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I was at the shops earlier no looks from women, but i am walking more confidently standing taller shoulders back not looking at the ground like i used to, ive been working on doing that more and sometimes i can and sometimes still look at the ground today at the shops unless i needed to watch where i was putting my feet on the steps i kept looking straight ahead most of the time small sway with shoulders was relaxed and calm and felt confident.

I didnt need to talk to anyone just one or 2 staff in shops but overall i felt more confident in my walk.
Small update from the gym, this may seem small but is possibly big for me.

I said hi to a trainer at the drink fountain as i walked in she said hi back then we managed to talk for 3-4 minutes about the weekend mentioned about the cruise rain and storm coming just a few basic things, but the main point is normally in the past when have said hi i normally get a hi back this is first time to have a proper conversation even if it was short its more than i have had before with this person and i was relaxed with the conversation too.

Not saying i couldnt of had a conversation with her previously but this is first time i have done that and got a couple minutes conversation back, so small update from today.
Went to the pub had lunch saw bikini girl for a while stood next to her she didnt say hi or anything but was very social with everyone else so no external effects there yet and did give her an hour of being within 50m of her so plenty of time for the sniper to work.

See how things go over the weekend with this cruise, no dreams to report of that i can remember.
I just got back from my 3 night cruise and it was fun, i had done one cycle at this time and 2 days in so far of 2nd cycle i did need to use ultrasonic on my phone for the 2 days of loops which i did so not as strong.

Unfortunately a ship full of women and no looks no attention and certainly no women approaching me and saying hi.

I did want to approach a few ladies but my head prevented me from going up to them and eventually one lady actually went over and spoke to a small group of guys when she was 10 feet from me for over 30 minutes last night, so if dmsi was to get them to look at me and approach me so we dont have to do the work its not there yet for me and yes only 2nd cycle so not enough time to work but just stating as shannon has mentioned the aim is them come to us not us chase them.

I would of liked some looks my way by them but didnt happen, i did have 2 ladies one older and one married say im a very good looking guy and why am i single so i will take those compliments but single women still see me as invisible.

I was hoping the self esteem and self confidence would of kicked in because i wanted to go up and speak to these ladies but then i thought should i shouldnt i and in the end didnt go up to them.

Lets hope a couple more cycles things will change soon.

No dreams or any changes that i noticed so far.
Just saw on my phone a new product by sennheiser wireless earbuds with upto 21khz frequency connected by phone and since its just 2 small pieces going in our ears linked to the phone it would make everything a lot more easier for many, i normally listen through computer speakers and headphones connected by cord so no bluetooth or wireless could ruin the subliminal and no other audio playing but this could make things easier on the 5.50 hours especially if got to move around a little.

Its called momentum true wireless could be worth trying if shannon checks it out and has an opinion on if it will be good for his products would be good to hear.

Frequency range 5 Hz to 21 kHz (earbuds)
100 Hz to 10 kHz (microphone
21 MHz? Holy crap, who can hear into the megahertz range? lol

Me checking it out won't tell us if the implementation of bluetooth allows for high frequency without degradation due to the codec choice. Did they make it capable of producing extremely high frequencies only to use extra encoding to achieve the necessary bandwidth via bluetooth, or do they actually have decent audio codecs in use? I can't know that.
I have completed day 1 of cycle 3 of 3.3 this time ocean surf hybrid at 42% vlc volume with speakers at full which by the frequensee app says its around 40db, so we will see if having it at the correct volume and db reading will make a bigger difference and start working as previously i was using headphones with volume at 100% which clearly had db readings a lot higher than -40db.

Will see how im feeling after a sleep i did feel sleepy while listening to it at times.
I have been on 3.3 for 3 cycles tonight will be my last night of cycle 3, this time i have dropped vlc volume to 42% with speakers at full going through headphones without noise cancelling and can handle 20 000 khz to have it at around the -41db as shannon mentioned is best. Im using hybrid ocean surf.

Today was first day out around people and women by going to a very busy shopping centre, no looks from any women at all, i then went into a shop and bought something and saw a woman i saw at a bar on saturday night got nothing from her but quickly serving me at the checkout counter.

Going to poker tonight see if any of the ladies there show any change.

I realise you could say its only been 4 days and not 14 of dmsi as the volume was up higher which may of made the effectiveness almost non existant but hopefully not much longer before notice external results like many others.

Im not having dreams no ups and downs and i realise frm is meant to be smoother but hard to know if any changes are happening so far. I did wake up this morning after about 4 hours sleep went back to sleep a bit longer for a couple more hours. Seems to be whats happening a bit, have caught a cold recently which is a bit annoying.
Today im on my day of break after cycle 3 of dmsi hybrid.

I went to the bar where a bar girl is that i sometimes talk to, but recently she just quickly serves me and doesnt really want to talk now where she used to say a little bit in conversation, also bikini girl can be right next to her and wont say anything or interact but others she will, it cant be nervousness or anything like that just they dont want to talk but will gladly talk to others so not sure whats happening there.

Shops no looks and same at gym not after them to chase me or anything after 3 cycles but a look here and there would be good but im getting the feeling im just invisible to all women everywhere i go so far.

No internal changes that i can work out so far, no real change one way or another so far.
Are there other bars or nightclubs you can go to? What about a nearby town or city?
When you walk around, do you make eye contact? Do you smile when you make eye contact?

I did DMSI 3.3 for 1 week and went back to USLM3 until my goals are met with USLM3.
Women are saying hi to me, women & men are holding doors open for me. I noticed that on DMSI 3.3 and it is still happening!!

Just yesterday, a woman standing in front of me wanted chocolate milk. She only had enough money for coffee. I bought her chocolate milk, gave it to her. She was grateful that a stranger did something nice for her and told me she had been up all night by her Dad's bedside in the hospital. Then I said, "When you have more time, we should go out." and exchanged phone numbers.
Hi, i did go to a bar last saturday that was before dropping down to 42% on hybrid ocean surf to get to -41db as it had been a lot higher so shannon suggested may not of been effective at those higher volumes so i havent been back to a bar since i completed this cycle.

Cant really talk in the bars but the women dont actually look at you either on the dance floor something i need to work out they send signals without ever looking at you and for a guy that lacks confidence with women especially in those situations its hard to make the most of it so far.

Today and yesterday at shops was more to see if any looks any interest would happen not chase me and give a number but just look my way, yesterday was served in a store by one i saw at the bar last weekend but was quick purchase no chatting really from her, and thats what im noticing at my bar over the road the bartender and bikini girl are more social and talkative with everyone else but i do look give eye contact smile etc.

I guess will just take a lot longer for me as i guess im a strong resistor but since dont feel anything working its hard to know whats happening which is a good thing in a way as its a lot smoother whatever is being worked on.

I did read posts where shannon mentioned i think just looking at pictures of women interested in can still work well such as tinder, it seems a lot from the bar i recognised that go to my gym are also on tinder and many around my age yet dont get any likes back from any of them, but in saying that my pics probably aernt that good so that would be the big problem using that app.

Im guessing it will just take longer for dmsi to start working for me but hopefully not much longer to see some positive changes, i was hopeful on 3.2 but ended up getting nothing so hopefully the frm will do enough to show results i just have to be patient and give it time.

In the mean time will keep posting any changes if any happens here because if changes are happening so smoothly good to have a journal to see that, since like weight training we are normally the last to notice changes that others have been seeing weeks earlier.
Please describe your experiences of how you resisted 3.2 vs your experience of 3.3. Was your response to 3.2 "nothing/stonewall" or was there a more obvious resistance?
Hi Shannon, with 3.2 i just never felt anything like a lot reported how they had ups and downs i never experienced any of that, thats where i was having trouble working out what i was doing wrong since i didnt feel any different from before listening to the many months of being on it until you mentioned to stop in august and see if any bloom would happen.

I dont have any dreams i can remember like many others so it was hard to know if anything was happening, 3.3 i dont have dreams but you also mentioned not everyone has dreams and i guess im probably one of them not meaning we dont have dreams but ones we remember.

3.3 is the same thing so far but as you mentioned frm is meant to make things very smooth so not noticeable.

I am following what you suggested ocean surf hybrid at -41db and using headphones while awake each night of the 5 nights. Just have to wait and see for now.

If i can offer any other infomation i will try to provide it but so far its hard to notice changes yet not saying they aernt happening im sure they are just hard to see it yet.
If you just flat stonewalled 3.2, we have no way of knowing what is happening on 3.3, if anything.
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