12-09-2017, 04:07 PM
(12-09-2017, 03:30 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Yep the anger was there for me too. From what I remember it was kind of similar to AM in that it was anger towards society, feminism and stuff that is attacking men.
Yeah, I've had a shitload of that--a lot of anger and resentments towards the women in my life, namely my mother, my sister, my aunts, and this girl that I'm currently trying to get to commit to a relationship with me

Also a fair amount of fear/insecurity around cute girls and regarding my sexual prowess/ability--like I'm afraid again of moving in for the kiss or initiating physical contact with women beyond just ordinary hugs/shaking hands. Strong fears and insecurities of coming across as creepy or inappropriate, or being unable to be "smooth" or sexual in a masculine, strong, non-needy fashion.
My text flirting game is getting way, way better, and I'm feeling overall far less needy with women overall. Just focused on relaxing and having a good casual non-sexual non-romantic time socializing and joking around with them. No idea how I'm gonna transition this jokey-playful-fun social thing I've got going on with this girl into anything physical/intimate/romantic/sexual, but I'm hopeful that the moment will present itself organically, and I won't be held back by my fears and insecurities in that moment to strike out and do what needs to be done to make things escalate

Like snowfall, you cry a silent storm
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . .
-- Agalloch, The Mantle
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . .
-- Agalloch, The Mantle