Well there's several i'd vote for but doesn't necessarily mean i'd buy each, I guess in order of priority.
1) Primal Masculinity 6g. Over anything else i'd buy this and continue my run with the 6g version.
2) UMS v3. Since I need to deal with money stuff fairly soon, Money magnet is a 'maybe' but I think at the same level of technology UMS v3 interests me more as it's more comprehensive. Maybe i'm still not totally clear why i'd use Money Magnet over UMS v3, but that would still be a possibility if UMS v3 then isn't out for quite a while.
3) This is a maybe. Optimal Physical Healing. Since there's something I kind of need to deal with that would be helped by a greater technology level. But this isn't as much as a certainty.
So PM 6g a definite buy, UMS v3 very likely. OPH not as likely but still of interest to me.
1) Primal Masculinity 6g. Over anything else i'd buy this and continue my run with the 6g version.
2) UMS v3. Since I need to deal with money stuff fairly soon, Money magnet is a 'maybe' but I think at the same level of technology UMS v3 interests me more as it's more comprehensive. Maybe i'm still not totally clear why i'd use Money Magnet over UMS v3, but that would still be a possibility if UMS v3 then isn't out for quite a while.
3) This is a maybe. Optimal Physical Healing. Since there's something I kind of need to deal with that would be helped by a greater technology level. But this isn't as much as a certainty.
So PM 6g a definite buy, UMS v3 very likely. OPH not as likely but still of interest to me.