Shannon thank you for putting this into perspective. As an intermediate step, how about getting the most out of the physical body without attempting to stop and reverse the aging process. This is actually what I had in mind when I started this thread. I was attempting to suggest that maybe with 6G, our subconscious could be convinced to tune our bodily functions (metabolism, hormones, etc.) to their collective optimal points to get the most out our lives. It would be awesome to be 70, lean, muscular, energetic, etc. It's doable with hard work, diet, and extreme chemical enhancement (look at Sylvestser Stallone). I'm thinking of a toned-down, healthy, subliminal version of that. We'd still be aging, but getting the most out of it.
CatMan I'm with you. I'm not convinced that ant-aging or even DMSI will ever work for most users because of various layers involved. I do subscribe to the the belief that practically anything is possible over the course of many lifetimes due to the effects of energy interacting with other energy. That can be seen in how nature changes landscapes. But can an individual subconscious emit enough energy to make significant change without unacceptable compromise or "tune in" to a reality that is a significant distance from the existing lifeline and make this happen quickly? Maybe. Maybe not. Small changes can be made for sure, but the really big steps...I don't know. There's no doubt that subliminals work to varying degrees with different users and different goals. But I agree that this seems pretty ambitious.
In my mind, there are at least seven layers to this (Shannon can probably list many more):
(1) Is it even possible?
(2) If so, can the subconscious make it happen?
(3) If so, can the subconscious make it happen in a reasonably short amount of time versus over the course of a lifetime or more?
(4) If so, can the subconscious accomplish the task without without totally compromising health or totally destroying the balance of something else?
(5) If so, can the subconscious be convinced to accomplish the goal through subliminal audio?
(6) If so, can Shannon figure out how to script it?
(7) If so, are we willing to execute that script?
With all that said, if it
can be done through subliminal audio, I think Shannon is the one who can develop the technology that makes it happen or at least pave the way for whoever he passes his knowledge onto.