Subliminal Talk

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Ive been using subliminals on and off for a year now. Once I got into Shannons subliminals I immediately understood how powerful they can be. However, I do have an issue that always seem to happen when I listen to subs. Usually in the beginning there is lots of stuff happening and things being "purged". But after a while I always hit this wall were I slowly start to feel the effects taper off and I become more negative. This goes on for a while, gradually getting worse, untill I find myself feeling very apathetic and disconnected to myself and life in general, which are accompanied with feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. Eventually it gets unbearable for me and I end up quitting the sub. 

The only thing I can think of is that this is an issue of too much pressure, because I have a tendency to always overdo things. But lately ive been following instructions very carefully in a masked format, yet I still end up in this place.

Id love to keep using subs because I intuitively know that they can be very life changing. I would
be happy to hear if Shannon or someone could perhaps shed some light on what might be the issue here.
you are giving up to early

these happened to me numerios times, sometimes it was worse than where I started, the key is persistence and determination
I understand that it looks from my post that im giving up to early but I dont think thats the whole truth, otherwise I wouldnt make this thread. If I honestly believed that I would come out the other end if I kept going, id go through with it. 

Maybe I need to take a break from subs for a while.
I guess what you have experienced were the so called resistance. As for which kind of resistance it is, I am not sure myself. You could read Shannon's post about resistance if you have the time. This is the link to the post I talk about

From what I often read here, when you meet some kind of resistances, you should either reduce your exposure or increase it. Giving up (stop using or changing subs halfway) are out of the question. Since you have met with a strong resistance, I am gonna assume that you are listening to 5.5G sub or newer. Those are the one strong enough to trigger resistance. 

You could reduce your exposure by switching the track in which you are listening to to a more gentle format (from hybrid to ultrasonic and/or from ultrasonic to masked). If it does not work, you could reduce your volume. And if it still does not work, you could try to reduce the amount of time you listen to the sub. In another word, reducing loops per day on to the amount of what is being prescribed in the product page. Reducing exposure are usually needed by those who have strong personality. Those who does not like being told what to do.

Another way to deal with resistance is to confront it instead by increasing the exposure. Switching to a stronger format, increasing volume, increasing loops per day on, increasing day on or reducing day off per ASRB2 cycle. This way, sooner or later, the resistance will be eradicated and your subconscious will be able to execute the script better and faster.

Sometimes, when you have listened to a sub for long time, your subconscious can get bored so it does not want to execute it. If this happen, what you need to do is to take a break from listening. You could take 2 to 6 weeks off before listening again. You could also listen to another sub first and then come back after you feel like your subconscious boredom has ended. 

Please note that subconscious boredom happen after you listen to subs for a long time. If you want to stop listening or change sub before you finish it, it is most likely a resistance rather than boredom. Anyway, I am a new user and this is technically my first ever post on this forum so please take my advice with a grain of salt. Hope this help.
Ive tried pretty much all of that. Increasing volume or listening days as well as switching format to a stronger one makes everything worse. Decreasing volume doesnt seem to really help either. What I havent tried tho, is to reduce loops per day as you suggested. I guess ill give that a shot and see if things get better.

And thanks for the thorough answer
What subs have you been running?
To be able to help, I need to know what subs you're referring to, and which generation they are, as well as specifics on usage patterns, players, etc. There are a lot of potential answers depending on those specifics.

By the sounds of it, what you're experiencing is a "wall of fear" that is reached each time a program gets to a specific point in terms of accomplishing its goals, but again, I need more specifics to be able to give you more clear of an answer.
Im using E4 according to instructions with masked format. 

It might be helpful to give some additional information about my subliminal history. So before E4 I was on OFv1, first couple of months I was on masked format and things were going good and a lot of surface level fears were being dealt with. Further down the line I increased the volume slightly. Things were still going alright but eventually started to turn for the worse. Impatient as I was I changed to US after a while (maybe 3 months in) because I thought that it would help me get out of my already negative rut and deal with fears faster. Didnt took too long and I became really apatethic and depressed with lots of tension in my head. I eventually stopped because it was unbearable. Took a break for a month and started E4 with masked format and 2-3 weeks in and above symptoms started to appear again.

You say wall of fear and I think that make sense. Im more anxious and stressed than normal, sleep poorly and sometimes have nightmares were I experience extreme forms of fear. Since I was a kid I always burried my emotions and I think that I early on decided subconsciously that I will never look at them. Your subs being so strong is forcing it to come up. I remember during my OF run while on masked format sometimes when I took a nap while listening, huge amounts of emotions were being pulled up and it almost felt like my chest was going to explode from all the energy, until I woke up.
Quote: Since I was a kid I always burried my emotions and I think that I early on decided subconsciously that I will never look at them. Your subs being so strong is forcing it to come up

I am experiencing the same with ASC. Mistakes of the near past coming back into memory
(03-29-2021, 12:41 AM)callie Wrote: [ -> ]Im using E4 according to instructions with masked format. 

It might be helpful to give some additional information about my subliminal history. So before E4 I was on OFv1, first couple of months I was on masked format and things were going good and a lot of surface level fears were being dealt with. Further down the line I increased the volume slightly. Things were still going alright but eventually started to turn for the worse. Impatient as I was I changed to US after a while (maybe 3 months in) because I thought that it would help me get out of my already negative rut and deal with fears faster. Didnt took too long and I became really apatethic and depressed with lots of tension in my head. I eventually stopped because it was unbearable. Took a break for a month and started E4 with masked format and 2-3 weeks in and above symptoms started to appear again.

You say wall of fear and I think that make sense. Im more anxious and stressed than normal, sleep poorly and sometimes have nightmares were I experience extreme forms of fear. Since I was a kid I always burried my emotions and I think that I early on decided subconsciously that I will never look at them. Your subs being so strong is forcing it to come up. I remember during my OF run while on masked format sometimes when I took a nap while listening, huge amounts of emotions were being pulled up and it almost felt like my chest was going to explode from all the energy, until I woke up.

Alright, so it would seem that the programs are working, but you've trained yourself to cope with things by stuffing them down and burying them.  That's not good.  If you're experiencing this level of apathy and depression from the programs, it's probably for the same reason you started doing this (stuffing your emotions down instead of dealing with and expressing them).  Did you ever get or feel punished or hurt for expressing your feelings when you were younger, and decide to suppress them?

Some part of you is afraid to let go of your fear, and likely believes that they are keeping you safe.  When you started getting somewhere, it responded with more depression likely because it felt hopeless to be able to resist the subliminal forever.  So in order to get you to stop using it so it would not have to achieve the goals that frighten it, it pushed that depression onto your conscious mind as a way of either communicating it's feelings very loudly, or punishing you consciously, or trying to get you to stop, or some combination of those.

There's not a whole lot of options.  You can give up, try to push through, or go find someone to help you deal with the root cause of this.  If I were in your shoes, I think a good hypnotherapist or psychotherapist would be what I would probably try to find.  Someone who can help you untangle the root cause and safely deal with any depression.

If you want to try to just push through, remember that "harder isn't always better".  You might want to try Ultrasonic format, starting at the lowest possible volume and working up one click every week until you find yourself having issues, and then back it off one notch and stay there until it gets better.  Then try to increase it another notch, and so forth.  Depression isn't something to take lightly, so you'll do well to proceed with caution, and as I said, I would seek out someone who could help me untangle it while making sure the depression was safely managed.

But try to figure out what I asked... is there a situation where you got so hurt or punished for something that it caused you to decide to stuff down, hide, deny your emotions instead of dealing with and expressing them?  If you can locate some trigger event for that choice, and then release the choice and change it to "I choose to deal with and express my emotions," that should help immensely.
I dont have too much recollection of my early childhood, its mostly just a blur tbh. What I do know tho, is that I grew up in a pretty toxic environment that continously taught me not to express myself otherwise ill get hurt. Regarding a psychotherapist ive actually begun seeing one.

I dont intend to completely give up on subliminals. So pushing through is what im aiming for. But as you say, harder isnt always better. I need to find a balance were I can deal with whatever arises but at the same time dont end up completely apathethic and depressed 24/7 for weeks.

Problem with US for me is that I sleep terrible with it on, even on very low volume. And using US during the day for 8 hours (5 loops) is not ideal as im sometimes on the move. Currently im experimenting with reducing loops per day with masked format. In terms of apathy I already feel a little bit better. Is it adviceable to have the same on and off days if you reduce the amount of loops?

Im also curious what you think is the best sub choice for dealing with stuff like this? OF is more directed to dissolving the wall of fear id guess, whilst E4 does have a loving quality to it which I like.
I guess what you have experienced were the so called resistance. As for which kind of resistance it is, I am not sure myself. You could read Shannon's post about resistance if you have the time. This is the link to the post I talk about

From what I often read here, when you meet some kind of resistances, you should either reduce your exposure or increase it. Giving up (stop using or changing subs halfway) are out of the question. Since you have met with a strong resistance, I am gonna assume that you are listening to 5.5G sub or newer. Those are the one strong enough to trigger resistance. 

You could reduce your exposure by switching the track in which you are listening to to a more gentle format (from hybrid to ultrasonic and/or from ultrasonic to masked). If it does not work, you could reduce your volume. And if it still does not work, you could try to reduce the amount of time you listen to the sub. In another word, reducing loops per day on to the amount of what is being prescribed in the product page. Reducing exposure are usually needed by those who have strong personality. Those who does not like being told what to do.

Another way to deal with resistance is to confront it instead by increasing the exposure. Switching to a stronger format, increasing volume, increasing loops per day on, increasing day on or reducing day off per ASRB2 cycle. This way, sooner or later, the resistance will be eradicated and your subconscious will be able to execute the script better and faster.

Sometimes, when you have listened to a sub for long time, your subconscious can get bored so it does not want to execute it. If this happen, what you need to do is to take a break from listening. You could take 2 to 6 weeks off before listening again. You could also listen to another sub first and then come back after you feel like your subconscious boredom has ended. 

Please note that subconscious boredom happen after you listen to subs for a long time. If you want to stop listening or change sub before you finish it, it is most likely a resistance rather than boredom. Anyway, I am a new user and this is technically my first ever post on this forum so please take my advice with a grain of salt. Hope this help.

I can see you're trying to help, but it's best to leave it to people who have more actual experience with the subliminals as otherwise you're just writing random things you've seen.

Plus some of these things aren't correct in some situations, which is generally why Shannon answers certain questions.

In some cases people who hate being told what to do, moving to a stronger format like hybrid isn't necessarily going to help, it might increase the resitance more.

Plus in this case where she says that she keeps moving on from programs when discomfort comes up, boredom isn't the cause of this.

I'm not wanting to discourage you from posting, but there have been issues in the past with a few members constantly giving advice on things they don't have real experience with.

Why not start with posting your own experiences and what you're listening to?
Quote:I can see you're trying to help, but it's best to leave it to people who have more actual experience with the subliminals as otherwise you're just writing random things you've seen.

Plus some of these things aren't correct in some situations, which is generally why Shannon answers certain questions.

In some cases people who hate being told what to do, moving to a stronger format like hybrid isn't necessarily going to help, it might increase the resitance more.

Plus in this case where she says that she keeps moving on from programs when discomfort comes up, boredom isn't the cause of this.

I see. Thank you Ben for pointing that out. I was too rash. I was too eager to answer without realizing that I have no information and know basically nothing about the problems. It was just based on my assumptions. Moreover, I'm not even aware that there's a lot more variable at play despite one's subs usage.

You're right Ben, I shouldn't give advice about something I have no knowledge or experience about. I am sorry about that. And @callie, I hope my post haven't and wouldn't give you harm or problem. Please understand that I was just trying to help. No harm intended. Shannon himself have spoken so you should try what he suggested above. Hope you can find your solution soon.

Should I delete it @Benjamin? If possible I'd like to keep it as a reminder for what I learned this time.

Quote:I'm not wanting to discourage you from posting, but there have been issues in the past with a few members constantly giving advice on things they don't have real experience with.

It's okay Ben. I understand.

Quote:Why not start with posting your own experiences and what you're listening to?

Not for now, I think. I'm currently listening MLS 4.0 and I am on my third cycle. I have my own personal MLS journal but I don't feel comfortable yet to post a journal here. Kind of make me feel vulnerable.
Quote: Kind of make me feel vulnerable
Your choice bro but we are all making ourselves vulnerable here, especially on the men’s forum.
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