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Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:I’m on my first day off from USLM2 and I had a job interview this morning. I have missed a lot of jobs in the past because I was too nervous and anxious to interview well. This has been a problem for many years, though I have been hired in the field I want to be in a few times when I managed to kinda sorta pull it together. Even then though I would practically drive myself nuts with anxiety before and after this interview.

Not this time though. I was calm, relaxed, spoke well, and had a great answer for every question. I wasn’t anxious before the interview and I’m not now. I felt zero nervousness during the interview and my stomach used to drop down to my feet when they asked the first question. I was either the one they want, or I’ll be the one another place wants just a bit down the road. Either way, it’s right around the corner. FRM is working wonders here.

-Paul1131 said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:US/LM2 Update- 9 Days in

I gotta say Shannon, this new FRM seems to be JUST what I needed to start getting me past this vicious cycle of fear and negativity ive been recently facing in life.

I have noticed that overall my anxiety/fear has seemed to have noticeably reduced in regards to the specific issues I have been suffering with. I have been feeling more relaxed overall, a lighter "good feeling" sense about me more of the time. I have also been feeling more hopeful for the future and confident in who I am.

I have FINALLY gotten a sense of relief from the great mental and emotional turmoil ive been going through for the past few months, and I think I owe a big part of it to you and US/LM2!

Thank you Shannon!

VERY excited to see how this continues to play out and to continue to progress to new uncharted heights going forward! #crushingfearonadaily

-Broski said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:He won $350 in fantasy football. He was more focused and confident. When he was choosing his lineups, he just had a feeling that these were going to win.

Total positive cash value since starting USLM:

-Infinite said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:He doubled his money on FF. When he picked his lineup, he said to himself "this is too easy". He asked himself "Am I being too confident here", because it's not a normal feeling for him to feel that it's too easy.

Total $ value gained since being on the program for almost two weeks: $1788.50.

-Infinite said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:USLM2 is continuing to reach deep inside me (lol) and drag shit out of the depths whilst making everything around me just incrementally better. I have a bunch of people at work around me and paying attention to what I’m doing who didn’t before , people seem to be smiling at me randomly which is odd, on the train, on the street sometime people at work who I’m just passing by.

Yesterday I had a challenge where I needed to do a lot of work before a meeting -(for context these meetings are a big deal where I am) , I was drastically behind schedule due to being ill during the week , and although I have been over sleeping and extra tired of late I got up at 5 am and had to get out of bed and straight to work. I worked solidly for 6 hours (which I e never done) and went through the meeting with ease (and even some aggression). In the process of preparing for it I developed a new mode of analysis which is going to make my job a whole lot easier...

-Darwin said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:...So here's the recent luck:

I had a couple of big instances of finding "lost" money, so I don't know if this counts as luck or not. I found close to $500 that I totally forgotten about in my coinbase account, half of it was still in crypto, oof! I didn't lose any money as far as I can tell, so I withdrew everything to my bank account.

Today I received an email from a brokerage that I haven't used in two years telling me that I can participate in some shareholders meeting. I thought I sold everything and withdrew years ago. But to my surprise, I still had about $250 in cash, and about $10 worth of stock belonging to the company in said email (probably an allocated dividend). Good thing I logged on because I was accruing $10/month in fees due to inactivity. Withdrew all that as well.

A couple of days ago, I received a text message from my high school coach telling me that he's finally going to be sending a check for $1000 from a scholarship that I received after graduating. I have been sending him reminders every few months.

Then there's this small tidbit. I went to buy some candy from a vending machine for myself on Halloween night. It was one of those modern vending machines where if your snack doesn't vend properly and gets stuck it will continue trying to dispense until it finally falls out. That's what happened and through this process it accidentally dispensed two packs of M&M's instead of one. Yay! Thumbsup

This post is getting rather long and I still have some very interesting things to share regarding FRM and how things went since my last entry...

-Hatman said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.

Quote:Checking in again after a few cycles of USLM2 and I can say this sub is incredible.

I'm so naturally driven every day to learn and upgrade myself to meet my subconscious goals, all without having to put in any conscious effort. I seem to enter into a natural trance from dawn to dusk in which I pursue my goals with an easy focus but a streamlined approach. I've accomplished more in the last 3 weeks than I would ever have by my own efforts alone.

I can recognise the sub working, I used to feel significant internal resistance to watching teaching videos on youtube. Previously I'd watch 10 minutes of a 40 minute video and "call it a day" while pondering what I'd seen. Now I watch them endlessly, absorbing all the information.

The other amazing thing about USLM2 which has blown my mind is how it accomplishes subconscious goals. If the direct approach isn't readily available, I find myself doing a work around (naturally) without any conscious effort. It's as if my subconscious is leading me to my goals by the best and most effective route without me having to stress or worry. I find myself in a very happy and blissful state as I go about my business.

In short, I've accomplished so much in such a short space of time with such little conscious effort that I'm actually amazed at how easy success has become.

This sub is a real gem.

-Determined said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V2 5.5g.

Quote:Wow!! Shannon's a Beast he already uploaded USLM-V3 in less then a month. I have been on USLM-V2 for like 2 weeks only. Idk if i should try V3 or not. I already feel comfortable with V2. I just got used to it.

Anyway I think its time for me to Update few stuff which I can contribute to USLM-V2

I won Rs 331 in G-Pay Scratch Card. I won few other but this was the Highest amount.

My Ban on Telegram account was lifted after 10 months. I tried convincing the Telegram Moderators so much to give me one last chance but they wont lift the ban. I hardly could chat with anyone and the only thing I could do was just watch people chat. So this time I talked to them like a Pro and idk what happened but now I am free as a bird

My Brother Got a Macbook - I know few people mentioned that they a noticing that their "Success/ Luck Aura" are affecting other people too. So my Bro has been trying to get one for those Macbook and everytime he tried something comes in his way(Finance related). This time out of the blue his boss gave him one . I mean his boss already told him to give one for office use but he thought he would get a Windows laptop but he got Macbook. Also he can take his Macbook home. So yeah, he's happy. I was sleeping when this happened. He called me and asked my mom to wake me up and was showing off his MacbookLolLol.

My Dad got 5% increment in his salary and mom says there are some other stuff also from where he could get more income.

One of my classmate contacted me after like 2 years just when I needed and was taking advice from me. He said that now that he has met me he is confident enough to make a decision . I told him few stuff. He also said that I looked different and really charming. I told him that he could come and join in the Training Course that I have been thinking about . I told him 3 months is all we need. It would cost him nothing..No Paperwork, No nothing. Just one call from my Dad and we are in. So looks like I will have some company ,which is what I always wanted.

My gaming skill has improved. I play a game called PUBG(You Guys should play) and I am winning way too often. Sometimes I am close to winning. SometimeI get lucky shots by accident and it Increase my Rank from from 9 to 21. Turned out you have to take different guns and stuff to kill ur enemies to increase ur point. So i didnt knew and I just shot people with anything I got and then I checked my notification and I was like WTF!!?..I dint even knew about this I just played.

My Ganna Subscription App is still working I told u already about that. Free Songs which u can download.

I am making less mistakes while typing or chating idk if I am imagining this or not but if u guys have read my previous post I made a lot of spelling mistakes a stuff. I mean I thought I was writing it correctly but idk why I always messed up the spellings. I dint even bothered to re-check it, but now I do. Well u guys be the judge.

I find/manifest stuff easily Infact I find what I am looking for- I would find my keys and glasses or thing which u usually search for jump right in front of me. As if they just manifest right in front of me. For example I am thinking about calling my brother he will call me instead. In I am hungry my bro will bring me stuff from outside. Its not happening regularly.Maybe it is but I just got used to it and stopped focusing on it. Also for past few days I was thinking about buy another E-Rickshaw second hand so I was sure that I will find one on OLX app after few days and I knew it will manifest and what do u know. It did manifest. But I am not gonna buy it. I will wait at least 2 months before making that decision. I know I will manifest another one if it goes away.

I am working towards something which could help me get some extra income and the good thing is that I have to do zero investment. Everynight I try to Visualise this goal of mine. The thing is that even if the things dont go they way I always thought it would I still find a way or the way is shown to me. Its not that I didn't knew about that way before but since it would require a little bit or hard-work and I would give up and be lazy but this time I am like " Well lets divide this task in little pieces and eventually I will accomplish that." Sometimes I get unexpected luck.

I have stopped drinking and idk why but I like Coffee more than tea. Maybe I am just bored of tea.

Idk if I would call myself lazy or not but I am doing stuff which could help me improve my financial condition. I havt read any books or anything. I am doing the only thing which matters most to me. I thought my life's goal was something else but it turns out it not. I was only following what I thought would impress others.

Its true it was all fear. FRM is doing a good job. Things are going my way and I love it. All I have to do is keep working towards my goal and in the end I will succeed.

-Zane said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.

Quote:The FRM3.2 (Fear Removal Module) seems to be working. Today I threw out some ideas to my business partner about some potential future changes to our business I knew he might not like. They weren’t things I necessarily want for our business but more like a contingency plan if things aren’t going as well as planned. I knew he wouldn’t want to hear what I had to say because he always thinks things are going to go just as planned. Most of the time he is right and I hope he is but I like to plan for the “what if’s”. Normally I would have just done the planning and kept it to myself unless it was needed. The FRM is the only way I can explain my laying out these plans in a meeting. Which as I’ve indicated is uncharacteristic for me. I’m not sure if it was a good or bad idea to present these ideas but I definitely didn’t experience any fear.

-JakeKennedy said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.

Quote:I`m on day 2 of US/LM3. I have been trying to do an update for the past 5-6 days but I have been working for 12-14 hours plus my social obligations... I just couldn`t find the time.

Needles to say, the sub is working. I have been working working around the clock. And it doesn`t feel painful or like a drag to work that much. Recently I have watched some videos on mindset and success. I have had those videos for at least 4 months, definitely before I purchased this sub. But I never watched them. Until a couple of days ago. It definitely shifted my thinking. I feel like the sub was guiding me to watch those videos.

Part of me is sad because I feel I wasted so much time being afraid. I could have already been enjoying the fruits of my labor. Such stupid childish behavior. No more.

US/LM 2&3 feels different. I feel different. Shannon, you`re definitely very close to cracking whatever you need to crack.

-Cataleya said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.

Quote:One thing I wasn't really anticipating with USLM3, although I really should have. Strengthening my relationships with everyone around me I care about. It seems odd that I can care about someone and distance myself at the same time, but that's been a recurring pattern in my life. I've mentioned in the past I was on the avoidant spectrum when it comes to relationships. Well at the heart of that is fear and getting rid of this fear is helping me get closer to people and in turn show more of myself.

Fear has been like a great wall divide between me and other people. Even when I overcame it or pushed past it, I'd find myself unable to bridge this weird communication gap. Always a constant feeling of wanting get away from someone or minimize interaction before they were able to sort of bridge that gap themselves.

But as far as success goes. Ask anyone who's been successful and they'll tell you strong supportive relationships are important. You can only get those if you're willing to let go of the fear that prevents them.

There's a lot about me I've been aware of for years now. But it feels like now it's actually being resolved. It's one thing being aware of your issues, but it's a completely separate thing actually moving past them to a point where you don't have to cope with them. And fear has always been my biggest issue.

-Mat422 said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.

Quote:Today I was in a meeting with owners of several affiliated businesses and a high level consultant. Previously I ran one of the businesses but was not an owner so would not have been included in this type of meeting. Point of the story is my pre-USLM self would have been at least a little nervous to be in this type of meeting. Now after being exposed to the FRM I felt zero nerves or tension. That part was great but I did realize I still have much learning to do do. Everyone else in the meeting has been in those types of meetings for years and know exactly what they are doing. Even though I know the business inside and out there is still going to be a learning curve as this is a new skill set for me. I do however feel that USLM3 is significantly shortening this learning curve.

-JakeKennedy said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.

Quote:Shannon I'm running USLM3 and it's changing my life. I knew I had lots of levels of fear but really felt a little hopeless when it came to overcoming fear. My question is if all you are doing is utilizing inborn traits of the human subconscious then how come no one has conveyed this ability before? USLM3 FRM modules are such a breakthrough for me and I know my life is on a different path now than when I started. How come some mystic or otherwise lucky human has not stumbled on to or come into full knowledge of these abilities before and shared? It's been so painful for me to see myself bound up in fear and feeling like I have no tools to escape and being like that for nearly a decade and I'm only 31. Now FRM is kicking fear in the teeth and for the first time in a long time I feel like I can be who I was created to be and do what I was created to do...

-Wharrgarbl said this here
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.

Quote:So... it's 12 days now on USLM v3 (a bit over a month on USLM overall), so guess it's time for another short update. What I've noticed so far:

- As mentioned in my last post, my social anxiety is reduced - I have less trouble talking to people or looking people in the eye, generally more confident in social situations
- I'm way more productive at work. Over the last week I've finally managed to get rid of all the stuff that I had waiting on my long to-do list, but never managed to. So at least job-wise USLM has also helped with procrastination
- Also work-related: I've found that when presenting ideas or leading business calls, I am a lot more confident than before, and my speech is more fluent, less hesitant.
- I've never been exactly great at keeping my apartment clean - this has become a lot better. For the first time in my life guest won't have to announce themselves a week in advance, so I have enough time to clean this mess here. Wink
- I've started working out again (though only a little), and I don't have any difficulty staying on a very clean & healthy diet. Though the last point is not that unusual for me, I have an easier time staying away from the late evening extra bites of food that I usually had before. One of my goals is to loose a certain amount of weight, so both of these points help with that goal.
- Every now and then I feel like having more energy...

-Hsindermann said this here
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