About Maximum Immune Response:
Quote:... A bunch of people were coming down this nasty cold that was taking them out for weeks so I decided to use MIR. It cleared me right up ....
InTheZone said this
Maximum Immune System Response.
Quote:Purchased MIR v1 on 7/27/2016 at 7:40 am
Had it playing on CD looping continuously at 7:45 am
Ultrasonic -90 db at her ears, remember she's blind and her hearing is supersensitive.
The instructions say to play for 3 days straight, so I wasn't expecting much and to be honest I don't even know if my Mom really had an infection...
Immediately, she fell asleep when her head hit the pillow. (just like the instructions indicated would happen if your body has an infection) When my Mom woke up at 12:30 pm (4:45 later); I asked her how she felt. "I feel fantastic!! Is it on??"
1) Her lower body barely aches.
2) Pain from eye to eye, gone!!
3) Earache on both ears, gone!!
4) When she swallows beverages of any temperature, the hurting sensation on her right cheek is... you guessed it!! Gone!!
Shannon, what is in this thing??!! This is v1?? I'm getting v2 when it passes testing and is released to the public!!...
-4Kingoms said this