Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:Day 11
I added a day counter widget on my phone to keep track of what day I'm on. Things are feeling more and more natural in such away that it feels like I have always been this level of intelligent so when I do intelligent...things... I am no longer surprised Smile Not that I've been a dumbass but... MLS has brought me to a new level. Update on putting conscious thought into not becoming intellectually annoying... Its going great! I feel like MLS is allowing me to do all the learning I want and If i consciously focus on something, like Arash Dibazar's videos on seduction and social dynamics, I become very skilled and knowledgeable within those topics, and in effect, am becoming a cool knowledgeable guy instead of a scholar which is perfect...
-Arsenic said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:The following goals are becoming fully integrated into my being:
77. Operate from an “I can learn and do anything I choose to” success based positive thinking positive attitude ultra success basis.
105. Remove people from your life and influence who would act as a negative for achieving these goals, and surround yourself with people who enhance them.
I also just made $100 extra this week at work because of my newfound MLS driven success.
Also.. Yesterday... My boss said that I'm worth every penny, and MORE.
Thanks MLS!
-Eternity said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...Day 9
Well, reading concentration has received a boost. I didn’t realize this until today when I sat to read an older copywriting book I never had a chance to dig into.
I can typically do 20 – 30 minutes chunks if the book is only mildly interesting. I was able to read for over an hour easily without much distraction. That is pretty interesting for only 9 freakin days on a sub.
I’ve also noticed that reading comprehension has slightly increased and that thing where you read a page only to realize you space out – that has greatly reduced, which is a huge development.
Admittedly I caught myself doing that just once, but I caught myself almost instantly, and I used to only reflect on that after it had happened.
Obviously my awareness/ focus is getting cranked up and it’s slowly becoming noticeable in active learning environments...
-Heavysm said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...About the MLS confidence, just like many users have reported its not the same confidence that dmsi gave me but its nothing to take lightly. Its not the same as the raw unreleting dmsi cofidence but its an intellectual one. I know who i am and nothing is going to shake me!...
-Illumi said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:My studying "skill" is increasing.
I'm taking advantage of highlights, flash cards, mind maps and other tools to increase my ability to retain knowledge. This is all coming intuitively. I was never doing any of this stuff, then something clicked and I'm doing it all at once.
I notice I'm also seeking the meat of what I read. I'm no longer meandering through text aimlessly. I'm looking for what is most applicable or what I specifically would like to know.
-BookstacksDC737 said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:Day 13
Technically this happened late on day 12, but I only got to write about it now.
The laser-like concentration is slowly dripping in. I was writing out a small report for a client and I felt my vision tighten, almost as if I was literally tunneling in on the words of the page. I have only experienced this before while I was on mild nootropics (ie. Brainquicken).
I believe this module is also in BASE, and despite 10 months of using that, I just haven’t felt like this in close to 10 years. Like hole-lee fuuuuck…lol
On another note I had another hike today and miraculously created my best time ever. I achieved 27 minutes when my average for months had been around 30 – 31.
Upon reflecting on the hike I have found that my breathing has been somehow optimized so that I no longer feel out of breath at the wrong moments. Several portions of the hike are damn near vertical and that’s when I used to gas out before, losing most if not all my energy. Not anymore, and I can literally push and speed up at any time I want, which is pretty f*cking amazing, all things considered.
I do feel slight glimmers of the genius mind trying to start up, but it’s like small rays of sun shine trying to poke through thick clouds; the clouds really need to be out of the way before the full effect will be realized.
I know I’m still in the healing/ clearing phase but daaamn. I’m kinda falling in love with this sub lol
-Heavysm said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:...Procrastination no longer exists... if it's on my calendar; it gets done. I used to pile the dishes and clean them all at once; now I wash them clean as soon as I'm done eating!
Just yesterday, as much as I wanted to go to sleep. I stayed up until everything on my calendar got checked off!! I don't feel or want to stop, I just keep going until it is done!!...
-4Kingdoms said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:MLS is... breathtaking. My ability to focus is almost unlimited in quantity, even though I did not get maximum sun exposure in the last few days--I generally need a lot of sun exposure for my brain to function optimally.
With 3-5 hours of deep work being possible in the past, 12 hours of deep concentrated work a day is now a possibility.
-Inconcievablezen said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:Week 6 - Version 3.0 of Maximum Learning Speed - 5.5G
A little background...
Since 1996 when I was introduced to trading the financial markets (commodities) I've posted a loss on my federal income taxes.
I bought every trading book and every trading course I found and could afford. Year after year, I posted a loss on my federal income taxes.
At the end of 2016, I promised myself 2017 would be different. I deposited $10k, I studied and practiced.
January 2017, I lost some money... bought another trading course, practiced more. By May 2017 I had bought four more trading courses and practiced feverishly and kept trading real money until I had $300 in my account.
Week 3 of MLS 5.5 I had an epiphany!! I figured out how to pick the direction of the financial market I was trading. On Week 4, I sat in front of my computer, picked the direction, and watched with joy as I saw I was right. Week 5, I placed real trades and made real profits!!
Payout Amount: $54.00
Payout Amount: $165.00
Payout Amount: $40.00
Payout Amount: $290.00
I skipped one day because I wasn't sure of the direction the market was moving.
The online company I've been talking about was a trading service that sent out trading signals for $300 a month. I was on the fence about paying for a service. Now that I've had this epiphany and had the results I've had and after being notified that their servers had been hacked, I've decided to trade without their service.
I never expected this to happen with MLS 5.5, I only had hoped that I would comprehend the $300 monthly trading signals and profited from them.
Having the skills to make my own trading decisions and profit from them.... priceless!! Thank you Shannon, thank you MLS 5.5!!
-4Kingdoms said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:Day 29
Summary from the first month…
Memory has increased by a notable margin. My short term memory was crap before, so about 40 – 50% increase means I can hold 5 – 8 things continually on my mind without too much worry of forgetting.
Problem solving has boosted by a nice amount. Instead of days of brain storming it often just takes me hours or minutes to come up with a viable plan to resolve whatever I need. This is has been a very nice change...
-Heavysm said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:There have been great changes, but they are just starting to emerge, and are hard to describe. For now, I will say that I am very motivated to focus on my classes. Very interested in my subjects, almost buzzing about them. This is different. I shouldn't be this into differential equations. Motivated to understand and study hard.
I've noticed on my walks home, that I am trying to piece information together solidify what I've learned while I am walking with nothing else to do. It feels really satisfying to do this. I've been walking the same route for 1.5 years, but never did that. Now it happens daily.That is new since MLS.
Since starting MLS, I have begun to integrate information from seemingly different subject areas. For instance, I realized the things I'm learning in my speech class are directly applicable to pick up and attracting women. I was amazed to see the usefulness of this information.
Above all, my enthusiasm for learning has increased substantially. If I was not on MLS, I'd be bumbling through these classes -- like I did last semester. As I was considering the knowledge learned in my speech class, I realized that before MLS I simply wouldn't have cared enough to find connections between public speech and PUA.
Make you realize how important interest is to the learning process. We all go to school, but are we learning because we have to? Or are we so interested that we find these connections to be fascinating and exhilerating to discover? One mindset is obviously superior.
-Travis said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:Week 7 - Version 3.0 of Maximum Learning Speed - 5.5G
Consistently making profits when placing trades. When I have losses, they are small. It seems like everything I've learned over the years for trading are finally executing. "Let profits run, cut losses short." I instinctively seem to know which is which...
-4Kingdoms said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:MLS continues to impress. I am enrolled in Differential Equations and a Computer Science course that requires programming in C++. My time spent-to-progress made ratio is significantly better. I confidently say that I am getting more learning done in less time, and learning deeper than before.
Some specific things I've noticed: My recall of math materials is astounding. I'm effortlessly using intuitions and techniques learned in prior classes to solve problems in D.E. Now, I can remember trig identities after learning them once, I never have to look it up twice. This ability was not there before.
The other thing is my productivity, which has improved greatly. I've been a great procrastinator my entire life, but on MLS I have this incredible desire to work. When I do slack off I will stay up late to work done, as if I didn't procrastinate. Even if I am very tired and its after midnight, I will still do a few hours work. There is a really good feeling when I get things done
It has become much easier for me to start a task. There is much less negativity attached to starting to do work for me. The hours I spend on work have increased by a couple hours at least...
-Travis said this
Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g.
Quote:I'm probably only going to do a monthly entry on to this, just until the next DMSI launches because I know that I'm a good test subject for that.
Over the last month, my productivity has massively increased. I started MLS because I am launching an online nutrition business and needed not only to start my Precision Nutrition course, but also to launch a website, create lead pages, a Mailchimp list etc. All on top of my 55 hours per week real job, having a gf and having a life.
To my amazement I have been truly motivated to get the website done. This has been hanging over me for a very long time. Now, whenever I get a few spare minutes I'm working on it, writing emails, articles etc. Awesome result for a near terminal procrastinator. It's pretty much finished and ready to go...
-Swisston said this