(Originally this was a post from the testimonials section which I forgot to lock so got a reponse. I've copied it here and replied incase anyone else has the same question.)
I note that amount days on was altered slightly from the recommended usage. Is this normally done or a good idea? It's my first time running a 5.74g sub so if anyone could help that'll be appreciated.
Yes that's fine, it's good to start with what is described. But then there is an 'autoconfig' module which guides your subsconscious to the right amount of listening for you, so if you start to have the urge to listen more, or increase volume and such then that's fine.
With OF v3 i've been noticing this, I tend to keep going until I get the urge to take some days off.
So hopefully you will start to get those urges to as it's built into the program, the usage instructions are a starting point and Shannon made the autoconfig because ideal usage is different for each person.
Thanks for the reply Ben. I think I'll ramp up the usage slightly then, as I do feel good after listening.