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(02-22-2023, 04:55 PM)NOMAD Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-21-2023, 01:15 PM)Duke.Togo Wrote: [ -> ]It's funny you posted this question today because I was working with Shannon fine tuning the description of Maverick just last night and we agreed on a few disclaimers that Maverick needs to carry.  Top of that list is that it probably shouldn't be run by guys that are married and or in serious relationships.  
This is good to know.


Honestly, I think you’ll have an easier time of it, considering life experience and age. I would put that caution to mostly newly weds and or younger guys. I wouldn’t discount yourself out of the running yet.
(02-22-2023, 05:04 PM)Duke.Togo Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2023, 04:55 PM)NOMAD Wrote: [ -> ]This is good to know.


Honestly, I think you’ll have an easier time of it, considering life experience and age. I would put that caution to mostly newly weds and or younger guys. I wouldn’t discount yourself out of the running yet.

I would add that it's probably not good for guys who are in relationships that will not handle significant personal growth on his part well.  You're not going to fit in any cages after enough time on this, of you get my drift.
Hi Duke,

I’m surprised no one asked you this, but I’m interested to know your actual daily habits and routines… especially those which are affected by Maverick.

Like how many hours per night do you sleep? How is your sleep quality?
Do you drink coffee?
What about offline journaling? Do you do it?
Do you have any favorite task app tracker? Or how do you manage everything?
Do you take supplements?
I’m just interested to know your daily lifestyle in general.

I hope it’s okay for you to share some
(03-04-2023, 11:59 AM)samba99 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Duke,

I’m surprised no one asked you this, but I’m interested to know your actual daily habits and routines… especially those which are affected by Maverick.

Like how many hours per night do you sleep? How is your sleep quality?
Do you drink coffee?
What about offline journaling? Do you do it?
Do you have any favorite task app tracker? Or how do you manage everything?
Do you take supplements?
I’m just interested to know your daily lifestyle in general.

I hope it’s okay for you to share some
Good question. I am interested in knowing what larger group thinks about caffeine.
I gave up caffeine 3 weeks ago. I think it was amazing in reducing anxiety.
(03-04-2023, 11:59 AM)samba99 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Duke,

I’m surprised no one asked you this, but I’m interested to know your actual daily habits and routines… especially those which are affected by Maverick.

Like how many hours per night do you sleep? How is your sleep quality?
Do you drink coffee?
What about offline journaling? Do you do it?
Do you have any favorite task app tracker? Or how do you manage everything?
Do you take supplements?
I’m just interested to know your daily lifestyle in general.

I hope it’s okay for you to share some

I've been asked a lot of questions, but never what my daily routine is.  I don't think you're going to find anything special from my response, I'm not one of those atomic habits people or anything like that, but here goes, in order of questions asked. 

I try to sleep at least 7 hours a night on weekdays.  The least I sleep is 6 hours on the weekdays.  But generally I average 7 hours during the week.  Weekends I sleep in, but I also tend to get to bed later than usual.  Sleep quality is generally pretty good for me, but this may also be due to my supplements I take, which I will get into below. 

I generally don't drink high doses of caffeine.  I do drink hot chocolate once in a while because I'm a sucker for it, but that has a fairly lower caffeine content comparative to coffee or tea.  That being said, on special occasions once every few months, I will have a cup of coffee.  Other than the hot chocolate, I don't take caffeine through other products such as soda or gum. And yes, caffeine gum is a thing. 

I journal offline, in a hand written diary.  I tend to journal two to three times a week.  

The only app I use to manage my time is calendar, and that's so I know what meetings I have that day or for the week.  I don't keep stickie notes or to do lists.  If it's important enough, I'll remember to get it done.  If I don't get something done, it wasn't a high priority in my life. 

I take fish oil, bromelain and quercetin, and a blend of mushrooms that consist of Reishi, Cordyceps, and Lions Mane.  The mushroom blend helps with inflammation and also gives me the best night of sleep I can get.  It's also known to boost memory and cognitive abilities as a nootropic, but, my main reasons for using the blend are really for the inflammation and sleep.  Any cognitive boosts I get, I chalk up to the fact that I'm well rested.  And in case you're wondering about the inflammation, I workout twice a week using heavy weights and focus purely on compound exercises.  So, inflammation is real, especially after one of my sessions.  I also used to box when I was much younger and did martial arts for many years.  Old injuries are a factor and the anti-inflammation properties in the mushrooms have made a world of difference for me.  

One other thing I do everyday is meditate.  I don't particularly meditate on any thoughts or try to rehearse any affirmations to myself, it's more just shutting down and focusing on my breath.  I have found that since running Maverick, this particular exercise has gotten much deeper as Maverick keeps me in the moment, and when combined with breathing meditations, it seems to amplify my focus by a factor of 10.  I feel that present with myself.

Do you find that Maverick helps you to process information more efficiently/effectively? I ask because UMSv2 has done that for me over time, but I've noticed that it had been increased even more this week. That just so happens to coincide with my decision to switch to Maverick after this UMSv2 cycle ends and I wonder if I'm experiencing TID.

An example of what I'm talking about is that I was scratching down notes in a meeting earlier today for a project that I've felt horribly disconnected from in the past. My notes were extremely thorough and I was actually able to discuss a topic that falls outside my field of expertise in a follow up meeting with ease (based on my memory alone). I just got off of that call and thought, "Wow!"

If this is TID, man oh man, I can't wait to run this thing.  This isn't the only example of this happening but it's the most recent.
(03-09-2023, 11:40 AM)NOMAD Wrote: [ -> ]@Duke.Togo

Do you find that Maverick helps you to process information more efficiently/effectively? I ask because UMSv2 has done that for me over time, but I've noticed that it had been increased even more this week. That just so happens to coincide with my decision to switch to Maverick after this UMSv2 cycle ends and I wonder if I'm experiencing TID.

An example of what I'm talking about is that I was scratching down notes in a meeting earlier today for a project that I've felt horribly disconnected from in the past. My notes were extremely thorough and I was actually able to discuss a topic that falls outside my field of expertise in a follow up meeting with ease (based on my memory alone). I just got off of that call and thought, "Wow!"

If this is TID, man oh man, I can't wait to run this thing.  This isn't the only example of this happening but it's the most recent.

Hey Brother, sorry for the late reply, been hectic in this side of the world as of late.  Maverick makes you more aware of everything.  You're going to get to a point early on in use where it almost feels overwhelming because your sensory awareness has been dialed up to 11 (spinal tap reference for anyone that doesn't get it). 

This is because you are more present at all times, and that's not a state that most of us are actually used to.  We're generally dumbed down these days with information overload - work emails, business calls, presentations, tv shows, free-flowing alcohol.  Lots of things that induce escapism within us, plus the usual overload of thoughts take us out from living in the moment.  The more you use Maverick, the more it puts you into that present state.  At times it even felt like I was on speed or something.  

This also forces you to live outside of your head, where your ego isn't running at 100 different directions all the time and you become almost instinctual in a way.  And I think this is a good segue for me to explain why you can't control the direction you're going with Maverick.  I've come to realize what resistance really is in more plain skate words.  It's your fucking ego being a backseat driver and trying to take control of the wheel while you're driving on a track at 200MPH.  In essence, it's a fucking disaster and you will crash into a wall, bursting into a fiery crash. 

This is what most users face when it comes to running a sub and where the fear comes into play and why everything gets fucked up.  

The thing with Maverick is, while it's a gentler sub in some ways, make no mistake about it, Maverick will slap the shit out of you if you try to step out on it.  And it slaps like Mike Tyson.  

What you need to do is stay in the present, shut the chatter out, and focus on your daily grind and when you suddenly go on auto-pilot and either say that brilliant thing or discover that one thing about yourself you didn't even know you could do, suddenly, everything is amazing. 

Because you're no longer fighting against the driver of the car. 

And this is for anyone who is reading this journal and wants to get more out of your sub use, and more to the point, anyone who actually knows how to drive.  Let me drop a wonderful phenomenon for everyone to look-up.  The driving to your destination and not remembering how you got there.  

It's something that has been studied a lot in psychology and every driver has experienced it at least once if not more.  Your brain goes on autopilot and takes you home and your mind or ego is left to day dream on that car ride.  It's almost like a state of flow that you enter in those cases where your conscious mind is shut down completely as far as recognition is concerned.  

That's kind of what I mean.  Step into the moment and you realize all you have is that moment.  Enjoy that moment and let the sub do it's re-wiring slowly.  Shut the chatter out and next thing you know, shit just starts to happen in all the right ways and you can't explain why.  But the results speak for themselves. 

Also, keep a journal.  Online for what you do want to share, but knowing how Maverick works, most of you won't want to write on a forum because another factor of Maverick is how private it makes you, primarily because you don't need to prove anything to anyone.  However, you absolutely should keep a journal offline for yourself, because you will have glimpses of absolute genius along with realizations that will continue to level you up.  Make it a ritual by buying a nice journal and pen that you will enjoy using for this purpose. 

And that should cover most of it for today.  Like I said, take the backseat driver out of the equation as much as possible.  Let me know how the ride goes for those of you that are running Maverick and feel free to give me a shout with any questions.  I will probably be slow to answer, but, I will answer. 

Peace Mavericks!
Hey @Duke.Togo

In terms of dating life, are you finding you're attracting girls who want something more casual or more so relationships?
Or just both in general and you an decide what you want from the girl?

Im just curious as to if Maverick would trigger fears in girls to want a relationship with you since you are growing so fast.

I don't think Maverick is going to trigger any fears in anyone.  It's a sub after all, it doesn't have the power to bring fear into people.  I think the question you want an answer for is if your growth is going to trigger fear in a woman.  And that would always depend on the woman.  

If you're just starting Maverick and worrying about relationships or attracting women, I hate to put it this way, but you're wasting your time running this sub.  Maverick is a journey about self discovery.  That means that dating often becomes the furthest thing down the list because this is more about putting yourself first rather than trying to find balance and equilibrium with someone else.  This is also why the warnings were plastered at the very beginning of the description for the product regarding what people in relationships should expect when running this sub. 

Choose one.  Unleash your full potential or try to amend yourself to be what some other woman wants you to be right now.  There is no both when it comes to Maverick. 

(03-12-2023, 08:58 PM)FluffyBunny Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @Duke.Togo

In terms of dating life, are you finding you're attracting girls who want something more casual or more so relationships?
Or just both in general and you an decide what you want from the girl?

Im just curious as to if Maverick would trigger fears in girls to want a relationship with you since you are growing so fast.

(03-13-2023, 06:32 AM)Duke.Togo Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think Maverick is going to trigger any fears in anyone.  It's a sub after all, it doesn't have the power to bring fear into people.  I think the question you want an answer for is if your growth is going to trigger fear in a woman.  And that would always depend on the woman.  

If you're just starting Maverick and worrying about relationships or attracting women, I hate to put it this way, but you're wasting your time running this sub.  Maverick is a journey about self discovery.  That means that dating often becomes the furthest thing down the list because this is more about putting yourself first rather than trying to find balance and equilibrium with someone else.  This is also why the warnings were plastered at the very beginning of the description for the product regarding what people in relationships should expect when running this sub. 

Choose one.  Unleash your full potential or try to amend yourself to be what some other woman wants you to be right now.  There is no both when it comes to Maverick. 

(03-12-2023, 08:58 PM)FluffyBunny Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @Duke.Togo

In terms of dating life, are you finding you're attracting girls who want something more casual or more so relationships?
Or just both in general and you an decide what you want from the girl?

Im just curious as to if Maverick would trigger fears in girls to want a relationship with you since you are growing so fast.


I got a bit too in my head & you're absolutely right. 
Back on track. cheers
(03-13-2023, 06:32 AM)Duke.Togo Wrote: [ -> ]If you're just starting Maverick and worrying about relationships or attracting women, I hate to put it this way, but you're wasting your time running this sub.  Maverick is a journey about self discovery.  That means that dating often becomes the furthest thing down the list because this is more about putting yourself first rather than trying to find balance and equilibrium with someone else.  This is also why the warnings were plastered at the very beginning of the description for the product regarding what people in relationships should expect when running this sub. 

Choose one.  Unleash your full potential or try to amend yourself to be what some other woman wants you to be right now.  There is no both when it comes to Maverick. 

(03-12-2023, 08:58 PM)FluffyBunny Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @Duke.Togo

In terms of dating life, are you finding you're attracting girls who want something more casual or more so relationships?
Or just both in general and you an decide what you want from the girl?

Im just curious as to if Maverick would trigger fears in girls to want a relationship with you since you are growing so fast.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't really buy into this "you have to forget about relationships to achieve your highest self", this idea that pursuing a relationship is not productive or not worthy for a man, and instead working yourself to death, or the so-called "grinding", is somewhat a more worthy pursuit. Or the fact that you need to stay single to focus on self-improvement. Seems like a selfish and narcissistic pursuit.
(03-14-2023, 07:06 AM)GreekGod22 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-13-2023, 06:32 AM)Duke.Togo Wrote: [ -> ]If you're just starting Maverick and worrying about relationships or attracting women, I hate to put it this way, but you're wasting your time running this sub.  Maverick is a journey about self discovery.  That means that dating often becomes the furthest thing down the list because this is more about putting yourself first rather than trying to find balance and equilibrium with someone else.  This is also why the warnings were plastered at the very beginning of the description for the product regarding what people in relationships should expect when running this sub. 

Choose one.  Unleash your full potential or try to amend yourself to be what some other woman wants you to be right now.  There is no both when it comes to Maverick. 
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really buy into this "you have to forget about relationships to achieve your highest self", this idea that pursuing a relationship is not productive or not worthy for a man, and instead working yourself to death, or the so-called "grinding", is somewhat a more worthy pursuit. Or the fact that you need to stay single to focus on self-improvement. Seems like a selfish and narcissistic pursuit.

I don't think the idea is to "forget about relationships", but more about finding a drive inside of you that's there whether you have someone else in your life or not. 

The pursuit to discover this drive will probably direct you inwards for a while, rather then outwards. You maybe need to find what you believe and want from life, before meeting someone and finding a way of aligning your views.

The reward from having discovered this drive is then perhaps going to show you how much you enjoy living a life directed by that kind of drive, rather than creating a life where you need others to help you move forward. 

Perhaps the people you can choose from for a long term relationship, and still stay true to yourself, decreases as you become more independent, but the ones that get you, and can be independent themselves, will result in two people being together because they want to, more than they need to. 

Just my interpretation of it, I haven't started to run Maverick yet.
There's a certain number of posts I typically won't bother responding to, but, there's also a narrative that seems to be continuing on this forum in terms of what Maverick is that no matter how many times I've posted about, seems to be repeated. So, I'm going to throw one last general post about Maverick up here. I'll also go a little more into my experiences with the program now that it's finally out, so anyone who may be on the fence about it will at least have an idea of what to expect.

First, if anyone on this forum is unsure of what the definition of potential is, please do yourselves a favor and google it. Seriously. Google it. Because if you do read the definition, you'll know it has nothing to do with working like a dog, grinding, or any other fucking iterative of those terms. Everyone get that? Great. Can we finally move on from idiotic posts talking about how Maverick is going to consume your lives with work and nothing else now. Thanks.

Next, and @FluffyBunny , this one's more for you Brother. My answer was a little harsh regarding your question, so I wanted to give you a proper response this time around. The reason why I said to put your relationship goals on hold for now is really twofold. When you begin your journey with Maverick, the first few months will result in tremendous growth and often significant change. Those changes will affect how you see yourself and how you see the world around you. You will more than likely start to cut certain people out of your life that you realize are either holding you back or are simply not aligned with who you're becoming. If you're just beginning a relationship with someone as you kickoff Maverick, more than likely, you will outgrow that person and inevitably end up hurting them. This is why I say that it's best to put those pursuits on hold at the beginning until you get to a point where you know where you stand. They don't know what you're about to embark on with Maverick, but you do, so they're at an unfair advantage of what's to come for you and where they may or may not fit. The second reason I will get back to later in this post. I will just add, for those that have strong, grounded relationships, I don't think this applies. An example would be @NOMAD primarily because he's someone who has a very strong sense of self. Maverick wouldn't impact him in the relationship department in the same way.

Another strong facet of Maverick that will become apparent to those that use it long enough is, it will make you a very polarizing individual. But, the reason why you become polarizing is one of the driving forces of Maverick, and that is honesty. And I mean this in the truest sense (no pun intended). Maverick strips away all the bullshit, burns away all the different categorical identification models that people have picked up over the years, where we seem to consistently be reliving high school prom over and over again. The terms alpha, beta, sigma, ENTJ, INTP, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, or any other ideology that you have adopted and or tried to identify with goes out the fucking door. Maverick is fiercely about being your most honest self. That means identifying what's amazing about you and also seeing where the monsters crawl. But more than that, it works to reconcile those parts of you in a way where you're no longer afraid of either the light or the dark shadows that linger in your soul. This acceptance makes you a complete human being. You learn to love your scars instead of constantly scabbing at them. And in that sense, there is a deep and profound healing that takes place.

Another aspect of Maverick that is polarizing is a continuation of that sense of self and how you begin to perceive your time. Look around at most people and even at your own life. Most people aren't even asleep at the wheel, instead they're on a fully packed steel coffin train running down a one way track to death. The majority of people I know spend their lives in two states; living in the past or dreaming of the future. Most people never live in the moment. Maverick forces you to live in the here and now. It forces you to go after everything you want now. It shifts you into this present state in an almost hyperdrive like way.

So what happens when you start living for yourself?

Well, to quote an earlier poster, you become a narcissist. Because you suddenly realize that unlike a video game, you don't get spawned again and again, time is not on your side and tomorrow comes with no guarantees. You want the best of life, you only have now to experience it. When you're living in the present state constantly, you're forced to live at your best, because otherwise you become painfully aware that you're wasting away. Now again, living at your best has nothing to do with working all the time. It means you are living at your best, whatever the fuck that means to you. If it is working all the time, then have at it. But this drive to live your one and only life is a very, very big departure from everyone around you. So, when you suddenly become all about yourself and living your best life, you will be labeled a narcissist by those around you. It's happened to me in my own life in the real world. So, when someone you know throws that word at you, trying to demean who you are, you should give them a very big thank you, because that's a key indicator that you're on the right path.

Finally, I'll get back to the other reason around why relationships can become tumultuous on Maverick. Typically around the fourth or fifth month of use, something very strange starts to happen. All of a sudden, more and more attractive women (or men) will suddenly pop up in your life and before you know it they literally start throwing themselves at you. It's fucking insane how many gorgeous women just began coming into my life and how easy it was for me to hookup. I already mentioned that I have two hot 20 something asian girls on lock that I can call pretty much any time I want for a threesome session. And I'm a guy heading into my late 40's now. And they aren't the only women I have on lock. Everywhere I go these days I seem to meet another woman that wants to have drinks or get together and I honestly don't have the fucking time. God help me if I was still in my 20's and running Maverick...

This is probably the longest post I've written on Maverick and hopefully it answers any remaining questions that users of the forum might have and also clear up some misconceptions about what the sub does. I won't be around much for the next two weeks or so, but if anyone has anything else they want to know about my specific experiences on Maverick, either drop me a line in PM or post here. I'll circle back in a few weeks.
(03-14-2023, 07:06 AM)GreekGod22 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-13-2023, 06:32 AM)Duke.Togo Wrote: [ -> ]If you're just starting Maverick and worrying about relationships or attracting women, I hate to put it this way, but you're wasting your time running this sub.  Maverick is a journey about self discovery.  That means that dating often becomes the furthest thing down the list because this is more about putting yourself first rather than trying to find balance and equilibrium with someone else.  This is also why the warnings were plastered at the very beginning of the description for the product regarding what people in relationships should expect when running this sub. 

Choose one.  Unleash your full potential or try to amend yourself to be what some other woman wants you to be right now.  There is no both when it comes to Maverick. 
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really buy into this "you have to forget about relationships to achieve your highest self", this idea that pursuing a relationship is not productive or not worthy for a man, and instead working yourself to death, or the so-called "grinding", is somewhat a more worthy pursuit. Or the fact that you need to stay single to focus on self-improvement. Seems like a selfish and narcissistic pursuit.

To me it seems weak to come onto a journal of a man who is working to achieve his full potential, completely misunderstand his points, and then try to attack him as being 'selfish' and 'narcissistic'.

None of those points you made is what is being said here. It's instead to not make sex and women your sole focus because I can tell you from my own experience that is fairly hollow in the end, as you grow in yourself you will start to naturally attract women and people into your life who are like minded and it's not coming from obsessing about it.

This almost reminds me of women constantly posting on social media about 'narcissists' when generally it means they wouldn't put up with her shit that she kept throwing at them like she did all her ex's who she also calls 'narcissists'.
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