On Maximum Healing Speed:
Quote:So 120 days have come and gone for MHS. Just to test it out, I decided to eat a burger and some fries along with a milkshake. No problems. Other than feeling a little full, no problems with reflux at all. I did pop ONE digestive pill but I really didn't have to, just out of habit and it was AFTER I had already eaten rather than before. And with that my goal has been accomplished. 4 months ago I was worried that this condition would plague me for life but now, I'm happy again, I hop out of bed without wondering or worrying how my throat feels, I have more freedom in the foods I eat. I'm essentially, back to normal. I know Shannon can't make medical claims with this stuff, but this sub rocks!
K-Train said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g
Quote:...As for healing effects: Last night I intentionally wrecked myself at boxing just so I could see how powerful MHS was over my normal post-workout supplements. When I woke up this morning, there was a distinct lack of pain of stiffness. Normally when I wake up, the first thing I think is "Owwww..." from the pain in my upper back and legs. Today, that pain was non-existent...
-Chaosvrgn said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5G:
Quote:Day 19 - 20:
There are so many positive improvements that I don't know where to begin. Saturday, I deliberately subjected myself to what's probably the most INTENSE boxing workout I've ever had. I literally collapsed onto the floor afterwards and just sat there for a few minutes.
I expected to wake up in extreme pain and soreness. Nope. NONE. In fact, my right hand is about 99% healed. The Boxing Coach noted how fast, fluid and powerful my right crosses have grown in one week. That's because I'm throwing them without the anticipating of pain upon connecting with the mitt.
My left wrist -- which has been damaged for years -- has VERY, VERY little pain. It's about 95% healed.
My left knee has VERY LITTLE pain. I'd say it's 80% healed. My right knee -- the problem knee -- has moderate pain, but less than before. I'd say it's 55% healed.
In addition, I feel healthier than ever. The detox scripting is insanely powerful. My friends and family are telling me that I smell extremely nice. I noticed that my sweat no longer smells musty. It smells "woodsy" and natural. I no longer have issues with dandruff. Get this shit -- my teeth look whiter. I thought I was imagining it until someone asked me what I used to whiten my teeth.
I have an insane amount of energy, capable of getting up at 7am to train at UFC gym until 10. Then, go to work from 11-8. Get off and attend an MMA class at 8:30. I did this all last week.
My senses are sharper. My reflexes are heightened. My sense of smell seems better. I feel like I'm turning into Wolverine. It's gonna be tough to go back to DMSI -- not looking forward to the resistance again.
On the flipside, I CANNOT WAIT for MLS 5.5g. It's a first day purchase for me.
chaosvrgn said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5G
Quote:...BTW my mom is doing really well on MHS. She hadn't gotten sick in the entire time she has been using it, which is a miracle because she typically gets sick every other week. She's regained a fair bit of mobility from her injury that occurred last year. She's been doing physical therapy for the past year and although it has helped her, the subliminal allowed her to regain 20-30% mobility in her arms in 2 weeks. Traditional therapy had barely given her 10% of her mobility back in 1 year.
She looks a lot younger. She's 48 and always looked fairly young for her age, but now if her and I were in public together, it would be difficult to tell she's old enough to be my mother. Her conversation style has also switched a bit. There's less victim mentality in the way she speaks. I KNOW that her native mindset was conducive to illness. In fact, I've been certain she has been causing her own ailments with her unhealthy thoughts. The sub seems to have worked on that. I can't tell what's going on in her mind, but the way she carries conversation is significantly different, enough for me to confidently report that I believe the sub worked on her hypochondriac tendencies.
She told me last week that she could actually FEEL the knots in her shoulders releasing themselves while listening to the sub.
This is good stuff Shannon. I'm really tempted to run it myself, just seeing how it is affecting my mom...
-Eternity said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g
Quote:Day 29 - 30:
Just realized that I needed to finish this journal. Hands down, MHS 5.5g is an outstanding sub, regardless of whether you're an athlete like myself, or you just want to be in perfect health. If DMSI v3.1 wasn't on the horizon (and I've run every version of it other than v2.2), I'd run MHS for 3-6 months.
FINAL RESULTS (Note -- I was trying to heal all the damage I caused in my 12 years of practicing traditional martial arts):
Left Wrist: 95% healed. I used to experience significant pain while throwing light jabs. Now, I can throw hard jabs and left crosses with NO pain. I now only experience pain when throwing improper left hooks. So, I've simply slowed down my hooks until I can throw them properly every time. Voila! pain gone.
Right Wrist: 100% healed. No pain, no weakness whatsoever. I'm throwing devastatingly powerful right crosses that leaves my trainers in awe.
Fingers on Right Hand: 90% healed. No pain -- unless I don't wrap my hands properly. There's still a bit of pain in my right pointer finger just beneath the knuckle. This is a significant improvement.
Left knee: 100% healed. No day-to-day pain at all. No pain after a strenuous workout. A tiny bit of pain after multiple days of strenuous workouts, but that's expected.
Right Knee -- which was REALLY bad: 90% healed. No day-to-day pain at all. A tiny bit of pain after a day of strenuous exercise. Moderate pain after multiple days of strenuous workouts.
Keep in mind that before MHS, I was unable to walk up or down stairs on BOTH knees unless I took pain killers.
Other effects: Cognition has increased significantly. Can't put a percentage on it, but trust me, my ability to concentrate, focus and work through problems has skyrocketed.
My natural scent has changed. It's a very aggressive "musk" rather than the sharp "mustiness" that comes from sweaty. I've had women tell me that I "smell like a man." I'm guessing the detox has something to do with it.
Women are paying more attention to me in general. I seem more approachable. It's not a overt sexual attraction, though. Almost like a provider attraction. Like, a "let's get married" vibe.
Energy levels have increased along with endurance, cardio, etc.
I just FEEL healthier...
-Chaosvrgn said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5G
Quote:Shannon, get a load of this:
Mom's been saying she's been getting a pressure sensation on her forehead every now and again that lasts for a minute or two. This is an interesting report. Firstly, becuase she's been on MHS for a while now. Secondly, and more importantly, there may be some scientific proof here that something is going on:
She went through the airport xray scanner a couple weeks ago. As she went through, the TSA stopped her and asked her what she has in her forehead. Mom was like "wtf there's nothing in my forehead".
TSA insisted that she go back through the x ray, and they see something in her forehead. something like a cavity being registered where her third eye is supposed to be. TSA insists that she is hiding something in her skull (wtf, really TSA? someone is gonna burrow a hole in their skull to hide drugs?). So they take a metal detector and scan her entire head, and they naturally find nothing. She goes through the x ray one last time, and the cavity is still there in her 3rd eye area.
MHS Anomaly? Or is it pointing to evidence that there might be something greater going on? Up to you to decide, Shannon.
Also, my mom's arm/shoulder pain is 100% healed. Damage that she acquired in Feb 2016, that has been ailing her for a whole year, and has been worked on by physical therapists, energy workers, and all sorts of medicines, is 100% gone. There's not a trace of pain in her anymore.
Her hypochondriac tendencies seem to have disappeared too. She started telling herself that she is healthy and that she refuses to get sick. ALSO, she was in india for a whole month, and didn't get sick ONCE. that's a miracle for someone who used to get sick every 2nd week in the USA.
MHS is a golden subliminal. Thanks for providing an avenue to rejuvenate my mother. I can't tell you how much that means to me, to see my mom in happy healthy condition.
eternity said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g
Quote:DAY 2
Lol wtf. The pain from my right shoulder has already gone. I've gotten my full range of motion and strength back. There is still some tightness when I move my arm all the way up, so it's not completely healed yet, but I'll update on the progress over time. This is pretty amazing, cause I have a messed up shoulder and had to take months off gym back in 2015, cause of my impingement issues.
Here is the quote from roughly 24 hours ago before I started MHS.
"My right shoulder is majorly messed up right now. I had impingement issues from 3 years ago, but healed up to 90-95%. I seemed to have re-injured it again last night when I was doing inclined chest presses. I didn't know you're not supposed to be doing it when you have shoulder issues. I was doing research earlier and now I know. And I realise why my trainer didn't get me to do any inclined workouts. She told me to stick with the normal ones and decline, so it's my fault that I was too eager to try out all the machines. Anyway the pain is bugging me right now, so I need this shoulder healed asap."
I still remember if I were to exert any strength from my right arm, even a minimal amount, I can feel the pain in my right shoulder. Now, the pain is completely gone. And it was a struggle to raise my arm all the way up before I started, but now I can.
I definitely wouldn't have healed THIS MUCH in a day without the aid of MHS.
Another thing is I feel like I'm on steroids. It hasn't even been 48 hours since my last weight training session at the gym. I feel like I'm ready to train my chest, back and legs again. I never heal this fast. It normally takes at least 3 days, maybe 4, after a heavy training session to completely heal. But now, I feel like going back to the gym again. I will wait till Wednesday though, as I have a session with my trainer, but mainly to use this opportunity to rest up more just in case.
I'm pretty amazed at the progress so far. What did you put in this thing, Shannon?...
-Wolverine_I_Am said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...Overall I couldn't run in the past due to knee injury, now I'm jogging few miles once a week - no pain in both knees during jogging and afterwards.
I train a lot, from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is a day off. Seems like a have more energy during the workouts and recovery takes shorter time.
I love this sub, MHS 5.5G - I'm going to use it for the rest of this year, at least.
-GrizzlyBear said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...Because, I was taking meds before but it wasn't that effective. Taking medicine reduced pain for like 20‰. But after using MHS-5.5G my body was responding so much better to meds and it reduced my pain so much to like 60%.
There were times when even after being on meds I would be in pain and as soon as I started listening to MHS-5.5G. Within 15-20 mins. My pain would reduce to a point that I could actually sleep.
Medicines, Exercise are much more effective when I use it along MHS-5.5G. Its like MHS-5.5G increases their efficiency by 60-70 %. Its a Healing Sub after all.
Also, I went to same doctor for 2 years for my Nasal polyp issues. Even after surgery my polyp will be back in next 4-5 months. After my second surgery I went to same Homeopathic doctor again and this time I was listening to MHS-5.5G(1st run) . Believe me his medicines performed much faster and at much deeper level.. . Even he was surprised that I was responding to meds so much better than before and now its been 14 months and no sign of polyps anywhere...
-Zane said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...IT HAS BEEN AWESOME and continues to be awesome. Here is why:
- a year ago I still felt depressed, although much less compared to how I felt before using these subs - after a year on MHS I've made a TREMENDOUS progress, and I keep progressing, regaining more and more energy, becoming less depressed and less anxious. Well, maybe other subs could help me progress in this area as well, but hmm HMS works really good in my case - I believe it's because it seeks to change your belief system so that the goals of the program may be achieved more easily
- I have much more energy on workouts, trainings and such, really awesome
- I have figured out what to do in order to regain muscle balance - the cause for why my knees felt as though they've been injured,
- my back in the lumbar region no longer hurts
- my eyes got much much better, coz I released a lot of tension from my body
- I think that I eat better quality food...
-GrizzlyBear said this
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...I've also felt an interesting side effect; I have not felt actual, let's say, 'male vitality', for a couple of months at least. Nor have I felt a full-body attraction towards a women. This woman was a fair bit taller and a bit thicker than I'm normally attracted to, but I was popping a full-on erection just looking at her. The weird thing is that she wasn't that objectively attractive; but, there was nothing wrong with her either. She had a nice figure and was feminine. She was a volunteer at my work today. I spoke with her for a couple of minutes but I didn't try to get her info (we are at work, after all).
I think that my body might be pumping a normal level of testosterone again. I've had moments where I felt like I was 21 again.
-Ampersnd said this