07-06-2023, 01:43 AM
Last night in bed I got inspired and started creating this in my head, hopefully I can remember all of it. With what I am wanting from it would make it something quite complex but let's give it a go.
This program would be about developing the ideal male physique, muscular, ripped, balanced, aesthetic. It would NOT be about bodybuilding as bodybuilding physiques, especially extreme one's look ridiculous, but more like calisthenics type physiques, i'll post pictures of both in a seperate post.
I don't really have a specific order so i'll just list the ideas.
-First important thing is that it would have to be done healthily, and with view of maintaining it in the long term even when you finish using the program. So it wouldn't be a temporarly hormone program that only works when using it, but long term developing the right habits, beliefs, mindsets, self image so that this is naturally part of who you are now.
-Not just all about looks, not all about smashing your body in an unsustainable way, but also about having a FUNCTIONAL body - strong, fit, functional, moves well, feel good in your body, also working on mobility, recovery and such, a high level of functional strength and real life athletic ability that would connect with other sports or physical endeavours.
-Boosting testosterone in a way that can be maintained long term, I believe a big part of this would be the healing aspect. The temporary hormone programs might work well but if it stops when you stop using it then it's not useful to me long term, because obviously i'd want to develop a good physique then move onto self development type programs and maintain it. I believe this could be done, as since using Weight Loss V6 i've consistently worked out the whole time, eaten healthily, kept most of the weight off despite strong physical issues I was dealing with for a while, i've been able to maintain it all to a certain level but am held back to really thriving and looking good how I used to.
Healing - Physical, mental, emotional, sexual.
-Physical Healing - Elements from OPH directed towards the male sexual organs and related organs. Gonads, prostate, groin, thyroid, kidneys etc to regenerate, repair damage and bring to ideal function for high testosterone, sexual health. Also building 'ying' in the kidneys as that's meant to be a big part of vitality.
-Sexual Healing - Obviously with a physique like this it would be amiss to have problems with sexual function which would be incongruent with this, so sexual healing physically, mentally, emotionally, limiting beliefs etc.
-Healing of limiting beliefs, programming, self image - Bringing your self image at a deep level to somebody who is just in ideal shape, looks good.
-Healing of old injurues or imbalances in the muscular system that are holding you back.
-Healing of 'bad posture' and structural issues holding you back from the goals of the program.
-Trauma healing of what's stopping you from achieving the goals of the program.
-Masculine Body Language.
-Being congrent with this physique - Confidence, self esteem, self image, which would include a belief in your own attractiveness towards women.
-Developing long term healthy eating, naturally shift your eating choices towards what helps you maintain an ideal physique but also ideal health long term. It's not a 'diet' it's just "this is how I eat now".
-Long term motivation and focus for working out, again "this is just who I am now" self image.
-Long term sustainability of the goals of the program, of the health and ideal physique.
-Achieving all of this in a balanced way that can be maintained long term, this means you would not be working out 5/6/7 days a week, but maybe 3 day a week. I achieved most of my results a few years ago with only 3 days a week working out, for a few reasons related to physical issues i've had I haven't been able to get back to that but this shows me it's doable.
-Passion for working out, focus, dedication and consistency for your workouts. Being guided for the ideal workouts for you. Personally I prefer Calisthenics now, it makes my body feel better and gives the more lean physique i'm looking for, i'm not sure if it could be programmed so that I could stick to that and get my ideal physique, but others could chose other type of workouts they prefer.
-Passion for learning and finding out how to reach peak physical shape, physique, function, strength and other things mentioned.
-Listening to your own body. Also prioritize ideal rest, recovery and self care.
-Skin tightening - (From past weight loss, and also from the fat you'll be losing from using this program) This is in bold because this is a big one for me. The reason i've never been happy with how i've looked even though if I showed you photos of how I looked (with my clothes on) you would say it's the ideal male physique for alot of people, underneath that my loose skin from losing alot of weight in the past made me not look how I wanted to and still made me feel disgusted by how I looked. So this would also need to be a priority. Is this actually doable? I don't know but I hope so.
-Naturally maintain low bodyfat, maybe 10-12%. I'm not totally sure with the percentage, but something that looks good but also is maintainable in a healthy way in the long term and being congruent with that, back to the self image of "this is just how I am".
I had an idea with both of the above, would it be possible to program in something so that the user can direct, either with a statement out loud or something written in their journal, it would be like "Please focus the priority on tightening my skin now" or "I want to be 85kg at 12% bodyfat" since not everyone will agree on the type of physique. Still though I wouldn't want this to even consider ridiculous bodybuilding size at all, but a natural looking aesthetic physique.
-Building an internal emotional strength to be able to handle any 'haters', criticism, people trying to bring you down for this. I can say from experience when I was in my best shape that some people would criticize, i'd be told "you look like you're going to the gym too much" and similar things, of course the ONLY people who said things like this were very out of shape and looked like they've never heard of a gym. Assertiveness to deal with these kinds of people, not entertain them and if needed cut them out of your life.
A shield could be part of this while using the program and getting to that, but without building that self esteem, confidence, emotional strength these kinds of people could derail you after you move onto another program.
-Projection of deep, strong masculine energy, beliefs, mindset, assertiveness, viewpoint that matches your ideal physique. So that this is not basically a 'coverup' for your own insecurities (which would be a part of the emotional/mental healing of this program) but rather an EXPRESSION of what's going on inside, strength in yourself, masculinity, a projection of internal power in a way that is naturally coming from you and not stacking on muscle trying to compensate for insecurities. This is a big one i've had experience with in my past.
-Deservingness of a good physique, deservingness of having attractive women. BUT also not doing this just for women, doing it for yourself, as an expression of yourself, your own self love and masculinity.
-Attract people who will support and encourage you. Attracting the right people, resources, courses, books, videos etc to help you achieve the goals of the program.
-Sleep optimization to support the goals of the program.
I'm not sure if there was anything else, but if I think of it i'll add it. Any other ideas feel free to add to the thread. I'll post the physiques now.
This program would be about developing the ideal male physique, muscular, ripped, balanced, aesthetic. It would NOT be about bodybuilding as bodybuilding physiques, especially extreme one's look ridiculous, but more like calisthenics type physiques, i'll post pictures of both in a seperate post.
I don't really have a specific order so i'll just list the ideas.
-First important thing is that it would have to be done healthily, and with view of maintaining it in the long term even when you finish using the program. So it wouldn't be a temporarly hormone program that only works when using it, but long term developing the right habits, beliefs, mindsets, self image so that this is naturally part of who you are now.
-Not just all about looks, not all about smashing your body in an unsustainable way, but also about having a FUNCTIONAL body - strong, fit, functional, moves well, feel good in your body, also working on mobility, recovery and such, a high level of functional strength and real life athletic ability that would connect with other sports or physical endeavours.
-Boosting testosterone in a way that can be maintained long term, I believe a big part of this would be the healing aspect. The temporary hormone programs might work well but if it stops when you stop using it then it's not useful to me long term, because obviously i'd want to develop a good physique then move onto self development type programs and maintain it. I believe this could be done, as since using Weight Loss V6 i've consistently worked out the whole time, eaten healthily, kept most of the weight off despite strong physical issues I was dealing with for a while, i've been able to maintain it all to a certain level but am held back to really thriving and looking good how I used to.
Healing - Physical, mental, emotional, sexual.
-Physical Healing - Elements from OPH directed towards the male sexual organs and related organs. Gonads, prostate, groin, thyroid, kidneys etc to regenerate, repair damage and bring to ideal function for high testosterone, sexual health. Also building 'ying' in the kidneys as that's meant to be a big part of vitality.
-Sexual Healing - Obviously with a physique like this it would be amiss to have problems with sexual function which would be incongruent with this, so sexual healing physically, mentally, emotionally, limiting beliefs etc.
-Healing of limiting beliefs, programming, self image - Bringing your self image at a deep level to somebody who is just in ideal shape, looks good.
-Healing of old injurues or imbalances in the muscular system that are holding you back.
-Healing of 'bad posture' and structural issues holding you back from the goals of the program.
-Trauma healing of what's stopping you from achieving the goals of the program.
-Masculine Body Language.
-Being congrent with this physique - Confidence, self esteem, self image, which would include a belief in your own attractiveness towards women.
-Developing long term healthy eating, naturally shift your eating choices towards what helps you maintain an ideal physique but also ideal health long term. It's not a 'diet' it's just "this is how I eat now".
-Long term motivation and focus for working out, again "this is just who I am now" self image.
-Long term sustainability of the goals of the program, of the health and ideal physique.
-Achieving all of this in a balanced way that can be maintained long term, this means you would not be working out 5/6/7 days a week, but maybe 3 day a week. I achieved most of my results a few years ago with only 3 days a week working out, for a few reasons related to physical issues i've had I haven't been able to get back to that but this shows me it's doable.
-Passion for working out, focus, dedication and consistency for your workouts. Being guided for the ideal workouts for you. Personally I prefer Calisthenics now, it makes my body feel better and gives the more lean physique i'm looking for, i'm not sure if it could be programmed so that I could stick to that and get my ideal physique, but others could chose other type of workouts they prefer.
-Passion for learning and finding out how to reach peak physical shape, physique, function, strength and other things mentioned.
-Listening to your own body. Also prioritize ideal rest, recovery and self care.
-Skin tightening - (From past weight loss, and also from the fat you'll be losing from using this program) This is in bold because this is a big one for me. The reason i've never been happy with how i've looked even though if I showed you photos of how I looked (with my clothes on) you would say it's the ideal male physique for alot of people, underneath that my loose skin from losing alot of weight in the past made me not look how I wanted to and still made me feel disgusted by how I looked. So this would also need to be a priority. Is this actually doable? I don't know but I hope so.
-Naturally maintain low bodyfat, maybe 10-12%. I'm not totally sure with the percentage, but something that looks good but also is maintainable in a healthy way in the long term and being congruent with that, back to the self image of "this is just how I am".
I had an idea with both of the above, would it be possible to program in something so that the user can direct, either with a statement out loud or something written in their journal, it would be like "Please focus the priority on tightening my skin now" or "I want to be 85kg at 12% bodyfat" since not everyone will agree on the type of physique. Still though I wouldn't want this to even consider ridiculous bodybuilding size at all, but a natural looking aesthetic physique.
-Building an internal emotional strength to be able to handle any 'haters', criticism, people trying to bring you down for this. I can say from experience when I was in my best shape that some people would criticize, i'd be told "you look like you're going to the gym too much" and similar things, of course the ONLY people who said things like this were very out of shape and looked like they've never heard of a gym. Assertiveness to deal with these kinds of people, not entertain them and if needed cut them out of your life.
A shield could be part of this while using the program and getting to that, but without building that self esteem, confidence, emotional strength these kinds of people could derail you after you move onto another program.
-Projection of deep, strong masculine energy, beliefs, mindset, assertiveness, viewpoint that matches your ideal physique. So that this is not basically a 'coverup' for your own insecurities (which would be a part of the emotional/mental healing of this program) but rather an EXPRESSION of what's going on inside, strength in yourself, masculinity, a projection of internal power in a way that is naturally coming from you and not stacking on muscle trying to compensate for insecurities. This is a big one i've had experience with in my past.
-Deservingness of a good physique, deservingness of having attractive women. BUT also not doing this just for women, doing it for yourself, as an expression of yourself, your own self love and masculinity.
-Attract people who will support and encourage you. Attracting the right people, resources, courses, books, videos etc to help you achieve the goals of the program.
-Sleep optimization to support the goals of the program.
I'm not sure if there was anything else, but if I think of it i'll add it. Any other ideas feel free to add to the thread. I'll post the physiques now.