Short update:
Going through lotsa things now, the bare bones so to say, the nitty gritty. Hang ups, atleast they are clear. Multiple times I've been at the place of "this might be the last thing thats standing in the way" hesitation, inequatity, the whole not enough, fears that stiffle me up and make me turn away.
Point is, I dont want to overload my mind with loops. There is a saturationpoint. So, now that my subconscious was begging for another 4 loops after I had finished my 8 day cycle, I proceeded.
Im also considering purchasing OF and E4. Im running OF 4G in the meantime to keep my mind away from overload, yet to handle and deal with these fears ( its the first day, and I already feel levels of freedom and see the ridiculousness of fear and how its like a swamp to me )
Anyways, im sick and tired of this crap. On a positive note, I feel myself pushing towards execution. Im approaching, interacting, being flirty, having big goals that come with it. Direct game of a "take it or leave it" im having fun with it, aswell as am really ballsy. Its just what it is. No downside, she misses out, not me.
If I go to the sneakerstore, and they dont have tgese sneakers, I aint gonna be in ky feelings, being mad. Im going to tge next sneakerstore where they got what I want.
Goal: 30 nr's a week. Its not even a goal as numbers aint the goal. Numbers mean shit. There, I said it. Rotation. Numbers graveyard by having bitches being charged to the game and having new ones in. Im still not fully on this shit 100%, like today, feeling pretty beta regarding J ( note to self, dont run away, fully acknowledge it and feel it, letting shit come up), but thats on me. My fears, my ways, my hangups, issues, feeling uncomfortable to whatever is worked through with. Im the mental point or origin. ME. I. ME. MYSELF. This random girl exposed something within ME. Therefore the bitch was serving ME. In a sense women are teaching me. Therefore direct approach and going out and being social is KEY.
Now, as far as I understand DMSI, the user shouldnt have to do anything, and women initiate, yet, by being active in my social game, it leaks over into other areas of my life, making it my oyster basically and hitting those attraction switches and traits of dominance. Approaching makes me happy. There is also no downside to it. Filter and screen 101.
Its hard to stay positive when a war is going on inside, to keep going through this storm. Anyway, I keep going. Nothing to lose.
Also, to be testimonial, that Im updating now seems to be due to OF. I simply do not give a fuck
fears are being plucked 1 by 1.
Fuck waiting for the female. Fuck choosing signals. Go in anyways. If she happens to be snipered, cool. If not, cool. Im selfsufficient and selfulfilled. She is welcome to come along for the ride, but hell naw she aint the centre of my life, that'll be me. So, its a win anyways to go out anyways, get what I want + having DMSI as an added bonus. Im sick and tired waiting for some "magical moment" or anything.
Now that OF 4G is running I also get why Im not running OF 5.75G. Fear. I ran OF 4g before like im now for the time being ( and I know Shannon aint recommending it, but hey, im experimental oriented, unapologetically so, no disrespect to you Shannon ) and its kinda nice. Ofcourse its old tech, but for me, personally, I somewhat need to conscious aware of a sub doing something, otherwise I start to get doubty and discouraged.
So now the shackles feel they are dropping and things progress on smoothly.
Makes me wonder how OF 5.75 would be like. Really dig some journals on here.