(12-28-2018, 09:16 AM)KingDavid93 Wrote: Shannon,
I’ve noticed a significant decrease in my desire for porn and masturbation as well as desire to bite or chew on my nails over the past several weeks I’ve also noticed a decreased desire and craving of sugar, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine - I have been on USLM3 since it’s release so almost 2 months now.
Could it be that these cravings/desires are rooted in fear and therefore by getting rid of the fear I am also getting rid of these bad habits/cravings/desires- or is just that the program believes these things to be in the way given the goals of the program and my conscious goals
I have also seen a really major decrease in my fapping habits. I mean really really major. I have been trying to quit this addiction for like more than a decade and this is first time in my life I am making/seeing progress.
My progress on Nofap(which is one of my conscious goals) is something like this:
3 days--->4 days--->4 days---->5 days---->5 days and 22 hours>
Never in my life have I seen a pattern and progress like this. I mean never!! ever!!
Normally everytime I relapsed I would binge 5 times on same day. Even if I were to restrain myself from binging it was useless 4-5 times binge was expected if I went longer than 2 days and also my mind would be like "Oh you went 4 days so fap 4 times ". The urges and thoughts wont leave me.
But recently 2 days ago. I relapsed and this time I binged only 3 times and after that there was no desire I mean I was able to stop myself easily. I actually didnt self-sabotage myself.. This is amazing!!!
This is the first time I am seeing my subconscious working along with me and my progress on Nofap is the proof.
USLM is making me successful in reaching Nofap goal. If only this sub was available a decade ago then I would have realised my goals long ago and would have moved on to other ones. But I think with USLM by my side I will be able to achieve my goals in my 2-3 years most..Sometimes I feel as if I am already there..Kinda weird