Before starting alpha I had a couple of problems with my self image and those have been cleared up because I’ve finally accepted who I am and I’m incredibly unique. That’s why I think some people look up to me and enjoy being around me.
Now adays I enjoy spending some quality alone time with myself and thoughts.. most thoughts anyways. Before If I was alone and just surfing the internet with nothing to do.. no homework or anything.. I would just try to be with people but for the wrong reasons. Sometimes I wouldn’t consider other people’s time and what they did with it. I was a distraction for my friends but they were also a distraction to me when I needed time alone. It was a cycle between us but now I can be comfortable doing the things I need to do alone and not be concerned about missing out on anything. What was I missing out on before anyways? Absolutely nothing. It’s hard to believe it took me so long to realize this.
I also had a lot of trouble letting things go in the past. Negative people seemed to be a huge part of my life but I had a decent balance of positive people as well. However it was harder to stick around with them because I used to bring people down. These days I’m more optimistic.. and sometimes negative but usually catch myself and just say whatever and let it go. I like to linger in the positive and really experience it whatever it may be whether it’s a conversation, a joke, or shared smile between one person and another.
I used to be the one seeking approval but now everyone seeks my approval and I usually give it to them… if they truly deserve it. I’m just a nice compassionate guy like that. I want to make people feel good about themselves and help out when I can.. if they deserve it. One thing I don’t like now is when I speak up if someone isn’t listening to me or they speak over me.. I will call them out on it or I will immediately stop talking and look away and close off from a group (if more than one person has ignored me) This has been getting me more respect as well as apologies. If it’s an important topic I’d like to discuss and I’m not acknowledged I leave the group physically and mentally. So there is a good balance here thanks to alpha.
I won’t lie though… back in the day I’ve been called an ass hole and a prick seriously and not as a joke. Nowadays… I’m still an ass hole and a prick but it’s actually balanced out with realness. I can recognize people’s emotions quicker and connect with them faster so I can calibrate the situation and how I can contribute to the interaction and or help that person and not bring them down.
I used to laugh at my own jokes in order to get others to laugh… I don’t not so much anymore. I try to a little so I don’t sound completely full of it.. but sometimes I just let things go as soon as I say them and that’s why I don’t laugh and others usually laugh. This is very real in fact because I’m not one to make jokes. If someone laughs at something I said which happens a few times a day it’s just because they found truly funny. With that said I only laugh at things I actually find funny and If I believe a joke is funny that I’ve planned in that moment for that situation then I will chuckle abit. But at least I’m not tricking myself anymore.
Self control of emotions and movements has improved significantly. My choice of words and my sentence structure has improved quite nicely. I speak louder and slower… sometimes I might not make sense because sometimes I speak like Yoda. Which I think is badass and different.
But most importantly I don’t really feel like I bottle up my emotions anymore because I have the ability to let things go. I may let something affect me for a few seconds but afterwards BAM it’s gone. When I was going through stages 3 and 4 I had lots of resistance and things like somethings would bother me a good bit but I was able to let go of them within a few minutes. That in itself was a vast improvement from a year ago when I’d let things get to me for a day or two after the happening. Now it’s just like.. yea that’s what it is. I accept everything for what it is now and my indifference did something towards the end. Before I cared to much… going through the program I had some expectations and analyzed a lot of things. Now I just see things for what they are and they don’t effect me anymore so maybe that’s where the indifference comes from. I realize now finally that it’s true for me and I don’t have to pretend to not care or care anymore.
I’m much more comfortable around women. Stage 6 just completely transformed me in that department because it just annihilated my anxiety. Earlier on I would bottle it up and not feel it out but as I got through stages 5 and 6 the anxiety was so little there wasn’t much to feel out anymore but I began to finally accept that it was there and just could finally relax on it. After I did that everything was ok.
My confidence is up. I’m happy about that. People tease me a lot these days.. just as much as in the past but now it’s for different reasons. I think anyways. People are either envious of me or they are trying make themselves feel better about themselves. Back in the day it was probably just to get on my nerves and also make themselves feel good but nowadays it’s either out of envy or them trying to make themselves feel better. I am not affected by anyone’s lame ass remarks anymore. For this reason I don’t try to tease people anymore. I know girls LOVE it if it’s done the right way… but I’ve always had diffuclty in this department verbally. I sure as hell can tease them with my body language and facial expressions though.
Speaking of body language, it has improved tremendously. I have great posture. Not all the time.. such as sitting down but I’m consistently staying conscious of it. When I stand up and walk around it looks like I own the joint. I of course never think that way because that’s just very egotistical.. my swag is legit and a true part of me now.
Last but not least.. I accept everyone for who they are, their views, opinions, and morals. Sure sometimes I will get pissed off but there’s nothing I can do about it and I don’t need to let that show to others. More importantly, I accept and love myself. I mentioned that already didn’t I?
NOW, I will say a little about what I think needs to be improved. I believe leadership, decisiveness and assertiveness should be addressed directly and aggressively. I have already talked to Shannon about this. Also that thing about approaching women I find attractive and actually wanting and enjoy doing it did not happen to me. But since that was addressed I’m sure that is the main reason why I’m much more comfortable around beautiful women and my indifference skyrocketed. I don’t expect you, Shannon, to improve on this much more because this program should be more focused on making a man have a healthy view of himself, his potential, and over-all being happy. It shouldn’t focus on women at all. Maybe all that needs to be addressed is that things will happen naturally and an alpha male realizes this and is open to new relationships with all sorts of different people. What happens happens.. and he has fun doing it whatever he’s doing.
Shannon, if you have any questions about this testimonial or anything I haven’t mention I’d love to answer them.
Thanks so much, Shannon! You are truly a god among men.
EDIT: I will add my procrastination has become less of a problem for me. I am more driven to get things done and on time with efficiency and quality whether it be at work or anything I do during the day. Everything I do, look at, or touch I do with passion in my eyes and full presence. That's where the drive comes from.
Now adays I enjoy spending some quality alone time with myself and thoughts.. most thoughts anyways. Before If I was alone and just surfing the internet with nothing to do.. no homework or anything.. I would just try to be with people but for the wrong reasons. Sometimes I wouldn’t consider other people’s time and what they did with it. I was a distraction for my friends but they were also a distraction to me when I needed time alone. It was a cycle between us but now I can be comfortable doing the things I need to do alone and not be concerned about missing out on anything. What was I missing out on before anyways? Absolutely nothing. It’s hard to believe it took me so long to realize this.
I also had a lot of trouble letting things go in the past. Negative people seemed to be a huge part of my life but I had a decent balance of positive people as well. However it was harder to stick around with them because I used to bring people down. These days I’m more optimistic.. and sometimes negative but usually catch myself and just say whatever and let it go. I like to linger in the positive and really experience it whatever it may be whether it’s a conversation, a joke, or shared smile between one person and another.
I used to be the one seeking approval but now everyone seeks my approval and I usually give it to them… if they truly deserve it. I’m just a nice compassionate guy like that. I want to make people feel good about themselves and help out when I can.. if they deserve it. One thing I don’t like now is when I speak up if someone isn’t listening to me or they speak over me.. I will call them out on it or I will immediately stop talking and look away and close off from a group (if more than one person has ignored me) This has been getting me more respect as well as apologies. If it’s an important topic I’d like to discuss and I’m not acknowledged I leave the group physically and mentally. So there is a good balance here thanks to alpha.
I won’t lie though… back in the day I’ve been called an ass hole and a prick seriously and not as a joke. Nowadays… I’m still an ass hole and a prick but it’s actually balanced out with realness. I can recognize people’s emotions quicker and connect with them faster so I can calibrate the situation and how I can contribute to the interaction and or help that person and not bring them down.
I used to laugh at my own jokes in order to get others to laugh… I don’t not so much anymore. I try to a little so I don’t sound completely full of it.. but sometimes I just let things go as soon as I say them and that’s why I don’t laugh and others usually laugh. This is very real in fact because I’m not one to make jokes. If someone laughs at something I said which happens a few times a day it’s just because they found truly funny. With that said I only laugh at things I actually find funny and If I believe a joke is funny that I’ve planned in that moment for that situation then I will chuckle abit. But at least I’m not tricking myself anymore.
Self control of emotions and movements has improved significantly. My choice of words and my sentence structure has improved quite nicely. I speak louder and slower… sometimes I might not make sense because sometimes I speak like Yoda. Which I think is badass and different.

I’m much more comfortable around women. Stage 6 just completely transformed me in that department because it just annihilated my anxiety. Earlier on I would bottle it up and not feel it out but as I got through stages 5 and 6 the anxiety was so little there wasn’t much to feel out anymore but I began to finally accept that it was there and just could finally relax on it. After I did that everything was ok.
My confidence is up. I’m happy about that. People tease me a lot these days.. just as much as in the past but now it’s for different reasons. I think anyways. People are either envious of me or they are trying make themselves feel better about themselves. Back in the day it was probably just to get on my nerves and also make themselves feel good but nowadays it’s either out of envy or them trying to make themselves feel better. I am not affected by anyone’s lame ass remarks anymore. For this reason I don’t try to tease people anymore. I know girls LOVE it if it’s done the right way… but I’ve always had diffuclty in this department verbally. I sure as hell can tease them with my body language and facial expressions though.
Speaking of body language, it has improved tremendously. I have great posture. Not all the time.. such as sitting down but I’m consistently staying conscious of it. When I stand up and walk around it looks like I own the joint. I of course never think that way because that’s just very egotistical.. my swag is legit and a true part of me now.
Last but not least.. I accept everyone for who they are, their views, opinions, and morals. Sure sometimes I will get pissed off but there’s nothing I can do about it and I don’t need to let that show to others. More importantly, I accept and love myself. I mentioned that already didn’t I?
NOW, I will say a little about what I think needs to be improved. I believe leadership, decisiveness and assertiveness should be addressed directly and aggressively. I have already talked to Shannon about this. Also that thing about approaching women I find attractive and actually wanting and enjoy doing it did not happen to me. But since that was addressed I’m sure that is the main reason why I’m much more comfortable around beautiful women and my indifference skyrocketed. I don’t expect you, Shannon, to improve on this much more because this program should be more focused on making a man have a healthy view of himself, his potential, and over-all being happy. It shouldn’t focus on women at all. Maybe all that needs to be addressed is that things will happen naturally and an alpha male realizes this and is open to new relationships with all sorts of different people. What happens happens.. and he has fun doing it whatever he’s doing.
Shannon, if you have any questions about this testimonial or anything I haven’t mention I’d love to answer them.
Thanks so much, Shannon! You are truly a god among men.
EDIT: I will add my procrastination has become less of a problem for me. I am more driven to get things done and on time with efficiency and quality whether it be at work or anything I do during the day. Everything I do, look at, or touch I do with passion in my eyes and full presence. That's where the drive comes from.
"To love completely and hold onto nothing-that is the only freedom." -David Deida
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.