02-20-2011, 08:52 AM
Mat, I am so impressed with your post. I read many of the guys posts to educate myself with the Alpha sub. I have two son's, one of whom is 19 and basically was born into this world one big ball of anxiety. It's very hard as a parent to watch your kids struggle with this because it really does effect many aspects of his life. I've run through the gamut of things to help him over the years, with some things helping some but not very much and not long lasting. I would really like to find something that would bring him peace and calmness as he's on the defensive most of his life. He doesn't have all the issue's that some of the guys on here have. He has a girlfriend and has never really had and issue with girls and in fact I really love her because she handles him and keeps him calm. I wouldn't want the sub to make him feel any indifference towards her. I have mentioned this sub to him and he said he might check it out but I just don't know if he'd truly do the emotional work that he would need to do it. Plus, I'd feel slightly bad about putting him in harms way because it seems to bring out so much negativity to get to the positive feelings.
I look forward to hearing more about your positive effects and feelings!
I look forward to hearing more about your positive effects and feelings!
If you're searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror!