I wasn't planning on running OGSF v2, at least not right now. And I was certainly not intending to keep a journal. But events have convinced me to do so, mainly because ...data. So I'm going to call it more of a 'logbook.'
Shannon released OGSF v2 on 08-25-23. On 08-27-23, I had diarrhea. All. Day. Long. I could not correlate this to anything I had eaten, or any emotional shock or upset at the time. This is highly unusual for me. The condition passed after a one-day duration.
A couple of days later, I decided to run OGSF v2. I downloaded the files, and loaded the ultrasonic on my player. As I was turning on my player at bedtime to run my 2/3 of a loop, I thankfully checked the file name and discovered I had 'mistakenly' loaded the hybrid file, instead of the ultrasonic. Needless to say, I didn't run the program that night.
Today, when I laid down and listened to my loop, I experienced a wonderful relaxation of muscular tension.
As I have been writing this, I have experienced a strong sense of deja vu.
I seems that my other-than-conscious parts are pretty active with this one.
Woke up way too early this morning, and decided to run my loop. Once again, muscle tension melted away, and I fell into a deeply restorative sleep. I felt better this morning than I have in awhile. It's almost as if the sub is rewiring my nervous system, and re-setting it to 'factory specs.'
Today, once again, I woke up too early, and decided to run my loop. This time however there was no relaxation response. I eventually fell back asleep and experienced
the same type of sleep I have been experiencing since I had covid 2 ½ years ago; lots of random, disjointed dreams that leave me exhausted in the morning. What ever caused that restorative sleep in my previous loop didn't happen. This time, it seemed like something that should have been disconnected or disengaged during sleep...wasn't.
I also distinctly remember dreaming about excrement. This to me says that the most primal and primitive parts of the psyche are showing themselves. These are the parts that operate via images, forms and metaphor.
Another possibly relevant metaphor also came to my mind in the form of a memory of an old Star Trek episode. It's the one where the crew of the Enterprise are using their phasers to fight the Borg drones. The first drone hit by a phaser blast is killed. But the other drones modulate their shields to repel that specific frequency of phaser blasts. So the phasers must be set to various randomly rotating frequencies so that the Borg cannot defend against them. I'm wondering if this is a subconscious clue as to how often I should run the sub (time frequency) or if I should vary which version I listen to (sound frequency.) It makes no difference right now, though, as I am 'sticking with the program' for at least the first run-through.
I went to bed later than usual yesterday, so I decided to run today's loop then. Which meant that technically, I ran two loops yesterday, but they were 17 or 18 hours apart. I didn't experience anything untoward, so all went well. I didn't experience the specific “relaxation response” that I mentioned in a previous post. I did, however, feel like my body was suffused with a very fine energy that was both comforting and subtly energizing at the same time. I fell asleep easily, and I don't recall any dreams. I felt relaxed and refreshed upon awakening. I'm feeling pretty good in general. So, I am going to continue to listen to my loop when I go to bed.
I turned on my loop when I went to bed last night. Fell asleep easily, and didn't have any exhaustion-producing dreams, but I did have what I would call a more normal dream (if there is such a thing...) In the dream, I was in a large warehouse-type building, only the entire interior of the building was covered in finished drywall, like the space was still being set up for some purpose. There were some places that were being sectioned off, like the beginning stages of making separate office spaces or some such. As I wandered around the building, I saw a few people working; some were riding around on small industrial carts, moving supplies and what not. And then I woke up, and started getting out of bed.
And then I woke up again. This was seriously crazy. Apparently, I initially “woke up” into another dream. From the warehouse dream, I jumped to another dream in which I was getting out of bed in my previous residence, where I would get out of bed on the left side. In my current home, I get out of bed on the right side. So trying to get out of bed on the wrong side may have been what woke me up. And as I sit here typing this out, all the above raises the question: am I still dreaming? Just how awake is my waking reality? And is the warehouse dream a metaphor for the inner changes that are taking place?
Do you play 40m or the whole loop?
(09-03-2023, 10:00 AM)GreekGod22 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you play 40m or the whole loop?
40 min. as per instructions.
Listened to loop #7 of my first run-through last night; started my six days off today. Last week, when I was about three or fours days in, I was thinking 'yeah, more loops, more days.' Now, six days off sounds real good...
I'm on day 3 of my break days, and the time off has been good for me. I have been pondering some incidents from my past where I experienced guilt or shame, and it seems that there is some sort of fear underpinning all of these, and sort of 'fixing' them in place. As I use the sub, however, these old stories are seeming less 'solid,' and more vulnerable to being changed/eliminated.
I had a thought pop into my head today: the problem with guilt/shame/fear is that they block/distort/prevent/misdirect the reception of sensory data, and the accurate processing of same. Which would go a long way in explaining my many mistakes, illusions, and bad decisions.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.”
Yesterday was supposed to be my 4th day off for my break cycle. However, I was experiencing an uncharacteristic, persistent, and strong anxiety. I guess if I keep poking around trying to get my other-than-conscious parts to change, sooner or later, the solid waste material will hit the rotary air circulator. It makes sense that there would be some sort of repercussion(s). So I decided to run a loop when I went to bed yesterday. I woke up this morning feeling better, but I know it ain't over yet. I will take this cycle's two remaining break days tonight and tomorrow, then on to round 2.
I had an insight into my anxiety episode: OGSFv2 is digging deep and reaching aspects of my psyche that have been in force for quite some time. During the seven-day listening cycle, some inner aspects that have been functioning quite nicely in the dark, thank you, are now suddenly coming to light, and being felt/noticed by the deep parts of my psyche. My usual inner relationships, connections and balance are being re-arranged, and thrown off kilter.
And then I start my break days. And some deep part of me is terrified. Things have been stirred up in a big way. The support that listening to the sub provided is gone. This terrified part of me feels alone and abandoned. So it seems that running OGSF2 for that one night during my break was the right thing to do. Hopefully, this part that felt abandoned now feels more supported and allowing of what's going on under the hood.
Today is day 6 of my break cycle, I'll start my next round of loops tomorrow.
Today is day seven of my second listening cycle, I will start my six-day break tomorrow. Not much to report. Things are quiet; too quiet. I may adjust my listening parameters in some way on the next cycle.
After running two complete listening cycles according to instructions, I felt the need to do a little tweaking. I shortened the length of the cycle, with the days on/days off within the cycle remaining in approximately the same ratio. (Part of the reason for this was the anxiety episode in post #10; I figured my s/c shouldn't go too long without input.) I amped up the audio input significantly. So far, I have listened to one cycle in this configuration.
I did have something come up as I was pondering GSF today. Part of me sees my GSF as 'my fault', and not in the context of having done something bad or wrong, but in the context of being bad or wrong. Also, at work today, I was experiencing a lot of irritation which morphed into anger, and then moved into despair. This is where things had shifted into “it's their fault, but there's nothing I can do about it.” All of this was accompanied by overall feelings of frustration, anger and powerlessness.
So far, so good!
"What Governs Output and Input of Information
So, among consensus realities there are many overt, covert, subtle and non-conscious factors which somehow govern the output, transmission and intake of information at various levels. One encounters these limiting and limited factors everywhere and in any kind of mix or combination. The most direct, but usually non-conscious, link is the language a society and all of its members are required to utilize, no matter their status or educational backgrounds. Even if someone has a new idea, to communicate it verbally or in writing requires use of the nomenclature shared and utilized at the consensus reality level. As we shall see in an essay ahead, this factor is a very important regarding theory and information transfer processes.
In this sense, then, nomenclature is the first governing factor regarding information transfer, and the concepts behind the nomenclature are the second factor -- whether these concepts be exact, explicit, assumed, imagined, taken for granted, or whatever. And one usually finds these governing factors running on automatic in various social echelons -- with very few ever realizing that their innate and wonderful thinking processes are being reduced and victimized by them."
Ingo Swann, Superpowers of the Human Biomind