if I want to stay with her for much longer.
So I guess I'm afraid of speaking the truth I feel within, I am very conflict avoidant., and I believe it might be rooted in trauma.

@Shannon If you could offer some perspective on this, I would highly appreciate. Would a future AM7 be able to heal and improve on this part for me?
Any advice you or others would have related to or outside of subliminals is welcomed.

How do I, as a man, learn to make better decisions, to trust my own judgement more?
Switched to 5 loops US.
Life is slowly getting better. Last week, I finally got an offer for a new job. The money is good, but the starting date is only in January 2025. I would have preferred it earlier, because I'm in dire need of a new income stream.
But I am happy to receive this offer, after several rejection for other roles.
Still feel very resilient to stress, this is an effect of E5.
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