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(11-14-2023, 10:08 PM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]I’m up to 6 loops this cycle (I’ve lost track of what cycle I’m on), and I’m seeing some interesting results. A guy at the gym started qualifying himself to me apropos of nothing, telling me why he’s so swole. A girl at the gym (not particularly attractive, but I’d rail almost anyone who’s not ugly at this stage) might have been sniped because I was having sexual thoughts about her. I think she was “waiting” for me by standing around doing nothing until I finished, and then tried timing her exit so that we would leave together. I completely missed that queue, and remembered that I forgot to do a stretch, so I went back to do my stretch, and she left empty handed. On the way to the gym, I caught a woman staring at me from the passenger side of a car going past. I am extremely tired. I can barely do any work, and feel a constant need to rest. None of these things are normal. Interesting to note that the same dude from the gym was qualifying himself to me last time I was up past 6 loops as well (before I ran OGSF). Interesting. Let’s see where this goes.


Today I did two loops and I was literally way too self aware, the sub ha d a knock at me. Not sure how you feel at 6 loops haha. 

But back in the day with older versions like 3.1 I used to run the sub over night.  

I definitely think DMSI is very complex sub and require alot of work underneath. I grew alot with this sub. Whenever I use another sub, I just end up coming back to DMSI, because I just see more value in it.

Keep going, these results you see are only the beginning….
Quite the results tonight. Went to a professional networking event, and 3, if not 4, of the women there were showing strong interest, but I still don’t know what to do with it. Two of them were a bit too curvy for my taste, but one of them basically asked me on a date. A third was pretty cute, and she came and stood inside my personal space, but I couldn’t find the opportunity to get her number in a discrete way. The last was the most attractive of them all. She hung around a bit awkwardly before the networking, but eventually left because she found no one to talk to. She showed no obvious interest, but I just had a feeling—ya know?

Also, on the way there, I made eye contact with a beautiful girl. We walked in the same direction for quite a while, and I could definitely have done a mode one on her, but I hesitated, and we went in different directions.

7 loops; 4 days on, 1 day off; and 10/16 on iPhone. Lots of progress, but still feels like there’s some way to go? I think I’ll stay at this level for now, and see how things unfold.
DMSI can be an emotional roller coaster when you’re looking for results. Some days I feel like I’m repugnant to women—I receive no positive responses, and some respond like they’re disgusted to see me.
I was reflecting on my experience so far, and I realised that DMSI is working, but the effects are really mild. I was unsure/doubtful previously because my expectations were much, much, higher than the reality of my experience.

To summarise my experience: I’m much more attractive. I have interest from my colleagues, I have interest from women when they have a natural opening to speak with me, and I have some (only a few) women looking at me with interest from cars. So in conclusion, DMSI is working.

However; it’s currently working well below my expectations. To summarise my expectation: women will initiate, and I just need to be patient. This is the list of things that I’m not seeing:
* auto config (as far as I can tell)
* giving me positive attention and conversation when they are normally stand-offish, or when they would normally avoid me
* stare at me, or smile at me
* initiate conversations with me
* talk about sex, nor anything related
* touch me, nor invite me to touch them
* sexual nor inviting body language, nor flashing
* laughing
* compliments
* gifts
* trying to spend time alone
* putting themselves in physical proximity to me

This is especially true for women in their 20s (I’m in my 30s), and the women I find most sexual attractive. I have seen one example of a woman competing for my attention, and another standing in close physical proximity, but they weren’t the women that I found most attractive, and one of them was even a little undesirable to me.

Update: I realised it has been a consistent experience for me that these subliminal programs “kind of” work for me. I had the same experience on AM6. I found three or four women over the course of AM6 who felt VERY strongly sexually attracted to me, and it eventuated in a sexual relationship, but it was less than 1 per year, I was getting a lot of rejection, and it wasn’t a strong or widespread effect that changed my self-perception, or self-confidence. Also true for EPRHA, OGSF, MHS, etc.
(11-24-2023, 12:26 PM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]I was reflecting on my experience so far, and I realised that DMSI is working, but the effects are really mild. I was unsure/doubtful previously because my expectations were much, much, higher  than the reality of my experience.

To summarise my experience: I’m much more attractive. I have interest from my colleagues, I have interest from women when they have a natural opening to speak with me, and I have some (only a few) women looking at me with interest from cars. So in conclusion, DMSI is working.

However; it’s currently working well below my expectations. To summarise my expectation: women will initiate, and I just need to be patient. This is the list of things that I’m not seeing:
* auto config (as far as I can tell)
* giving me positive attention and conversation when they are normally stand-offish, or when they would normally avoid me
* stare at me, or smile at me
* initiate conversations with me
* talk about sex, nor anything related
* touch me, nor invite me to touch them
* sexual nor inviting body language, nor flashing
* laughing
* compliments
* gifts
* trying to spend time alone
* putting themselves in physical proximity to me

This is especially true for women in their 20s (I’m in my 30s), and the women I find most sexual attractive. I have seen one example of a woman competing for my attention, and another standing in close physical proximity, but they weren’t the women that I found most attractive, and one of them was even a little undesirable to me.

Update: I realised it has been a consistent experience for me that these subliminal programs “kind of” work for me. I had the same experience on AM6. I found three or four women over the course of AM6 who felt VERY strongly sexually attracted to me, and it eventuated in a sexual relationship, but it was less than 1 per year, I was getting a lot of rejection, and it wasn’t a strong or widespread effect that changed my self-perception, or self-confidence. Also true for EPRHA, OGSF, MHS, etc.

Okay, so we have to consider a few things here.

First... where do you get your expectations?

Second, not every possible indicator will be experienced from any one woman, or even by any one user of the program.  It's meant to be a list of all possible indicators of interest.

Third... if you're executing and getting some results, then we have to figure out which of these is true:

  1. Is the program working, but your expectations are so far beyond it that you don't see it working?  That seems to be obvious here.
  2. Is the program being executed, but not fully?  That also seems to be the case, based on what you've commented here.

What would you say the actual experience vs your expectations is, as a ratio?  
How did you come to the expectations you had?
Do you think you're executing these programs fully?

Let's see what we can do to figure this out.
(11-24-2023, 12:58 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, so we have to consider a few things here.

First... where do you get your expectations?

Second, not every possible indicator will be experienced from any one woman, or even by any one user of the program.  It's meant to be a list of all possible indicators of interest.

Third... if you're executing and getting some results, then we have to figure out which of these is true:

  1. Is the program working, but your expectations are so far beyond it that you don't see it working?  That seems to be obvious here.
  2. Is the program being executed, but not fully?  That also seems to be the case, based on what you've commented here.

What would you say the actual experience vs your expectations is, as a ratio?  
How did you come to the expectations you had?
Do you think you're executing these programs fully?

Let's see what we can do to figure this out.

Firstly, I'll start with where my expectations have come from. There are three sources:
  1. I'm an attractive guy. For various reasons, I grew up with low self-confidence which became self-reinforcing in a negative cycle, and I haven't been able to overcome this, but multiple women have made it clear that I'm attractive throughout my life. Having said that, because of my low self-confidence, I've never been "sexy"--I've always been the "relationship guy" because I'm kind, and I want to be "good".
  2. Other people's experiences with DMSI from the journals throughout v3-3.5.
  3. Comments and instructions from you; your comments to other customers in the past that they should get out of their own way, let the program execute, and wait for women to initiate, and the sales page (that's where I got the list).

Secondly, regarding the ratio of experience to expectations, I think it's different for different types of programs. For anything relating to women, I would say that this is low, maybe 1:10 to 2:10, and for WM it was 0. Until DMSI, when I'm running these types of programs, I never think they are working. It's only upon reflection, sometimes years later, that I realise that I was executing, even if it was in a limited way. With DMSI, the reason that I am able to reflect while running it is because I've had the realisation in the past, so I'm more self-aware, and because DMSI is different (I'm confident that the naturaliser was a problem for me).

For anything relating to emotional healing (EPRHA, OGSF, OF, etc.), I think it works well, maybe 8:10, but selectively--that is to say, no improvements for anything relating to women. For others, for example, with MHS, I had some scars that never healed, but I think it helped improve my back issues. That injury is less obvious, so less easy to be sure.

Finally, I definitely think I don't execute these programs fully--especially anything relating to women. I chalk it up to resistance (it was very tough on AM6), but I don't think this is the issue with DMSI. DMSI is pretty good at avoiding resistance, and the resistance is not overwhelming on DMSI, so I can usually let it go consciously when I feel it. For DMSI (and all the other attraction related or adjacent subliminal programs), my feeling is that there is something that these programs haven't been able to touch. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like we're missing the point, or that they don't addresses my issue.
(11-24-2023, 01:40 PM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-24-2023, 12:58 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, so we have to consider a few things here.

First... where do you get your expectations?

Second, not every possible indicator will be experienced from any one woman, or even by any one user of the program.  It's meant to be a list of all possible indicators of interest.

Third... if you're executing and getting some results, then we have to figure out which of these is true:

  1. Is the program working, but your expectations are so far beyond it that you don't see it working?  That seems to be obvious here.
  2. Is the program being executed, but not fully?  That also seems to be the case, based on what you've commented here.

What would you say the actual experience vs your expectations is, as a ratio?  
How did you come to the expectations you had?
Do you think you're executing these programs fully?

Let's see what we can do to figure this out.

Firstly, I'll start with where my expectations have come from. There are three sources:
  1. I'm an attractive guy. For various reasons, I grew up with low self-confidence which became self-reinforcing in a negative cycle, and I haven't been able to overcome this, but multiple women have made it clear that I'm attractive throughout my life. Having said that, because of my low self-confidence, I've never been "sexy"--I've always been the "relationship guy" because I'm kind, and I want to be "good".
  2. Other people's experiences with DMSI from the journals throughout v3-3.5.
  3. Comments and instructions from you; your comments to other customers in the past that they should get out of their own way, let the program execute, and wait for women to initiate, and the sales page (that's where I got the list).

Secondly, regarding the ratio of experience to expectations, I think it's different for different types of programs. For anything relating to women, I would say that this is low, maybe 1:10 to 2:10, and for WM it was 0. Until DMSI, when I'm running these types of programs, I never think they are working. It's only upon reflection, sometimes years later, that I realise that I was executing, even if it was in a limited way. With DMSI, the reason that I am able to reflect while running it is because I've had the realisation in the past, so I'm more self-aware, and because DMSI is different (I'm confident that the naturaliser was a problem for me).

For anything relating to emotional healing (EPRHA, OGSF, OF, etc.), I think it works well, maybe 8:10, but selectively--that is to say, no improvements for anything relating to women. For others, for example, with MHS, I had some scars that never healed, but I think it helped improve my back issues. That injury is less obvious, so less easy to be sure.

Finally, I definitely think I don't execute these programs fully--especially anything relating to women. I chalk it up to resistance (it was very tough on AM6), but I don't think this is the issue with DMSI. DMSI is pretty good at avoiding resistance, and the resistance is not overwhelming on DMSI, so I can usually let it go consciously when I feel it. For DMSI (and all the other attraction related or adjacent subliminal programs), my feeling is that there is something that these programs haven't been able to touch. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like we're missing the point, or that they don't addresses my issue.

Have you run the latest OGSF?  And if so, for how long?
(11-25-2023, 01:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Have you run the latest OGSF?  And if so, for how long?

No, I haven’t. It’s very expensive with the current exchange rates, and in truth, I’m wary of being in this same position in 12-months, running something that’s not directly focused on women.

If I’m not executing the program fully, does DMSI 3.5 have scripting that might result in me executing fully in time, or should I be expecting that I’ll remain stuck where I am if I don’t try something else?
(11-25-2023, 03:48 PM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-25-2023, 01:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Have you run the latest OGSF?  And if so, for how long?

No, I haven’t. It’s very expensive with the current exchange rates, and in truth, I’m wary of being in this same position in 12-months, running something that’s not directly focused on women.

If I’m not executing the program fully, does DMSI 3.5 have scripting that might result in me executing fully in time, or should I be expecting that I’ll remain stuck where I am if I don’t try something else?

I would say that it's likely that if you take some time off and then come back to it, similar to how the tidal effect works, you'll get better results each time.  However, your history of resistance and partial execution concerns me, and I think you will be very much helped by something like EHPRA or OGSF, depending on which you think would be better.  Isn't subscription an option?  The point of offering subscriptions was to make them more affordable.
(11-26-2023, 12:54 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I would say that it's likely that if you take some time off and then come back to it, similar to how the tidal effect works, you'll get better results each time.  However, your history of resistance and partial execution concerns me, and I think you will be very much helped by something like EHPRA or OGSF, depending on which you think would be better.  Isn't subscription an option?  The point of offering subscriptions was to make them more affordable.

Hmm. Odd. Upon rechecking, I had it in my mind that the version cost a lot more.

The subscription would end up costing a similar amount, but upon reflection, I think the real concern I have is that I’ve done 1.5 years of OF and OGSF combined, and I’m wary of doing another 6 months with no change, or improvements in unrelated areas.

Interesting to note that I’ve had intimidating states from a couple of women that I don’t find attractive, but seem to repel women that I do find attractive.
(11-28-2023, 07:10 PM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-26-2023, 12:54 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I would say that it's likely that if you take some time off and then come back to it, similar to how the tidal effect works, you'll get better results each time.  However, your history of resistance and partial execution concerns me, and I think you will be very much helped by something like EHPRA or OGSF, depending on which you think would be better.  Isn't subscription an option?  The point of offering subscriptions was to make them more affordable.

Hmm. Odd. Upon rechecking, I had it in my mind that the version cost a lot more.

The subscription would end up costing a similar amount, but upon reflection, I think the real concern I have is that I’ve done 1.5 years of OF and OGSF combined, and I’m wary of doing another 6 months with no change, or improvements in unrelated areas.

Interesting to note that I’ve had intimidating states from a couple of women that I don’t find attractive, but seem to repel women that I do find attractive.

I think you are very sensitive to every little reaction or signal you find from women, you also seem to really look out for results. Women act in all sort of ways, just use the sub, stop looking for signs of working or not working, when you see a lady you like, just have it in your mind a state of  “ I like you, and I would fuck you” kinda attitude.
(11-28-2023, 08:12 PM)samba99 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-28-2023, 07:10 PM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm. Odd. Upon rechecking, I had it in my mind that the version cost a lot more.

The subscription would end up costing a similar amount, but upon reflection, I think the real concern I have is that I’ve done 1.5 years of OF and OGSF combined, and I’m wary of doing another 6 months with no change, or improvements in unrelated areas.

Interesting to note that I’ve had intimidating states from a couple of women that I don’t find attractive, but seem to repel women that I do find attractive.

I think you are very sensitive to every little reaction or signal you find from women, you also seem to really look out for results. Women act in all sort of ways, just use the sub, stop looking for signs of working or not working, when you see a lady you like, just have it in your mind a state of  “ I like you, and I would fuck you” kinda attitude.

I think you are right, but I think you are oversimplifying the solution. I’ve discovered that I’m quite shy. I can’t hold eye contact when a woman looks at me. I look away or down.
I find this funny. When it’s easy it’s easy, when it’s hard it’s hard. It really is as simple as he says, but at the same time your issues are real. I feel you with not wanting to waste time on healing and clearing not knowing if it’s going to help your ultimate goal. I have the same worry. In the end I decided to run OGSF2. If you feel like there’s something deep that the subs haven’t touched, I really can’t see another solution besides the most advanced healing sub.
(11-29-2023, 03:30 AM)ffaux Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-28-2023, 08:12 PM)samba99 Wrote: [ -> ]I think you are very sensitive to every little reaction or signal you find from women, you also seem to really look out for results. Women act in all sort of ways, just use the sub, stop looking for signs of working or not working, when you see a lady you like, just have it in your mind a state of  “ I like you, and I would fuck you” kinda attitude.

I think you are right, but I think you are oversimplifying the solution. I’ve discovered that I’m quite shy. I can’t hold eye contact when a woman looks at me. I look away or down.

I have been using DMSI since version 2.3 

DMSI is really a complex sub and it should get women to you at some point. But it requires time. 

You mentioned if there is an end in term of capability of DMSI and the answer is no,

Every single time that I took a break from DMSI then came back to it, I experienced better execution and better results.

Every single time.

You can take a break then come back. But as I also mentioned, did you try the other side of the equation? 

Instead of 6+ loops per day, just 1 loop every 2-3 days….. perhaps instead of taking a complete break now. Maybe try this approach?
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