And even if it's not yet sure if it has the same effect, I think it will still be worth the trouble to release a buzzing bee track sample (e.g. of ASC 5G) for your customers to test it. Especially since the trouble only means releasing the masked track without the masking, or the ultrasonic without the "ultra" (lower frequency)
Testing it meaning testing the effectiveness and testing how your customers like the buzzing bee track. I for sure would love to have to listen only to the script without having unnecessary noises at the background. (that's what I like about to ultrasonic it's script only)
And the buzzing bee track would have the advantages of the ultrasonic and masked track without their disadvantages.
Testing it meaning testing the effectiveness and testing how your customers like the buzzing bee track. I for sure would love to have to listen only to the script without having unnecessary noises at the background. (that's what I like about to ultrasonic it's script only)
And the buzzing bee track would have the advantages of the ultrasonic and masked track without their disadvantages.