Let Me stand next to your AMPLI-fire !! I got dem ole dental Blues Baby !! Ha! Brilliant !! most excellent progress Mister!!
whew OFv4 is a force to be reckoned with indeed. PM'ed ja in brief. Unraveling of the fears...peelng the layers off of he Onion.
Speaking of Onion heres some OFv4 hmour for your weekend. Happy pulling up da roots of this 'stuff' called fear.
Ruffian keep in mind rule 15, it's unneccesary to make your whole journal font bigger just to get more attention.
(07-29-2022, 04:27 PM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Ruffian keep in mind rule 15, it's unneccesary to make your whole journal font bigger just to get more attention.
I have rectified the font size issue.
Whenever I post on the forum, I use my desktop computer. I have been increasing the font size of my posts because it's easier for me to read. And when I hit the 'post reply' button, the font appears a little larger, but not wildly oversized.
So I borrowed my roommate's tablet and went on the Subliminal Talk site to check it out. The font in my posts was un-readably HUGE. I had no idea it appeared so differently on different devices. Now I was more informed. This huge font surely disrupted other members' viewing experience on the site. (Sorry folks!)
And now I started thinking that perhaps eliminating formatting choices from the menu available to posters that result in difficulty in viewing the forum might be something to consider, like when there's already work on the site planned. Is anybody taking notes?
Finally, I definitely do not appreciate being slandered regarding what my motivation was or was not in my font choices. I don't need other people's attention. I have my own.
Ok thanks, and I do not appreciate being accused of 'slandering' someone for pointing out a rule of the forum that everyone else easily manages to follow.
(07-30-2022, 04:26 PM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Ok thanks, and I do not appreciate being accused of 'slandering' someone for pointing out a rule of the forum that everyone else easily manages to follow.
If you were merely pointing out a rule of the forum, your post would have read "Ruffian keep in mind rule 15, it's unneccesary to make your whole journal font bigger." Period. My whole post previous to that was about figuring out what was going on, that using a bigger font, while helpful to me , was making for a bad experience for other forum viewers. I owned my stuff.
But then you add on "... just to get more attention." You assumed you knew what my motives were. You presented your opinion as fact. You crossed a boundary. And if you cannot see that or own that, it sends a message, and sets a certain tone for the whole forum.
Gentlemen, it's a mutual misunderstanding. Let it go.
So are you saying that you benefitted from lowering the volume?