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Full Version: Shall SM 2.0 specify single women only?
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I'd like your input. What do you prefer? Shall SM 2.0 specify single women only? Or any woman who is interested in you sexually?
This is a tough one.. but I think attract all woman. And if you do so.. you should add statements that deal with ridding oneself of all inhibitions of engaging in sexual acts regardless of what kind of relationship the other person is in that does not include you. ie. partnerships or marriage and even committed long term relationships. Also add in the most safest way possible as I've seen you do in some of your other scripts. This could be controversial to others but if that's the case.. you could make 2 versions if you want to. Shannon.. this product is not for everyone therefore I think it should be taken to the extreme.
I would prefer all as personally I think there are still a fair few "taken" women who are settling and are open to an interesting guy whos got their shit together coming along and sweeping them off their feet per say. Of course this may raise some moral and ethical concerns for some
ALL, of course.
All women please Smile and also no age restriction - would be better to state the one user finds attractive and sexual.
Yeah I agree with both posts above.
Two things, I voted yes, but isn't specifying it to only single women kind of like turning a lightswitch on in those that are taken anyway? (why isn't he interested in me, he's got all these girls, etc.)

I'm concerned of the repercussions that could happen if you make it all women including those in marriages/relationships. Sure they may be unhappy in a marriage/relationship, but saying that she's in a relationship and choosing to have sex with you is without fault on your end is plain wrong. I don't know, maybe some of you are better with dealing with this than i am, but I can not agree with this line of thought.

Of course, if this program is made with all women in mind, it's not like I'm suddenly going to become a drone and lose all self control.
My vote goes to attract all women.

The user best be the judge whether to pursue women that are taken depending on his morals which gives the user freedom and responsibility.

Now I understand that women may be taken but some of them are waiting to be taken away too! Makes perfect for soul mates / destinies, whatever.
All woman definitely-I highly doubt anyone here is going to be a home-wrecker
more options equals more personal power and obvious sense the set is working.
Just cause the set will effect all woman wont make woman who don't want to be sexual with the user engage sexually so
we are not entirely responsible.
It should have protection built in to stop you attracting same blooded women(close family members) it's better be safe than sorry.

A question to Shannon, after finish listening to it how long results will last, would it get weaker results as time goes?

(02-12-2012, 05:07 PM)Hypnoticeyes Wrote: [ -> ]It should have protection built in to stop you attracting same blooded women(close family members) it's better be safe than sorry.

A question to Shannon, after finish listening to it how long results will last, would it get weaker results as time goes?

Since the end program is designed specifically to affect only "physically beautiful women I want to have sex with", I would think that incest wouldn't be something you had to worry about. Wink

The permanence of the results will depend on how much growth is required in this direction. For some people, it will take multiple run-throughs to make these effects long term/permanent; the manifestation will eventually wear off without running the program, but by then you should have enough social success that you don't need it.