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Things have gotten better externally. I’ve gotten told I look like I’m doing better than I ever have, even though that day I wasn’t feeling the greatest. I assume it’s the subtlety in my body language after all this healing/clearing I’ve gone through.

There’s highs and lows, but overall I sense myself making progress. Lately the progress feels more real and I can sense the light at the end of the tunnel getting closer and closer and more real to me, not just some distant dream like it was years ago.

I might sacrifice my health budget to save up some money. I want to be able to have enough for AM7 when it comes out next year, since Shannon has said he might make the discount (for owning AM6) last for 30 or 90 days. I want to make absolutely sure I have enough saved up to afford it.
If healing on E6 can be this painful with pain relief I can’t imagine trying to heal without it.
Pain is a fertilizer for growth. The more you have the more you are bogged down, but the more potential for excellence exists once you burn that pain down and learn its lessons. I feel like I’m burning off my karma right now and completely reshaping who I am. Not in the sense that my core essence is changing, but that structures are adjusting according to the collapse of pain. The lessons extracted from the pain aren’t just theory. So EPHRA6 isn’t just about healing, it’s about development itself. I’m not just overcoming pain, I am using it to become something new and to develop myself into a more effective person.

It feels like so much has changed after only a month. It feels like I’m at least halfway through, maybe already close to finishing a full 7 month run. Then I realize that I’ve only ran it for a month and am baffled. I can’t wait to see what I become in 6 more months.

Often I feel like I’m not doing great because I am constantly aware of my pain and deficiencies on EPHRA6, but I learned something that, loosely paraphrased, goes like this: “When we work out, we feel weak. When we learn something new, we feel like we still have so much to learn. When we confront fear, we feel cowardly. But these are signs that we are growing.”

I feel like that applies to where I’m at now. The pain I’m experiencing is a sign that I’m confronting my deficiencies and growing. It shouldn’t be discouraging, but empowering. I’m making progress and I can feel it.
Had some apathy and doubts and then suddenly major progress. Don’t want to go into specifics for various reasons, not the least of which is my lacking memory lol.

Looking back at old SM3 and WM2 journals and getting wistful of old times on the forum when there were millions of journals and we were all trying to figure this stuff out. There was a sense that if you ran a magnet you could potentially get some crazy results like in a journal you read.

Now it’s a ghost town here. Soon 6G will be here. I can’t wait until the forums are poppin again and we’re all sharing our adventures together. I’m sure this place will become an amazing place not just for the subs themselves, but for the networking and culture as well. I really do believe this place will become something special and I’m looking forward to it.

I can’t wait. Until then I’m gonna keep being a janitor and cleaning up my problems with programs like E6 in preparation for my glorious ascendence! Our time to rise up will come, my brothers!
Good old times will come back - better than ever!

Yes, I remember the 2014-2016 era when I was far more active here. Great times. But with 5.75g - 5.11g, these subs have become far more impactful so I predict that in the future the forums will be far busier.
(07-26-2024, 09:27 AM)Inconceivablezen Wrote: [ -> ]Good old times will come back - better than ever!

Yes, I remember the 2014-2016 era when I was far more active here. Great times. But with 5.75g - 5.11g, these subs have become far more impactful so I predict that in the future the forums will be far busier.

Absolutely. Later tech is crazy. I’m looking forward to when it’s a shit show and there’s too many journals to keep up with.  Popcorn
How much listening time are you getting on E6?
(07-27-2024, 12:55 AM)GreekGod22 Wrote: [ -> ]How much listening time are you getting on E6?

The default instructions. I listen for 15 minutes on my on days.
The results I’m getting are incredible. I just want to express my gratitude to Shannon. I still have a ways to go, but the results are becoming increasingly apparent and harder to brush off. I still have ups and downs and doubts. I also have amazing highs. I took a look at the product page for E6 and noticed most if not all of the bullet points. Edit: want to clarify that “all of the bullet points” doesn’t mean I’m 100% done, but that I notice the process within me and progress being made at various levels.

I’m having great results for so little time put in. I attribute this to my extensive sub history that has mostly focused on inner growth as well as OGSF2 specifically and of course the power of E6 itself.

E6 is painful but also enjoyable. So far my favorite subliminal. Anyone reading this considering E6, do it. Anyone using E6 and not getting the results they want, keep going. Trust the process. It takes time.

Edit: just something that I randomly remembered. Theres this desire to achieve mastery for its own sake. To become a beautiful person. I noticed this on OGSF2 as well. Noticed some of this today where I released toxic desires and instead “surrendered” to a higher sense of being. Like there was an earnest sense that I don’t care if it’s hard, I just want to be the person I want to be even if there’s no reward. I cried multiple times and felt a sense of exaltation.

I’m not perfect with it, but it seems to be something coming up more and more. I suspect there will be a time when I am that person. For now I will keep going and accept where I’m at.
I can feel my core of inadequacy. I’ve dissolved a lot of layers and made a ton of progress. Progress that I can feel and is not illusory feeling like in the past. I feel a physical difference in my body, not just less pain that is easy to brush off. But there is still this core of inadequacy. I can feel it in my stomach, my chest, my throat, the back of my neck and head, and my forehead and behind my sinuses. I suppose this is my pain body.

I’ve already dissolved a ton of it and it’s a ghost of what it used to be. It felt really dense before and now it feels more faint, like it’s close to being gone. Hopefully it doesn’t take much longer for it to disappear.

I’ve noticed myself getting more out of the house. I’m in this weird state where coping mechanisms are less interesting but I’m not yet resonating fully with the things I would be if I was healed more. I do feel like I’m starting to “live” more. Like I’m becoming more “there” instead of like a walking corpse.

When I went to the beach yesterday, for example, I would go from feeling like I had cotton in my head, and being unaware of my surroundings, to sometimes feeling “alive” and aware of the beauty of creation. I even hit a little bit more awareness at one point than I’m used to while staring at a rock being pelted by ocean spray. I felt like the world and I were both sparkling. The experience itself was beautiful.

At a few points I had random childish urges I almost brushed off in embarrassment. But I pushed past that and decided to “live” instead of always putting it off for safety. I rolled around on the ground and at another point let go, through my hands to the sky and released a victory shout to the sky. After shouting I noticed a couple nearby and felt a bit embarrassed because it was something more vulnerable than a normal shout. Don’t regret doing either things. I’d rather be an alive fool than a dead one.

The light is shining through the cracks.
Went to the beach again today and feel really calm. Felt like it was healing. Laid down and just enjoyed the sound of the waves and the calm sea. Feel like my sense of smell is coming back. Also it feels like there’s an invisible thing affecting my perception of my vision as well. Both seem like some kind of trauma related thing. The walk back was enjoyable. I’m starting to feel like a kid again, maybe even better, since I was a pretty traumatized kid.

I want to clean my room and make it a nice cozy space, but I have trauma around cleaning my room. If that clears and I start cleaning my room that’s when you know the subs are working lol. Looking forward to when that happens.

Anticipation for the future is building. The more I notice what is happening to me the more excited I get. It feels more and more like I’m pulling up to some kind of “edge”. It’s like the pause before a tsunami hits or “the calm before the storm”.
Noticed a couple things today.

This has already been something I’ve noticed here or there but seems to be continually progressing in the background. I’ve noticed this kind of thing since OGSF2. I feel like an apt metaphor to be “the void”.

I’ve got like this growing “static” in my head that seems to be the result of space forming in my head. Similar thing in my body. It’s like both are vibrating more and becoming lighter. Sometimes I’ll notice that, as I’m walking, there’s an unneeded mental friction, because I don’t need to “intend” to walk, and in fact is an arbitrary imaginary mental concept. After that it begins to feel like my legs are just walking and it’s almost like my legs are floating in space and allowed to “be” rather than them imposing their existence into reality. What I mean is it’s more like my legs existing is something that is allowed, something that is a relaxation. They are “being”.

Another thing is I noticed while pacing my room and contemplating (I sometimes do this, especially when I have nothing to do and don’t feel like entertainment (which is increasingly more often)), I began to slip back and forth from feeling all of my emotional pains at the forefront in this dense ball, to feeling really light and almost like I was on laughing gas or something. I had this urge to just laugh compulsively almost like an “I’m free!” feeling. It subsided but I believe it was a window into where I’m heading.

I’ll go from feeling all my hangups and feeling like a child (even though I rarely if ever react to them), to noticing stuff like this and being like “oh yeah I really AM getting better”. Because even though I KNOW I’m getting better, when you’re in the thick of dealing with pain it can feel less real.

I almost didn’t post this, but I want other people running E6 to see how my journey is going and be like “maybe things WILL get better for me”. Also it’s just exciting to me.

P.S I love E6.

Edit: I want to point out that the second thing felt like it came out of nowhere. One minute I was dealing with pain and contemplating and the next I noticed that state fade in and out a few times. It almost felt like it was coming from another dimension, like if I was a 2d character on a piece of paper and the paper turned and suddenly I changed due to the paper turning. Like I was witnessing myself changing on an energetic level as if it were always there and all I had to do was slip into it.

I think this is that dimensional stuff Shannon talks about where there are an infinite number of realities and all you need to do is focus onto the probability line you want to be in… or something.

This is all speculation. Just describing something I noticed that I thought was cool. The explanation is just my theory so don’t get hung up on that part.

Also women seem more attracted to me at times. People seem to like me more.

Over and out ma brothas *fistbump*
Ego dying I had similar experiences when I used to me meditate a lot everyday (2 hours)
That's really awesome!!
Thanks man! I look forward to where E6 takes me in the coming months.
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