Hi, I'm Chrissy.
So, I use to be in the PI forum and somebody mentioned AOS. First I was like is this for real? But I dismissed it. Went up to go get myself a cup of cranberry juice. I went back to the thread I dismissed , I read it again & asked myself again, "Is this forreal forreal?" I clicked on the link and explored, read, tripped on the way, broke a bone, and maybe even choked a little on my cranberry juice. And I thought to myself, "This is forreal forreal forreal."
Moral of the story kids, make sure to check the expiration date on that cranberry juice.
Anyways, I read Ryan's post and brought it. *shrug* For the results he was getting, 22 or 23 dollars is nothing. Brought shoes more expensive than that. Oop.
Tried it for a week, got results. 2 major results I got :
I was walking down the sidewalk and this car just stopped and there were like 4 guys in there. One of them offered to give me a ride. At first I was like "OMG. Aos doing it's thing." Then I was like, "OMG. What if they kidnap me, and then I become a missing person, then the case becomes unsolved because they can't find me. THEN a young, fresh up & coming white detective, who has always been told that he will never be anything in life, finds me, solves the case, gets titled Sherlock of the universe, marries me and we have beautiful mixed babies. *Sigh*
Result 2- So once again I was walking. What? I like to walk, I got legs don't I? Geez. So I was walking and this mailman that was in his mail vehicle (dafawk?) was just staring at me. I ignored it at first because I thought he was probably staring at the tree behind me. But then two things made me realize he was staring at me. One, another guys came over in his little golf cart and said "Hey, stop staring at her like that." Two, there was no tree.
Point is, this program attracted me guys that were seating inside a vehicle.
Jokes aside though, these results were real and happened in a week.
But, due to inconsistent listening time, I put AOS on hold. I then got ASC 5G, and brought BIATHM 8.1.
So listening to all three should take me 10 months. I'm starting out with ASC for 90 days, I already started. I'm one week in. Got results. But I do have a personal journal which I will be posting in 3 months.
Hopefully by the end of 10 months, I'll have so many schlongs gravitating to me, that each time I turn my head I'm getting slapped by one on the cheek. My face cheeks. The outside. *Cough*
*Turns left* SLAP!
*Turns right* SLAP!
Also, don't be scared to say Hi! I don't bite. I mean, unless that's something you like, we can make some sort of arrengement...
P.S- Shannon's avatar pic gives me butterflies. Oop

P.s.s- Hope I made somebody smile.
So, I use to be in the PI forum and somebody mentioned AOS. First I was like is this for real? But I dismissed it. Went up to go get myself a cup of cranberry juice. I went back to the thread I dismissed , I read it again & asked myself again, "Is this forreal forreal?" I clicked on the link and explored, read, tripped on the way, broke a bone, and maybe even choked a little on my cranberry juice. And I thought to myself, "This is forreal forreal forreal."
Moral of the story kids, make sure to check the expiration date on that cranberry juice.
Anyways, I read Ryan's post and brought it. *shrug* For the results he was getting, 22 or 23 dollars is nothing. Brought shoes more expensive than that. Oop.
Tried it for a week, got results. 2 major results I got :
I was walking down the sidewalk and this car just stopped and there were like 4 guys in there. One of them offered to give me a ride. At first I was like "OMG. Aos doing it's thing." Then I was like, "OMG. What if they kidnap me, and then I become a missing person, then the case becomes unsolved because they can't find me. THEN a young, fresh up & coming white detective, who has always been told that he will never be anything in life, finds me, solves the case, gets titled Sherlock of the universe, marries me and we have beautiful mixed babies. *Sigh*
Result 2- So once again I was walking. What? I like to walk, I got legs don't I? Geez. So I was walking and this mailman that was in his mail vehicle (dafawk?) was just staring at me. I ignored it at first because I thought he was probably staring at the tree behind me. But then two things made me realize he was staring at me. One, another guys came over in his little golf cart and said "Hey, stop staring at her like that." Two, there was no tree.
Point is, this program attracted me guys that were seating inside a vehicle.
Jokes aside though, these results were real and happened in a week.
But, due to inconsistent listening time, I put AOS on hold. I then got ASC 5G, and brought BIATHM 8.1.
So listening to all three should take me 10 months. I'm starting out with ASC for 90 days, I already started. I'm one week in. Got results. But I do have a personal journal which I will be posting in 3 months.
Hopefully by the end of 10 months, I'll have so many schlongs gravitating to me, that each time I turn my head I'm getting slapped by one on the cheek. My face cheeks. The outside. *Cough*
*Turns left* SLAP!
*Turns right* SLAP!
Also, don't be scared to say Hi! I don't bite. I mean, unless that's something you like, we can make some sort of arrengement...
P.S- Shannon's avatar pic gives me butterflies. Oop

P.s.s- Hope I made somebody smile.