09-16-2010, 01:01 PM
Women Magnet is giving me funny bones I'm sure of it. I'm just walking round half giggling to myself all the time. I - eventually - noticed that during the Alpha set I was walking around with a rye smile on my face; I say eventually because it took me months to even realise I was doing it, it was only from peoples comments and photos of me I noticed what I was doing. The same is true of Women Magnet, except now I'm always on the verge of giggling. Everything is funny. I was making a cup of tea for myself and everyone in the office today and one of the girls walks past and starts giggling. She then makes a comment about how I made her giggle with what I was going and it wasn't giggle material at all. It keeps happening; I'm making myself and others really upbeat and happy. My presence is ticklish it seems. It's very care free and fun. Mellow Yellow.
“To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful.” - Carl Jung