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Stress Relief.

Quote:Yeah, this sub is really cool. There is more to it than just relaxation I think. I've been recently feeling an urge to go out and have fun. I haven't felt that way in many, many years. And when I'm out I do have fun, and I do enjoy myself altough I still have some tension in my body. I catch myself thinking that this tension is not a reason to feel upset :-) so... I'm in a better mood despite of the remaining pain :-) Today for instance I've been out whole day! And in the evening although I was tired I still wanted to stay out and have fun, lol

Pau Ko said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:..Now I'm doing stress relief again. But in just a little bit more than 60 days on Stress relief I have almost completely recovered from anxiety. No pills, no doctors, no nothing. This sub should be available at hospitals, seriously...

Pau Ko said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:I learn to rely on myself not wanting anything from anyone. Wanting something from others is VERY stressfull. It's much better to rely on myself... I like this sub. I catch myself gradually becoming more and more positive every day. It's so much better to be positive and learn to see good stuff and opportunities everywhere you go. They are there, but you have to know how to look for them..

-Pau Ko said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:...This sub is AWESOME.
that's the sub I'm probably going to reuse in the future :-)

-Pau Ko said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:I feel that today I can be "a new person", like a newborn baby, like nothing bad ever happened in my life. It's as though you pressed the reset button and all the viruses started to gradually disapear from your "human body PC" (to me it has been quite a painfull process though, cause I had to face all those viruses :-) ). I can be someone who never felt hurt. The things that happened, happened. I cannot change the past and there is no reason to do that, but I can release all the stress. There is no reason to hold on to past, no reason to carry within me all the stress from the past. The stress that is no longer relevant in my life...

Pau-Ko said this here
About Stress Relief:

Quote:I used to have panic attacks whenever I was driving and had to wait for the red light to turn green. It was so bad, I had to put down the windows to help me breathe even though the inside of the car was cool from the air conditioner!!!

Then I found Indigo MindLabs and listened to the free subliminal program Stress Relief. I don't experience panic attacks anymore when I get stopped at a red light. The only thing I did different was listen to Stress Relief for 3 months and now the panic attacks are gone!

4kingdoms said this here.
Stress Relief.

Quote:The number of women that have started to show interest in me and started dropping hints is incredible. At first I attributed this to AM6 unlocking as in my previous post but that's not correct. I don't know what it is about this subliminal but both Pau Ko and I have started becoming much more attractive to the opposite sex since starting Stress Relief. The more I listen, the more I am convinced that SR needs to be integrated into both AM and AF.

Ffaux said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:It's blowing my mind how many single attractive girls are available to me right now and how many of them are making obvious moves on me. This beard is killer! So many girls have acknowledge that it makes me a lot more attractive. Maybe I should just run SR again after my next two AM runs instead of WM haha.

Ffaux said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:...So, now every day I feel better and better. I've almost completely reached the goal of the program. But the results and benefits are so awesome that I'm gonna use this program for another 6 months or so...

-Pau Ko said this here
Stress Relief.

Quote:...Me, before SR5G:
Very tense, mentally, physically, just everything about me.
Slept badly almost every day.
Before going to sleep would have thoughts "attack" me.
So anxious I wouldn't venture outside.
Hated crowded areas, made me very, very anxious.
Unable to focus for lengthy periods of time.
Whenever I got into an especially negative state, that state could follow me around for days, sometimes even weeks.

Me, After 30 days on SR5G:
Very calm and relaxed all the time, or in the process of getting there. I find myself more calm while stressed, which allows me to think my way through situations rather than just reacting.
I sleep like a little B#$!@. Every. Single. Night.
Thought "attacks" are either completely gone some days, or minimal.
Comfortable going outside. Been taking hikes nearly every day. Talking to new people.
Okay in crowded areas.
Can focus for lengthier periods of time.
Can shake off negative states much more easily.

The best part about running this subliminal is learning to handle stress in a positive way. I don't run from stress because I don't need to any longer. One concrete example of this is studying, a task I hated doing. Now I do it, I don't particularly like doing it, but I'm a lot more okay with it...

-Bookstacks DC737 said this here
Stress Relief.

Since I used BASE 5g a year ago I've seen enough evidence of how low of attraction works and that these subs do work.
I know that I have written already many times that I FINALLY RELAX, lol
the point is that it's like I everyday discover new levels of relaxation.
and then yet another day comes and I realize another precious issue or two or even three interconnected issues... that lead me to dissolving yet another layer of stressor and makes me fall into yet more relaxed state of being....
by going through this prosess I see what I've been consisting of, I literally understand and see directly that I/we as humans consist of our past experiances, perception, emiotions and feelings, whether positive or negative - everything stays in the body unless we make conscious effort to release the unwanted feelings, unless we make effort to change the perception....

I'm really happy that I'm so privileged to being able to use these subs and that I actually found this page...

-Pau Ko said this here