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Full Version: Male Enhancement 5.75.7G
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So I started Male Enhancement 5.7g on the 5th August 2021. To give a bit of background I used the previous version IYPS and made good increases in my size. After I stopped using it however, all gains seemed to go after about 3 months, so the results weren't permanent. 5.75g sounds like it'll make any increases a permanent fixture, so I started using it. 

I haven't measured myself since I started using it, but when it's at full mast, it definitely seems bigger (could be in my head), and my girlfriend thinks I'm filling her more somehow, although she doesn't know I'm using the sub.

P. O. G. said this here.
Hi all...since I stopped with ME (for now I am satisfied with the results, I will maybe run it again or maybe not at some later time), I thought you guys needed to know how much I gained in 2 months of listening.
So, I started the listening scedule as recomended, but after 7 days I changed to 1 loop, 3days on, 1day off (you need to find your sweet spot by yourself) ok,, in 2 months I gained 1cm in lentgh and 3mm in girth.

One of the reasons I quitted ME is the fact that I want to deal with other issues before I continue with (If I will still want to continue) ME.

So, I just wanted to report that it works!!!
Well done @Shannon

UniversalMan said this here.
Quote:Now it has grown to 6 inches plus somewhere between 6/16ths and 7/16ths of an inch (starting around 6 + 1/8ths inch). This is considering some sections of pretty inconsistent listening, for example last couple weeks i had a 5 day listening break cuz of some stuff, and maybe few other places i'd miss a day or two or somethign like that, and also, I sometimes listen vastly different times of the day for example sometimes during 1pm, other times 1am.

-Dissonance said this here
Quote:I'm now doing 3 days on, 2 days off. I still have no intention of measuring just yet, but today during the act with a new sexual partner (she won't be regular), I had a good look today, and it definitely looked longer. Noticeably longer. Usually when I sleep with my girlfriend, it's in the night time, so it's dark. So I can't actually see it, although she feels like I'm filling her up more.

-P.O.G said this here
Male Enhancement 5.75g.

Quote:Hi all...since I stopped with ME (for now I am satisfied with the results, I will maybe run it again or maybe not at some later time), I thought you guys needed to know how much I gained in 2 months of listening.

So, I started the listening scedule as recomended, but after 7 days I changed to 1 loop, 3days on, 1day off (you need to find your sweet spot by yourself) ok,, in 2 months I gained 1cm in lentgh and 3mm in girth.

-UniversalMan said this here