06-05-2016, 06:41 AM
Ahh man, Shannon, that son of a gun. He did it again. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Man, I'm feeling kinda like Krillin watching all you guys power up and become Super Saiyans.
I've actually experienced a similar effect with ASC, AOS, and NSFM. It's a great feeling when you can't f*ck yourself up even if you want to. And when its like that, it's hard for anyone else to kill your vibe.
Also, quick question for you. You mentioned it a bit but when the hating ass orbiter was throwing you shade and that situation went down was your Super Saiyan high still kicking?

Also, quick question for you. You mentioned it a bit but when the hating ass orbiter was throwing you shade and that situation went down was your Super Saiyan high still kicking?