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I really wish DMSI had healing and clearing to uproot everything that’s coming up. It’s not difficult to deal with, but I’m realising that I have some negative beliefs that are just left unaddressed. I also feel a mild, but constant, anxiety from being pushed out of my comfort zone (which is giving rise to me seeing my negative beliefs).

In other news, women are messaging me again. One who hasn’t replied in a long time, and another who hadn’t replied in a short time. It’s very obvious when DMSI is at work.

(08-15-2023, 03:48 PM)dragonslayer Wrote: [ -> ]Hi @ffaux , which format are you on?

Ultrasonic, Masked or Hybrid?

I’m just following the instructions, so I’m listening to ultrasonic.
Started my next cycle last night, and increased loops to 6. The previous cycle was characterised by anxiety/fear. I have some deep fears blocking me from expressing DMSI. I’ve had days where I’ve felt so overwhelmed by fear that I want to lie down, sleep or cry (but I always press on). I’m going to listen until the new OGSF comes out, and then I’m switching to OGSF for a month.
I've decided to cycle DMSI with OGSF 5.9G similar to what Shannon suggested for OFv4 here:

I've done just over a month of DMSI. I haven't had the results that I'm looking for, and I have a ton of fear and anxiety coming up as a result of running DMSI. I'm going to switch over to OGSF for a month before switching back to DMSI.
I’m 90% confident that my fear or women is actually a fear of men, and that I know the one traumatising experience at the root that has been compounding with all of my childhood experiences of being picked on by other boys.

I feel sad for my self.
Last night was my first night back on DMSI after just over a month of OGSFv1. I’ve been contemplating why I’m cycling DMSI and OGSF, and I realised that it is because it is my experience and assumption that OGSF is non-specific in the direction of its clearing.

For a while now, I’ve been wanting access to DMSI v3.3 because its clearing module is specifically focused on clearing what needs to be cleared for DMSI to execute. On multiple occasions, Shannon has said that he removed the clearing in later versions of DMSI because the subconscious can use the clearing as an excuse to avoid executing DMSI, and I recently realised that his design and intent with DMSI is not aligned with my intention with using the program.

I’m not using DMSI hoping for the results it promises. I’m using DMSI hoping that it will give me the growth, clearing, and life experiences that permanently shift my self-perception, and undermine the fears that prevented me from naturally having success with women in the first place. I don’t mind if the rest of DMSI executes, as long as I get over whatever trauma and experiences have prevented me from being successful women my whole life, and it clears the way for me to develop in this area on my own accord. I don’t trust that the generic healing and clearing programs (OGSF, EPRHA, etc.) will help deal with this because they’re non-specific in their direction, and they haven’t helped so far despite running different versions of OF and OGSF for close to two years in total. I am very specific in the direction that I want the healing and clearing.

I continue with DMSI because I think it’s the best option currently available to me to achieve my goal, and I’m hopeful that it helps me achieve my goals in this area because it’s necessary for DMSI to achieve its goals.

One of the benefits that came from running OGSF this cycle was that I had the realisation that I’m afraid of my fears, and respond by running from them instead of facing them. That’s an interesting realisation because I think it’s an important stepping stone in overcoming my fears. I’m surprised that I haven’t had this realisation earlier given how long I’ve run OF and OGSF, but better late than never.

I’m feeling very hopeful that DMSI will push through this time, and that I don’t need to cycle OGSF again. Let’s see how things go.
I’m half way through my second cycle. I’m doing 4 loops; 4 days on, and 1 day off. It felt like the right setting to start on, and I didn’t want to change it at the start of the second cycle.

I’ve realised that DMSI 3.5 takes about a month to power up for me because I have things to work on. About the time that I switched over to OGSF, I started seeing results which was probably a combination of momentum with DMSI and the bloom effect. All those results faded over the course of my month on OGSF, and now I’m waiting for them to come back again.

I’ve started releasing my ego—the what I consider to be I. I’ve understood that this is an advanced goal with meditation for some time, but I’ve never really understood how to do it. I’ve been releasing feelings for quite a few years now, and suddenly I had the realisation that my ego is just like a feeling—just another cloud passing through my consciousness. I consider DMSI to be responsible for this insight. I think I need to let her of my present identity to be able to assume the identity that allows DMSI to execute.
“Releasing my ego” is…interesting. I don’t know how much I’m releasing my ego, rather than releasing unproductive elements of my identity to which I’m holding on.

For example, I realised that I’ve been using innocence as a self-preservation mechanism. If I can maintain my innocence, I won’t be attacked/punished/etc. This was developed growing up as a foreigner in a country where I had to jump through hoops to prove that I was not one of “them.” This is preventing me from expressing interest in women. I can’t show my interest in a woman, and maintain my innocence if my attentions are not well received, at the same time.

Is this something that would have been dealt with through OGSF or EPRHA? I’m highly skeptical. I don’t think that it’s something that needs to be healed. This is a part of my identity that’s blocking DMSI.

I realised that this is why I’ve been wanting access to DMSI v3.3. I remember a DMSI v3.3 journal where someone had gone back to their childhood home and had a major breakthrough that was similar to my insight except much more poignant. I could be wrong, but I don’t think DMSI v3.5 has a component designed to identify and overcome counterproductive beliefs and fragments of identity.
I’m realising just how complex this issue is, and the layers of fears and beliefs that need to be worked through. All while facing the anxiety that it won’t work at all.

I don’t know what cycle I’m on, but I moved from 4 loops to 5 loops in this cycle. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, and it seems to be pressing me in the right direction with the right pressure. I hope I see some positive signs of progress to keep my spirits up while I work through everything that needs to be worked through, rather than seeing results only at the end.
Just plugging away over here. Still no outward results.

Got onto a dating app—zero matches. Notably my self confidence isn’t crushed. I’m just putting it down to not having pictures of my (nonexistent) abs, and not being white.

Moving up to 6 loops tonight.
So many counterproductive feelings and perceptions from my childhood to work through. I’ve been thinking about how similar DMSI and X4A are (for the obvious reasons), and I really think DMSI should be morphed into a program for working through all of these internal issues that causes the listener to undermine DMSI (and X4A), and X4A should be for people who are just looking for results.
It used to be that I believed that had to do something to impress women, for example success, personality, etc., but I’ve come to realise that this was just because I believed that I wasn’t attractive
Turns out my subconscious played a trick on me, and I’m still listening to 5 loops. Will step out up after this cycle.
I wondering, have you tried 1 loop sessions? And rather than increase, did you try to decrease?

Like 1 loop every 2-3 daya?

And if you did, what was your experience?
I’m up to 6 loops this cycle (I’ve lost track of what cycle I’m on), and I’m seeing some interesting results. A guy at the gym started qualifying himself to me apropos of nothing, telling me why he’s so swole. A girl at the gym (not particularly attractive, but I’d rail almost anyone who’s not ugly at this stage) might have been sniped because I was having sexual thoughts about her. I think she was “waiting” for me by standing around doing nothing until I finished, and then tried timing her exit so that we would leave together. I completely missed that queue, and remembered that I forgot to do a stretch, so I went back to do my stretch, and she left empty handed. On the way to the gym, I caught a woman staring at me from the passenger side of a car going past. I am extremely tired. I can barely do any work, and feel a constant need to rest. None of these things are normal. Interesting to note that the same dude from the gym was qualifying himself to me last time I was up past 6 loops as well (before I ran OGSF). Interesting. Let’s see where this goes.
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