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Full Version: Shannon's Money Magnet 5.11G Experience
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Today I was informed that my insurance has a $500 check for me, they are returning to me a premium I paid out. Interesting.
Over the last few days, I have done a couple of self exposures of the newest experimental sub. ~20 minutes each time, two times on different days back to back.

I can tell this has kicked off a serious battle for which program gets control of the resources in my conscious and subconscious mind. This is a clear sign that we cannot run 2+ subs at the same time, if either - and especially if both - are 5.11G or later.

Now I have to decide which of these programs to run. The experimental needs to be tested to make sure it's safe for the Tier 2 and 3 testers, but I also need to run MM. Argh! This is very frustrating.
So it appears that until testing of the experimental is finished, I have to stop using Money Magnet. Having both of these running in my mind is causing me exhaustion I cannot believe. So sad that I have to stop, since Money Magnet was just starting to do the big stuff. But I cannot function at this level of exhaustion, and I don't have a choice in testing this experimental. So this will be it for a little while.
I haven't been able to do testing for a couple days, so I am sneaking in a loop of MM. I have really missed it. Not even sure what's missing at a conscious level, but I definitely feel the difference. I wish I didn't have to test these experimentals.
I am really enjoying how MM impacts my life. It's like this pillar of stone inside me, providing strength and encouragement, but doing so so gently and subtlely that I really don't know it's happening most of the time. It's also transitioning my core beliefs from what they were to something better...just as it was designed to do. Slowly, gently, subtlely, but it's happening. Life on MM is just... better. Not sure how to describe it otherwise.

For those of you using it, remember two things:
1. It's not going to be obvious enough for everyone to see what it's doing while it's making the initial deep internal changes within you that have to take place for it to be able to achieve it's outer goals (money). This is partly because it's 5.11G and partly because it's design is such that it won't frighten you into resisting the massive changes it's likely having to make deep beneath the surface of your awareness.
2. The money will be the result of those changes to your deep internal belief structures, which have been holding you in place and preventing those experiences previously. That's why it's not going to likely be an immediate experience of money flooding your life.

Give it enough time to influence you, and give yourself enough time to make the changes, and you'll see what Money Magnet is all about.
Had an interesting dream last night. I dreamed that the State of Florida sent me a little packet of three pages stapled together basically stating that I had been approved for a payout of $500 for a scratch off ticket that had been claimed by someone else, someone named Omar something. I was confused why I would be approved for this payout, when I didn't even know who this Omar fellow was, never mind having put my name in for his winnings. I thought about it for a minute and concluded that I would have to refuse the winnings under these circumstances, since this was a mistake. The dream wasn't over, but at that point GF started waking me up, and the dream was interrupted. I would love to have seen what happened after that.

This sort of thing is not what the Luck Magnifier is supposed to do, and it's not what Money Magnet is supposed to do, so I'm not sure what's behind this dream.
According to some sources on the interwebs, the definition of the name Omar is “flourishing, long-lived, eloquent, and gifted speaker .”

From the Online Etymology Dictionary:

flourish (v.) c. 1300, "to blossom, grow," from Old French floriss-, stem of florir "to blossom, flower, bloom; prosper, flourish," from Latin florere "to bloom, blossom, flower," figuratively "to flourish, be prosperous..."

thrive (v.) c. 1200, from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse þrifask "to thrive," originally "grasp to oneself," probably reflexive of þrifa "to clutch, grasp, grip, take hold of" (compare Norwegian triva "to seize." )

“I thought about it for a minute and concluded that I would have to refuse the winnings under these circumstances, since this was a mistake.”

That pesky logic and thinking... Perhaps if your dream hadn't been interrupted, you would have made friends with your inner “Omar!”
(08-16-2023, 08:44 AM)Ruffian Wrote: [ -> ]According to some sources on the interwebs, the definition of the name Omar is “flourishing, long-lived, eloquent, and gifted speaker .”

From the Online Etymology Dictionary:

flourish (v.) c. 1300, "to blossom, grow," from Old French floriss-, stem of florir "to blossom, flower, bloom; prosper, flourish," from Latin florere "to bloom, blossom, flower," figuratively "to flourish, be prosperous..."

thrive (v.) c. 1200, from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse þrifask "to thrive," originally "grasp to oneself," probably reflexive of þrifa "to clutch, grasp, grip, take hold of" (compare Norwegian triva "to seize." )

“I thought about it for a minute and concluded that I would have to refuse the winnings under these circumstances, since this was a mistake.”

That pesky logic and thinking... Perhaps if your dream hadn't been interrupted, you would have made friends with your inner “Omar!”

This is an angle worth looking at and considering.  I got the impression that my subconscious is worried about getting money from sources that are immoral - that is, being given something in some way that rightfully belongs to someone else.  Silly subconscious, all you need to do is not bring me wealth in such ways!  But one of the things this program does is make the user willing to accept the results it achieves.  And the safeties in it should prevent things like "ill gotten gains" anyway.

At the current time, I can feel that we have reached what I believe is "bedrock".  That is to say, I believe that right now, some of my deepest and most primal inner layers are trying to resist because there are beliefs changes required to move forward, and they aren't wanting to make these changes.  The question I have is... how long will these parts be able to hold up progress?  Very interested in seeing how this gets dealt with.
It's an hour past midnight, so I guess I am referring to yesterday, but yesterday there was a lot of emotional discomfort as my deeper parts dealt with the changes Money Magnet is making. It's not fun, or pleasant, but I can tell that progress is being made regardless of how uncomfortable it is and how much these parts of me don't want to make these changes. I tried to make this process as easy as possible, but there may still be some challenges for some of us, I guess. I'm just glad that progress is being made, so all this isn't just feeling yucky and stagnating in the mire.
It appears that almost the entire run of Money Magnet, I have also been exposed to GPR-P18 and I only knew about it for a short period of time. While GF needs pain relief and the GPR is working better for her than the pills, I cannot expect the program I'm trying to use one hour a day every other day to work when apparently I am being bombarded with 6+ hours a day of GPR every day at maximum volume, whether I know it or not. So it seems that my run is over until she stops doing this. I don't know when this will end... I'm quite honestly tired of even trying lately with running subliminals for myself with everything that's been going on for months now to disrupt the efforts I've been making in that direction. I'm just going to stop trying for the time being.
I appreciate the sentiment, Keith, but it's gotten a bit ridiculous between this and the experimentals I have to test and everything else. So instead of exhausting myself or causing myself to become confused by overload, I'll just accept what is and be still for a while. What is: GF needs pain reliefm and both of us prefer that she doesn't use drugs, especially addictive drugs. So I am appreciative that GPR-P18 works well enough for her to do that. What is: I have to test these experimentals for a while before I can release them to others for testing. What is: I need to build OGSF as quickly and accurately as possible so I can publish it before the end of this month.

So... for the time being... I will accept what is, and be still. When the circumstances have changed in a week or two... I will start back on either UMS or Money Magnet, according to which is the better choice at that time according to the models. It is trying to force my desires on what is that brings frustration, unhappiness, etc. and only degrades my ability to function and work accurately. I was frustrated mightily last night when I wrote that. Today I am much more calm and still emotionally.Success is inevitable; just need to be patient and until the time is right, be still and optimize my ability to do what else I can and need to do.
A 3,000 year old say,which BTW is much easier to say than my view... "Looks great on the blackboard though", this generation 'whats a balckboard?" and 'isn't sanka a phone app?' Ha. but I digress

"Accepting the Is-ness of ALL that is!" a Buddist saying, I Love this one too, 'you can never step in the same river twice"

Compassion and light sent your way!
GF has stopped using GPR and is no longer in going to be interfering in my use of Money Magnet, so I am starting a loop today.

I have been feeling very uncomfortable emotionally for a while now, maybe a bit more than a week, and I wasn't sure what was causing it. I turned on MM and it immediately skyrocketed. So it's some deep part of me that is being asked to change beliefs, and is very uncomfortable with doing so for some reason.

I'm not enjoying these feelings at all, but if I pull back and look at the bigger picture, this is great news because it means MM is achieving changes deeper than UMS v2 was able to, and those changes are doubtless necessary for either of these programs to fully succeed. Not fun going through the changes that are scary and uncomfortable to my deeper self, for whatever reason, but this is what is going to clear the path for me to become wealthy, so... bring it on! And I shall continue to march forward in the mean time, trusting that Money Magnet 5.11G is doing what it is designed to do. This too shall pass.
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